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Posts posted by vchris


    With further testing, I've discovered that my flash animation is the problem. I changed the object element and it's content a bit.

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/vchris/flash/header.swf" width="470" height="140">			<param name="movie" value="/vchris/flash/header.swf" />	<img src="/vchris/images/header_e.jpg" width="470" height="140" alt="vchris' online portfolio" /></object>

    Is there a better way to do this? I read somewhere that this is one of the best ways.What I had before and was fine in IE and FF (no spacing issues):

    <object width="470" height="140">	<param name="movie" value="/vchris/flash/header.swf">	<embed src="/vchris/flash/header.swf" width="470" height="140"></embed></object>


    I'm able to fix it for IE6 and IE7 but in Firefox 2 it creates a 2px space between the blue line and the buttons. Would you know of anyway to do top: -2px; only for FF? When I didn't include files it was fine.

  1. Yesterday I was testing some things on another page where I did some includes and I was modifying the stylesheet. If you view it now, still have this issue? I don't... Oh yeah and yesterday I got 2200 Hits!!!


    Is there a way to have a value to the "top" property that would only work for IE or FF and still validate?I have top: -2px which works in FF but IE is off by 2px. When I got it at 0px then FF is off by 2px.

  2. What's the best way to setup absolute path in php. Is there a modification I can do in the server or should I use some method that was shown previously?What's the method you guys used for absolute paths? I remember a some kind of variable.

  3. Got my answer: Valid Flash example for XHTML 1.0 Strict (XHTML 1.1)<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="images/banner.swf" width="288" height="128"><param name="movie" value="images/banner.swf" /><img src="banner.gif" width="288" height="128" alt="banner" /></object>

  4. What's the correct way of putting a flash movie on a website? I haven't done that much. I used this:

    <object width="470" height="140">		<param name="movie" value="/flash/header.swf" />		<embed src="/flash/header.swf" width="470" height="140"></embed>	</object>

    Seems like src, width, height are not xhtml valid. Should I just remove the embed?

  5. Why use an image? You could do it text based. Basically just have a text link and on hover make it bold and bigger size.

    <style type="text/css">a:link {	color: #6666aa;	text-decoration: none;	font-weight: normal;	font-size: 12px;}a:visited {}a:hover {	color: #66aa66;	text-decoration: none;	font-weight: bold;	font-size: 18px;}a:active {}</style>

    Fixed 2-3 errors.

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