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Everything posted by Kasdraven

  1. [RESOLVED]Click Please I added the red borders so you could understand what was happening (my problem). For some reason I cannot make the two buttons sit directly beside each other without the space between them. Does anyone know why this is happening?PLEASE NOTE: Due to restrictions on what codes we are allowed to use on www.vampirefreaks.com, I have to use this method, so please do not suggest other methods of accomplishing what I have done here. What I am doing works perfectly, it simply doesn't show up the way it should. To narrow it down, HTML and CSS are the only languages that work on the site, that is why I am doing this in this way.I am only looking for methods of making the two background images show up directly beside each other. That being said, here is the code I am using as is.<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title><style>body{font:7pt trebuchet ms;color:#000;}img{border:0px;}a:img{border:0px;}td{padding:2px;}table{padding:0px;margin:0px;}#iFal{background-color:#eee;border:1px solid #000;border-bottom:0px;width:195px;letter-spacing:2px;font: 7pt trebuchet ms;font-weight:bolder;text-align:center;}#iFal2{background-color: #eee;border:1px solid #000;border-right:0px;border-top:0px;width:195px;}#iFal3{background-color: #eee;border:1px solid #000;border-left:0px;width:50px;}#iBut1 a:link div{width:27px;height:24px;padding:0px;margin:0px;background-image:url('Buttons/newleft.gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;}#iBut1 a:hover div{width:27px;height:24px;background-image:url('Buttons/newleftover.gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;}#iBut2 a:link div{width:27px;height:24px;background-image:url('Buttons/newright.gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;}#iBut2 a:hover div{width:27px;height:24px;background-image:url('Buttons/newrightover.gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;}</style></head><body><table cellspacing="0px"><tr><td id="iFal"><img src="Inside/orb.gif" /> iVamp</td></tr></table><table cellspacing="0px"><tr><td id="iFal2"><table cellspacing="0px"><tr><td id="iBut1"><a href="/"><div></div></a></td><td id="iBut2"><a href="/"><div></div></a></td></tr></table></td><td id="iFal3">yadayada</td></tr></table></body></html>
  2. In your library, where the file is, you need to right click on the file and choose Linkage. From there check the box that says Export For Actionscript and a text field will become available to edit. Call it what you want and then when the actionscript prompts you to input an instance name, place the exact same name you put into the export for actionscript box.
  3. Make your button and give it the instance name of myButton. Place the following code on the Actions layer of your timeline (in the Actions panel.) myButton.onRelease = function(){var my_sound:Sound = new Sound();my_sound.loadSound("URL.mp3", true);} This creates a new sound and sets it to play as it is loading.
  4. I will write you a small tutorial on this if you'd like but I need to know your scope of knowledge in Flash as it is. What all can you do and what all do you understand? Tell me that, and I will write you a small tutorial for this.
  5. OK so I was having some trouble making a dynamic text block called info_text contain the text I want when you click on a certain button, so I switched to using variables to make it work. Now i'm still having trouble, but only on a certain part of this. Let me show you my code. This is on my main timeline. I have a button with the instance name of info_btn that, when pressed, should make the infoText variables value change to true._global.infoText = false;this.info_btn.onRelease = function() { _root.thanatos.play(); infoText = true;} This is the code I used to tell the dynamic text box with the instance name of info_text what to say when the variable infoText has the value of true. (this is in the "thanatos" movie clip, which is specified above in the path)if(infoText.value == true){ this.info_text.text = "TESTING"}else{ this.info_text.text = "NOT WORKING"} Could anybody tell me where i've gone wrong here? This is reallty my fist time using variables, so please understand that i'm only a n00b with variables.
  6. OK so I need help finding a program for a busy friend who doesn't have the time to look for himself, as he is soaked into a project right now. I've searched google a little but without any results.Basically I am trying to find a program that allows me to use C++ scripts in conjunction with changing memory values in a game.I'm not sure why he needs this program, or this function, I just know he needs it bad or he wouldn't have asked someone to find it for him.If you have any information regarding this, it would be greatly appreciated if you could post it here. Thanks.(There wasn't a C++ section, so I didn't know where to post it.)
  7. It will be a day or two before I can test it because im not at home.
  8. lol, the way the world turns eh? It's all good. Jibo I don't beleive I can use Iframes. I am restrained to using only HTML, and some HTML won't even work, though I know embedding it will work if I can just figure out how to embed it from a URL the way you can with a .wma file. I will try your suggestion, and as for the attitude thing, check all of my other posts. That was the first time I've ever gotten irritable on here before.
  9. That's what i'm getting at. like embedding a wma file from a URL, but embedding an swf instead.holmedwa04, I apologize if I offended you, I won't make excuses, but my reasoning is as I said before, I came to the forum for direct help, not answers like "you may like to try searching on google or yahoo.", because if I came to a forum, it is because I couldnt find it on my own. Now that you understand my problem a little better thanks to skym wording how I couldnt, is there anything you know of to help?
  10. That told me nothing on what I asked! I asked for the answer to a problem and this idiot gives me a link to an article on browser compatiblity and how to fix up code to make it fit the XHTML standards. I need a code to embed an .swf file from a URL without using any JavaScript. That is all I am asking. Stop giving me links. I asked on here because I couldn't find the answer anywhere else. Now if you'd like to find it for me somewhere, feel free to give me the link, maybe I didn't see it. Just answer the question or stop posting. Honestly. I didn't post here for a free lesson on googling.
  11. OK let's make the assumption i'm stupid and didn't already try that (which I did) and let's answer the question. If you don't know the answer, DON'T POST ON THE THREAD! And by the way, this is an HTML problem, not a Flash or ActionScript problem. OK slick? Now, could someone actually answer me? You know, say something useful?
  12. So here is the deal. I have an swf file loaded onto a file storing site and let's just say the URL is http://www.whatever.com/flash/movie.swf. How can I embed it from the URL. Note. There are reasons I cannot just embed it with the publish thing. I need to embed it using only the URL cuz I am on a profile site. So please, no other suggestions, just a way to embed the swf using the URL. Please. Thanks for any help in advance.
  13. OK. I have a folder called "index". Inside of this is (go figure) index.html. Now inside of the index folder is a folder called "content". Inside of this is a page called articles.html. In the page articles.html is a link to return to the home page (index.html). Here's the code I am using to link back to the home page.<a href="index/index.html">::HOME::</a>It deosn't link back to index.html in the index folder. I think maybe its the route I am trying to use to get to index.html.Now I have a link in index.html leading to articles.html. Here is the code.<a href="content/articles.html">Articles</a>It links fine, straight to articles.html inside of the content folder. Would anybody know why the link inside of articles.html wouldn't link back to the index.html?
  14. Kasdraven


    Well honestly I think FLash should be used more for adding some spunk and creativity, aswell as more interaction, versus a whole site. I like flash sites, but they are somewhat hard to maintain and update. I would use flash for things such as a title banner, maybe make a nav menu or mp3 player, depending on what your site is about. Let me warn you though, that a nav bar using flash will need continous update due to the site changing constantly.
  15. Kasdraven


    Exactly. Perfect. I wish I could say stuff so easily, i'm naturally redundant. 5 star post there smiles.
  16. Kasdraven


    Adobe photoshop deals more with effects and rendering pictures, photos, and other such things, not with 3d animation. You need a 3d modeling program such as Blender, 3d Studio Max, or Maya. These are all expensive though. If I were you, I wouldn't use flash for 3d at all other than when the 3d is to pronounce the flash more. Also, drawing in 3d can also be attained by learning art classes and knowing where to shade and put contours to create the illusion of three dimensionality, if that is what you were looking for.
  17. Kasdraven


    Well honestly the first question is so broad I can't even begin to answer it. As for the second, you upload an swf or fla file the same way you would with any other file using your FTP.
  18. Yeah. Select every frame and right click, then choose cut frames. Choose Insert > New Symbol and choose movie clip from the three choices, name it what you want.Cick on the first frame of the symbol you are in and right click. Choose paste frames. There you go! It's worth it to mention that all the frames you cut will still be there on the main timeline, they will just be blank frames. Also, in case you don't know, all you have to do is open your movie clip from the library.
  19. Yes you can do that. Funky junky was coorect, but if I were you I would just put the progress bar in with hte timeline. As for what you said smiles. This would be a good vode to use for a preloader. totalbytes = getTotalBytes();loadedbytes = getLoadedBytes(); That would create a variable to use when you need to know or identify how many bites there are (loaded or total)To get the kilobytes you could use this code. totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1000);loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1000); And to get the percent loaded to show you could use this code after you make a dynamic text box with the instance name percent percent.text = Math.ceil(totalbytes/loadedbytes*100)+"%"; Then to make the movie load when all the bytes are loaded you could use this code. if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number movie start)}; I'm doing this for your benefit too theotherside, since I don't know if you're aware of how to make a simple preloader.So here is what I usually do.( I would do all of this on the first frame and make the movie start on the second framn.Make a dynamic text feild with the instance name of percent, which is 100 width. Make two more with the instance names of loadedk and totalk, now copy and paste the following code into your actions layer of the timeline. stop();totalbytes = getTotalBytes();loadedbytes = getLoadedBytes();totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1000);loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1000);percent.text = Math.ceil(totalbytes/loadedbytes*100)+"%";totalk.text = totalkbytes+"kb";loadedk.text = loadedkbytes+"kb";if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {_root.gotoAndPlay(2)};
  20. OK so I figured it out. I need to navigate the actionscript back to the whol movie clip. That's all.
  21. OK so did you get anywhere with your animation? Figure anyht5inbg out with motion tweens and shape tweens?
  22. [RESOLVED]The AS for the problem below was as follows. I'll bold the part I was missing.this.drag_mc.drag_menu.onPress = function() {_parent.startDrag(this, false);}; this.drag_mc.drag_menu.onRelease = function() {_parent.stopDrag();}; OK. A movie clip on the main timeline with the instance name of drag_mc. Inside this movie clip is a button with the instance name of drag_menu. I want to be able to drag the menu when you click and hold on a certain part of the movie clip, hence the button drag_menu Here is the code I am using.
  23. I know basic CSS pretty well and can use it to design the looks of a page, but I want to learn the more advanced things, like using CSS for the layout of a page instead of tables. Any ideas where to start and how to apply it to a web page?
  24. Site restrictions. Thanks for the help everyone, I didn't think i'd be able to do it, just wondering though.
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