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Everything posted by amitamberker

  1. Hello Everyone,I got some additional inputs from external resources. Here I go:<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.DomainName.com/Name-of-the-Page.html" /><meta property="og:title" content="..." /><meta property="og:description" content="..." /><meta property="og:type" content="video" /><meta property="og:image" content="..." /><meta property="og:video" content="http://www.DomainName.com/Name-of-the-Page.html?version=3&autohide=1" /><meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-flash" /><meta property="og:video:width" content="398" /><meta property="og:video:height" content="224" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="Company" />FYI - meta tags should always be placed in between:<head>(here)<title>...</title>Thank you.
  2. Hello Everyone,Myself and other members would be happy if you could share additional Tips and Essentials.
  3. Hello Everyone,So, anymore suggestions? Feedback? Comments? Tips?
  4. Hi dsonesuk,I hope you are doing well. I was not moaning. I was just concerned and worried. I hope you understand. By the way I would like to Thank You for all your help and support. You have been a wonderful mate to me. I have no idea why you have blocked but I respect your decision. Take care.
  5. Hi justsomeguy and Fellow Mates,During mid of last month, I said: So, finally I got that Software and I have installed it. It works just GREAT and AWESOME! I would be very glad to demonstrate it if you are willing to catch-hold of me in a Live Mode. Perhaps either by Chat OR via Remote Access on screen sharing.Thank you.
  6. Hi jwmann2,Thanks for the info.
  7. Hi TheGallery,It's not a Off-topic. I have lost one of my good mate. I wanted to inform JustSomeGuy.
  8. Hi justsomeguy,Thanks for the info. By the way just now I tried sending you a Private Message but could send it to you. I got an Alert Message as "justsomeguy cannot accept new messages" and hence I sent the same Private Message to Ingolme.dsonesuk has blocked me from sending him Private Message. I have no idea why he has blocked me.
  9. Hi dsonesuk, How are you doing mate? Seeing you after a long time. Just now got register and installed Rank Checker plug-in in MFF Browser. But you know what dsonesuk? In the "Domain:" area, it does not allow to paste the exact url. I mean, the Rank Checker does not allow to paste http://www.DomainName.com/dsonesuk.html It just allows - DomainName.com wheww... phewww.... I thought it should allow us to put / type / paste the exact URL in that "Domain:" area. SIGH.
  10. Hi justsomeguy,Okie. Gotch you. Thanks for the info. Let's consider that the following link:http://www.DomainName.com/justsomeguy.htmlis hidden somewhere from Page 1 to Page 10 in Google. Let's consider that your preferred keyword is "justsomeguy" and have done all the required SEO part. Now once again, let's consider that you would like to know the status of your Page Ranking from 1st Page to 10th Page in Google for "justsomeguy" keyword. Now there are 2 options. Option number one. You can visit all the 10 pages to see where exactly is it hidden. Option number two. You would use some kind of Software and put your Keyword (justsomeguy) and your URL (http://www.DomainName.com/justsomeguy.html).So, is there any kind of Software to check the status of http://www.DomainName.com/justsomeguy.html page ranking for "justsomeguy" keyword? Few years ago I had a Software. I am trying to remember the Name of that Software from past couple of weeks but somehow I am unable to remember it.
  11. Hi justsomeguy,Thanks for the information. Please visit this link - http://www.googlerankings.com/ ... I cannot use it because, I cannot obtain "Your Google™ SOAP API Key*:" to use http://www.googlerankings.com/ .In their "contactus.php" page, it says: Is there any similar kind of Link or perhaps .exe installation file?
  12. Hi justsomeguy, LOL... I never asked how does a PageRank works though it's a good idea to know about how does it works. I would like to know the remaining options to put the required things into the HTML code. For example: dsonesuk said:page names should use hyphens /news-of-keyword.html AND NOT underscore news_of_keyword.html, google is able to separate hyphenated words so it will search by 'news', 'of', 'keyword' compared with search just 'news_of_keyword' which will return near zero results. The same also goes for image filenames my-keyword-01.jpg and my-keyword-02.jpg, you can also use the keyword in <h2> and <h3> as well but don't over do it. thescientist said:valid markup that is clean, semantic, and well organized are three easy and effective techniques you can employ right off the bat. If you aren't sure what constitutes that, conisider posting your code for a code review and we can offer advice. The validator you should be able to do on your own though. Similarly, I am looking forward to know more details. By the way, did you see WHERE ALL and HOW I have placed the “SEO Learning” keyword in my HTML Code?
  13. Hi thescientist and Everyone, Thanks for your response. Alrighty, here we go............... (Please focus on "SEO Learning" keyword). Like I have been saying, the goal is to get the "seo-learning.html" page on the 1st page on Google Search when some one search as "SEO Learning / seo learning" in Google. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( seo-learning.html ) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" /><meta name="revisit-after" content="2 days" /> <title>SEO Learning | SEO Learning Basics | Search Engine Optimization Learning</title> <meta name="description" content="SEO Learning" /><meta name="keywords" content="SEO Learning" /> <style type="text/css"> body { background-attachment: fixed; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; background-color: #1a1a1a; background-image:url('images/bg.jpg');}.contents { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12pt; color: #333333;}h1 { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12pt; display:inline; }h2 { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12pt; display:inline; }h3 { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12pt; display:inline; }.style1 { text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12pt; color: #000080;}div#container { width: 728px; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #FFFFFF;}.FloatRight { float: right;}.tellafriend { font-family: Verdana; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 8pt; height: 40px; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; text-decoration: none; padding-right: 15px;}.tellafriend:hover { font-family: Verdana; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 8pt; height: 40px; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; text-decoration: underline;}.tellafriend-a { font-family: Verdana; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 8pt; height: 40px; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; text-decoration: none; line-height: 47px; background-color: #E5E5E5; background-image: url('images/Nav_BG.png'); background-repeat: repeat-x;}.clearBoth { clear: both;}.copyRight { font-family: Verdana; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 11px; color: #333333; text-decoration: none; background-color: #C9C9C9; height: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 30px;} </style> </head> <body><div id="container"><div>Google Adv</div><div> </div><div class="tellafriend-a"><a href="mailto:?subject=SEO Learning&body=Hey... Check this URL http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=41170" class="tellafriend" title="SEO Learning">Tell A Friend</a></div><div> </div><div style="float:left;width:553px;padding-left:15px"><br /><span class="contents"><h1>SEO Learning</h1><br /><br /><h2>SEO Learning Basics</h2><br /><h3>SEO Learning Basics</h3><br /><br /><h1>SEO Learning</h1><br /><br /><h1>SEO Learning</h1><br /><br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="http://www.tutoriali...tutorials/SEO/1" title="SEO Learning">SEO Learning</a><br /><br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------</span><span class="style1"><br /></span></div><div class="FloatRight">Google Adv</div><div class="FloatRight" style="background-color:black"> </div><div class="FloatRight">Google Adv</div><div class="clearBoth"> </div><div class="copyRight"> © Copyright 2012 | All rights reserved.</div></div></body> </html>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. Hi TheGallery,I know what JSG said. But however, I just wanted to explore other possibilities to incorporate the required stuffs in the HTML Code.
  15. Please let me know what are the other things we need to do to get a specific page on the first page on Google searches? The goal is to get the specific page (KEYWORD.html) on the 1st page on Google when some one search for the specific keyword.
  16. So, what other things do we need to do to get page on the first page on Google searches? The goal is to get the specific page (KEYWORD.html) on the 1st page on Google when some one search for the specific keyword.I request you to please share it.
  17. Hi justsomeguy, NO NO NO justsomeguy... What I meant was, if we search as "w3schools html" in the Google Search, the www.w3schools.com/html/ shows-up on the Top. So, how to find www.w3schools.com/html/ is on the TOP of the Ranking for "w3schools html" keyword? Hold on, let me try to put this in a different way. Hummm… Alrighty, let’s assume that www.w3schools.com/html/ link is on the 46th ranking. So, we need some kind of Software / Program / EXE to put the "w3schools html" keyword and www.w3schools.com/html/ link to indentify the status of ranking. Okie Doke.
  18. Hello Everyone :-) I was out of station for a while. I am back now. So, what are the other things, factors and considerations to get KEYWORD.html page on the first page on Google searches? The goal is to get the specific page (KEYWORD.html) on the 1st page on Google. By the way how do I check the ranking of a page for specific keyword? Which software do I need to use?
  19. Hi dsonesuk, Okie, gotch you! Please let me know if you find any other information.
  20. Hello Everyone, Alrighty, here we go. As per my understanding: 1. The Keyword should repeat twice or thrice in <title>…</title> <title>KEYWORD blah… blah… | KEYWORD blah… blah… blah… | KEYWORD blah… blah… blah… blah…</title> 2. The Keyword should be in: <meta name="description" content="KEYWORD" /><meta name="keywords" content="KEYWORD" /> 3. The Keyword should repeat 3 Times or 5 Times in <body>…</body> 4. The repeated Keywords (3 Times or 5 Times) in the <body>…</body> should be placed between <h1>…</h1> <h1>KEYWORD</h1> 5. The Keyword should be in title="… " <a title="KEYWORD">…<a/> 6. The Keyword should be in alt="…" <img alt="KEYWORD" /> So, what are the other things, factors and considerations to get KEYWORD.html page on the first page on Google searches? The goal is to get the specific page (KEYWORD.html) on the 1st page on Google.
  21. Hi Ingolme, Okie. Will post it shortly... Need some time to gather and organize before posting it here. By the way, I have to for a walk now.
  22. amitamberker

    Seo Forum

    Hello Everyone, Where can I post SEO topic? In HTML/XHTML Forums or where?
  23. IE 7 Will check it tonight from Home. hummm... You are making sense. Gotch your point. But the intension behind title was to discuss back and forth about HTML 5 Like WHAT, HOW, WHERE, WHY etc. However, can I still change / update the Title now? Looks like it's not possible to update now. What do you think?
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