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  1. Hi, my problem is that I have 3 radiobuttons for an admin section, and one submit button.well, when I select one of the buttons, and press ok, is goes to the selected options page, but not with the rigt ID. The thing is that i do a loop. Follows the code: <%response.expires = "0"if session("statusID") <> "Admin" thenresponse.redirect("http://www.hv.com/clientes/central.asp")else' Open Databasecaminho=left(Server.mappath(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")),InstrRev(Server.mappath(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")),"\"))' Crio o objeto de conexao ADO Set conexao = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conexao.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&caminho&"001.mdb"' Abro a conexão conexao.openstrSQL4 = "SELECT * FROM Members a, financeiro b, host c WHERE a.memberID=b.financeiroID AND a.memberID=c.hostID ORDER BY a.memberID" set objrs4=conexao.execute(strsql4)i = 0DO WHILE NOT objrs4.EOF'Adminif not objrs4.eof and not objrs4.bof thenmemberID_admin = objrs4("memberID")codigo_admin = objrs4("codigo")estatusID_admin = objrs4("statusID")loginname_admin = objrs4("Loginname") nome_admin = objrs4("nome")email_admin = objrs4("email")dominio_admin = objrs4("dominio")estatus_admin = objrs4("status")precoplano_admin = objrs4("precoplano")vencimento_admin = objrs4("vencimento")ultimo_pagamento_admin = objrs4("ultimo_pagamento")end if%> <%=memberID_admin%><br><%=estatus_admin%><br> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<%=memberID_admin%>"><input name="direcionar" type="radio" value="modificar" /></div></td><td><div align="center"><input name="direcionar" type="radio" value="bloquear" /></div></td><td><div align="center"><input name="direcionar" type="radio" value="excluir" /></div></td></tr></table> <%objrs4.MoveNextLoopend if%> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="OK" /></form> So, you can notice that i need to do something to get the correct Id that corsponds to the selected user.Can someone help me plZ!
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