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Everything posted by GlobalInnovator

  1. follow-up My girlfriend just pointed me out to a nice research papers on Loma Priesta Earthquake analysis, on how the earthquake data can be extracted from seismograms and processed into 3D plots https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Simulations-of-the-Loma-Prieta-earthquake-using-an-energy-based-envelope-shape-Response_fig12_315724830 https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/loma-prieta-earthquake.html
  2. Dear W3Schools do you have plans to insert more live Python demos for 3D plots ? I loved your on-line Java Script courses in the past. Last month I installed Python 3.8 for Windows 7 but Matplotlib and pumpy crash it immediately when run and there is no support from Python or Matplotlib forums (generally down), so I am looking for on-line Python interpreter to test some Matplotlib examples. Gallery of 3D plot examples by Matplotlib is large https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/mplot3d/index.html Any chance to have some more 3D plotting examples to join your https://www.w3schools.com/python/matplotlib_plotting.asp Ok, I am aware of server's side limitation. I just need to Python test code from remotely, until my Python run on PC, supports Matplotlib, numpy Ok, 3D plotting may be heavy for your server. What about more files use examples, supporting user input files for test from https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_file_write.asp examples don't come with RUN button to let me modify and run code https://www.w3schools.com/python/showpython.asp?filename=demo_file_append thank you You are the best I wish you all the best and prosperity in private and business life darius https://www.w3schools.com/python/matplotlib_plotting.asp
  3. Hello @Suprith-MSc, I am trying to turn smartphone with accelerometer sensor into remote outdoor seismographic sensor. I plan to test API and wifi connectivity to access sensor data from server run on smartphone. But what matters I need to install audio-coupler to turn accelerometer data into audio signals output via audio jack in smartphone to be broadcasted via radio to remote RTL SDR server run on my PC to receive accelerometer sender data remotely at large distance, data from many ourdoor sensors in parallel and process inputs with Python scripts to generate live charts, 3D plots like this I develop Earthquake Prediction System for Turkey based on Precognition and input data from seismigraphic sensors, from remote seismographs and more Job is easy if you are an experienced developer, so I need to learn a lot to integrate: 1. accelerometer sensor in smartphone to output data via Audio coupler app 2. Input such audio signal into radio transmitter 3. Have RTL SDR radio to receive such signal 4. Have Python script to decode the signal 5. Have Python scripts to generate live 3D charts as above, FFT seismograms to calculate signal distribution delay underground and finally study if earthquake activity in the region accelerates to result in 5, 6, 7+ level earthquakes ( vide Turkey) https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?currentFeatureId=us7000jiph&extent=33.30299,31.92627&extent=40.56389,42.47314&range=month&magnitude=all&listOnlyShown=true&baseLayer=satellite wish you all the best darius
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