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Everything posted by sridaran

  1. Hi, As we have "Google"(logo) link on the bottom left corner of Google Map and while clicking we will be redirected to http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=51.508742,-0.12085&z=5&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=apiv3 Can we access this link(Google logo) with alert pop up message "Would you like to go to this page" before going to google map page? If so please let me know the steps to follow. Thanks in advance. Thanks, R.Sridaran
  2. Actually my project requirement is to work for IE7 browser. So I need solution for IE7 browser.
  3. I have <div><button class="bton-link"></button></div> in left navigation of my webpage. Here width of <div> is set as 80%. Button value will be generated dynamically. The value will be too lengthy. In all browsers the button values are breaking into next line automatically. In IE7 browser the button values extending on the same line without breaking overlapping other divs. I tried all the following css properties. None of it worked for me: word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; white-space:normal; white-space:pre-line; white-space:pre-wrap; -webkit-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; display: inline; overflow: visible; Can any one give me solution to fix this IE7 issue. Thanks in advance.
  4. I am working in jQuery scroll function to make the header portion of webpage fixed and body portion scrollable. My code is working fine in chrome & firefox browsers. But the scroll is not working in IE8 browser. Can any one tell me that where I did mistake? Here is my script: <style type="text/css"> .nav{ z-index: 9999; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%;}</style> <script>jQuery("document").ready(function($){var nav = $('.fixedhead');$(window).scroll(function () {if ($(window).scrollTop() > 0) {nav.addClass("nav");} else {nav.removeClass("nav");}});});</script>
  5. Is it possible to apply styles to HTML5 autocomplete textbox. i.e styles to following datalist options: <input type="text" name="srch" id="srch" list="datalist1" /><datalist id="datalist1"> <option value="Australia"> <option value="Austria"> <option value="Belgium"> </datalist>
  6. I am trying auto complete text using json file. But only last data is getting displayed. Can anyone tell me where I did mistake? autocomplete.json {"label" : "Aragorn","label" : "Arwen","label" : "Bilbo Baggins","label" : "Boromir","label" : "Frodo Baggins","label" : "Gandalf","label" : "Gimli","label" : "Gollum","label" : "Legolas","label" : "Meriadoc Merry Brandybuck","label" : "Peregrin Pippin Took","label" : "Samwise Gamgee"} index.html<html><body><div class="ui-widget"><input id="tags" /><script>$(function() {$( "#tags" ).autocomplete({source:"autocomplete.json"})});</script></div></body></html>
  7. Can anyone tell me how to display html code, css code, javascript code in a webpage. I used <pre> and <code>tags but the html code is not proper and some codes are missing in javascript.
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