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Everything posted by sbrownii

  1. sbrownii


    if you don't know php, why don't you just use some blogging or content management system that already exists? there are many, and you can usually customize using templates, etc...if you want to learn php, I would suggest you begin with some smaller, simpler projects.
  2. One thing you will notice different is the scroll bar colors. Styling the scrollbars that way is not part of standard css and only works in IE.For setting the background for the calendar (the part where the name of the month is displayed in the background), you should use style. http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_reference.asp#backgroundbgproperties is another IE thing, so the background appears fixed only in IE. Just use background-image and background-attachment properties in css to accomplish the same thing.I'm sure there are other differences, but I think they are probably fine.
  3. sbrownii

    parse error

    what DTD and header are you putting in your stylesheet???Are you validating a stylesheet? or HTML file?If it is a file containing HTML, just give us the whole file.
  4. Well... if you can't access a file by typing the address in the address bar, then you certainly can't access it through a link to the same address.As long as you have the location of the file correct in href attribute of your <a> element, there should be no problem with the code. You say it works in your editor. Are you saying that if you type the address in the browser on the SAME machine as you run the editor you can't access the file?You should work on getting it so you can type the location in the browser and access the file.What is the "HTML kit" you refer to?Are you working on MS Windows?Last question... what browser are you using? What you are trying to do seems to work fine in IE, but I haven't figured out how to get it to work in any other browser as a link.IE and FF try to add the host name to the front of the address because you used forward slashes and it seems it assumes that means you are trying to refer to the root of the server (take a look at the address bar AFTER you click the link). You might be able to just add "file:" to the beginning of the address. The following is quoted from experts-exchange.com
  5. sbrownii

    i need help

    This is not a java server pages forum.Javascript has no relation to java...If you get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, you should check the logic of your iteration through the elements of the ArrayList. That exception is only thrown when you do what its name suggests - attempt to access an index greater than the highest accessible index (or less common, something less than the lowest index). The index of an ArrayList is 0-based, so the largest index you can access is actually one less than the size of the ArrayList, and the smallest index is 0 - assuming the Arraylist has a size greater than 0.For example, if the size of the ArrayList is 5, then the highest index you can access is 4.If you need more help, you should probably go find a forum for jsp.
  6. Not sure if I understand, but... on the machine that you have problems opening of the video file... can you just type //Windowsxppro/Movies/Action/A_Man_Apart.avi in the browser's address bar and access the video?The link is relative to the client... not the server! So if the client doesn't have access to the address, then... well... it doesn't have access to it - whether the server does or not, doesn't matter.
  7. sbrownii


    for sessions... search for tutorials on the webfor passing variables via query string... you could use a hidden element in the form to store variables from previous pages... you could set the value of that element using php, or javascript, or whatever...I'm pretty sure you can figure it out... or you can figure a way to do what you are doing without needing to keep passing the same variable around...
  8. For #1...quote from msdn In other words I would imagine that if you remove the line containing "scrollbar-base-color" you will then get an error about the next line#2 It is actually a warning, but... You should have a background color defined if you define color. Works the other way around, too. I'm sure you can be resourceful enough to figure out how to work a search engine and find reasons why... In your case, you know that the links will inherit the background color from the body element, so you don't nee d to worry about it. So a recap... #1 is an error because you are trying to use an MS extension which is not part of standard CSS - you will need to get rid of it if you want to follow standards. #2 is a warning about an accessibility issue - you can ignore it if you like.
  9. sbrownii


    It depends on the browser, but there are some settings that can affect behavior. For example, Amaya just won't even show you a page if the file doesn't exist. IE has a setting called "Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages" that will make a difference when following links to files that don't exist. So... does the file you are linking to actually exist? Can you type its address in your address bar and it comes up?Also, it would be helpful if you showed ALL of the code used for the page. It seems none of us have been able to reproduce your problem. It is either because the problem is not with the code, but some setting on your system, or it is with a part of the code we haven't seen yet...
  10. sbrownii


    You can eitherpass your variable from page to page by adding to the query stringOr use sessions
  11. sbrownii

    = Uuer Input

    user4fun... Maybe you should check yourself into a nice padded room???
  12. My comment is about your php, not your sql.you open 2 for loops in your code similar to this: for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++) { the "{" makes the for loop contain everything after it until it finds "}" (which closes the loop) - but you didn't close your loops. If you just meant for the line immediately following the for statment, you could remove the "{", but it is generally better practice to always use "{" and "}" to enclose the statements you want repeated.You will have to understand what the code is doing in order to decide where to close your loops. Maybe you should talk to your friend...If you don't understand this, you should read through a tutorial or reference about control structures in php http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.control-structures.php
  13. As mpoer says, if you set the color on an element, it child elements automatically inherit that color. The exception would be the <a> element, which the browser by default will display in a way that makes it easy to know it is a link.If you want to set the same color for ALL elements you can use the universal selector. You can use it in combination as you would with any other selector.http://css.maxdesign.com.au/selectutorial/...s_universal.htmhttp://www.dithered.com/css_filters/css_on...l_selector.htmlThe following will give you some idea of what can be done with the universal selector <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title></title><style type="text/css">*{color:green;}body{color:red;}div *{color:yellow;}a {color:red}span {color:purple}</style></head><body>body<h1>H1</h1><div>div1</div><div>div2<p>p1</p><p>p2</p><a href="#">a2</a><span>span1<p>p3</p><a href="#">a2</a></span></div></body></html>
  14. AJAX basically combines existing technologies. The main difference from other javascript tutorials will be the sending and receiving of information to a server-side script. The server-side script, however, will be the same server-side script as any other tutorial will discuss.To write server-side scripts for AJAX you need to know:1) How to write a server-side script2) How to access variables passed to the script (ex: through the query string)3) How to send a reply from a server-side script (same as printing out "Hello World")To implement the fetching of database information you just need to know the above, as well as how to access a database from a server-side script. These things are not unique to AJAX at all.So again, the only new knowledge you should need for AJAX is how to deal with sending and receiving the XML object.Some references fare listed below ASP (Get query string info)http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_ref_request.aspADO (Database Access with asp)http://www.w3schools.com/ado/default.aspPHP (Get query string info)http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_forms.aspPHP + MYSQL -> search for tutorialsThere are of course many detailed tutorials of AJAX on the web. I would never recommend you use any ONE source - so go read and practice until you get it.(I only talked about the query string, but the reality is you will be dealing with GET or POST information)
  15. You might want to close your for loops...
  16. Seems that accessing like an array is unreliable... charAt() seems to work fine in IE and FF, but accessing it like an array only worked in FFThe results do seem to be affected by the encoding of the file. I actually had only reviewed the above script using the "tryit" editor at w3schools, but didn't realize the page wasn't being sent as unicode. If you paste the code into that editor you will see what I was talking about... maybe... I wonder if the tryit page was doing some conversions or something - and that's why the escape codes where being printed.I have edited the above post to reflect some of Blue's insight...I have written a vocabulary quiz in php and javascript in the past, and I did find that file encoding was critical. The file encoding should match any character encoding you specifiy either through http headers or html meta tags.Unicode solves MANY problems.
  17. To make your footer magically reappear in ff...add clear:left; to the style definition for the footer class
  18. If you just compare strings you will be fine.But be aware that string lengths , charAt and similar functions may surprise you if you use incorrect character encodings when saving the fileHere is an example using Korean (output results may vary depending on the encoding of the file) <script type="text/javascript">var a = "가나다";var b = "가나다";/* prints differently depending on browser */ for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){ document.write(a[i]+" ");}/* prints each character of the string*/ for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){ document.write(a.charAt(i)+" ");}/* prints the length (should be 3) */document.writeln("length = " + a.length+"<br>");/* prints true, because the strings are the same */document.writeln("a=b? "+ (a==b)+"<br>");</script> I'm sure you can find many resources about dealing with these issues if you search the web... Trust me, Korean sites use a lot of javascript, AJAX, etc..., too!
  19. To get the 3 columns to work , add float:left to the middlecolum, and rightcolum.Then you will notice the right column looks strange, that's because you close the div element for the right column too soon!!! You close it after the first "box".As far as the menu goes, why is everyone using tables for horizontal menus????BTW.... column is spelled with and "n"
  20. Many examples do use class names and ids that are descriptive of presentation. I think it helps the learner understand better what is happening. Even an id like "navbar" would imply that it is to presented as a bar.It is a good idea to have the classes and ids describe the structure, but sometimes it is difficult to keep track of.It is more difficult than it seems to truly separate content from presentation. Many of the tags used in many designs may not have been there of ONLY the content and structure of the document was considered.Perhaps instead of "leftcol" you could use an id that describes the content instead of appearance - but for learning and studying purposes I don't think it is criticalI think that after reading many articles about css design, you will start to get a feel for what naming conventions you prefer...
  21. instead of : <input type=radio name="r" onclick="disable®"> try: <input type=radio name="r" onclick="disable()"> Why are you calling the function disable() if it is actually there to enable? it's just confusing...As far as what you are trying to do, and what the original problem was.... I don't understand.You want the user to only be able to click the submit button after they have clicked a radio button?The problem is that your previous method of enabling the submit button was only working in FF? Or is it that the form wouldn't submit?
  22. sbrownii


    Do other links work?What Browser do you use?What OS do you use?......
  23. Is this your school assignment?
  24. So, after you click the submit button, it takes you to the asp page, but the page is blank? Are you running a server on your local machine, or on the web?Please post the asp code.
  25. sbrownii

    two Background

    You probably need to set the height, too.I'm not sure, but it might be better to just create one graphic that looks how you want (with tux on both sides) and use it as the background for your header - although I'm sure there will be some problems with that, too...I think it looks fine as it is though...
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