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Everything posted by Aphanasiy

  1. Could you please show me how this can be done in my case?
  2. Is it possible to union or join two UPDATE Queries to work at the same time? UPDATE ibf_dnames_change SET dname_previous='WizarD1' WHERE dname_previous='WizarD' JOIN UPDATE ibf_dnames_change SET dname_previous='zxcvbnm' WHERE dname_previous='coyl'/* How do I execute these two queries together please?Thank you, please do reply, need help.
  3. So how do I trigger an onerror function using the style attribute please?Edit: Sorry for double post.
  4. Hello folks, could you please explain to me why this script doesn't work? <span style="background-image:url('http://www.badimage.gif')" onerror="alert('testing')">test</span> Onerror is supposed to work when my browser downloads an image, if it can't find one the onerror function is fired. Why doesn't it work here when it works in this script? <img src="http://www.badimage.gif" onerror="alert('testing')">
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