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Everything posted by vchris

  1. http://www.n-sane.net/
  2. vchris

    Las Vegas Trip

    79 porsche! what model? We do autocross here too. I got a subaru rs 2000.
  3. vchris

    Domain Name

    a site for dummy text!!!! Never thought that would exist. So the guy pays a domain name and server for running a dummy text website. hmmmm...
  4. vchris

    Las Vegas Trip

    I play poker every week with some buddies. I've been winning lots. We'll see how I'll do in Las Vegas.
  5. vchris

    Domain Name

    I needed some readable text as an example. I hope I don't get sued
  6. vchris

    Domain Name

    I used these buttons instead http://www.bloggertalk.net/button_generator.htmlI've always wondered is there a way in Photoshop to reduce the size of an image, in this case the button, without being blurry (unreadable). Even if I just reduce it a bit it's blurry.
  7. vchris

    Trading Website

    Oh man! I hate sites like that. No structure. They just throw the information in your face. Every site I do is simple and easy to navigate. This one looks like a mess.
  8. vchris

    Domain Name

    Here's an update. Changed the font to Trebuchet ms and if it's not available it goes to arial. Feedback?
  9. vchris

    Las Vegas Trip

    I'm going to Las Vegas in 2 weeks and was just wondering if you guys knew anything cool I could do there? I already plan on going play a bit of poker, go see cirque du soleil O, grand canyon/hoover dam... Other than that probably go see the nice hotels. Is it a good idea to rent an exotic car over there (ferrari, porsche...) for 1 day?
  10. I just tested on w3c and it validates with no errors or warnings.
  11. S@m: does that validate? No errors or warnings?
  12. vchris

    Trading Website

    I know I'm working on my portfolio website right now but it won't take long and it'll be done. So I'm thinking of creating a trading website where people can buy/sell stuff but all locally so no need for paypal or any payment methods. There is already a website like this (http://www.usedottawa.com/). As you can see it's not a nice website but it does work. I checked that site out pretty good and there's a couple things they could do to improve their traffic and security. I had a great idea for the domain name. www.ncrtrader.com. ncr means national capital region which is where we are and doesn't only include ottawa. I would maybe at some point make the site bilingual. What do you guys think about having a second trading website but better than the current one? Could that be successful?
  13. vchris

    <p> tag

    I believe your p element need to contain something for it to be valid.
  14. h1 { padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }If you want to modify all headers thenh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }Only put the headers you use in your site.Play with the first and 3rd values (top/bottom).
  15. Seems like there is some kind of padding/margin top left. Did you remove the margins from the body with body { margin: 0; } ?
  16. add this attribute in your img tag: border="0" . This will work but is deprecated. I recommend using the css way as jlhaslip indicated.
  17. Hehe... Don't worry it's resolved. I should of change my first post to say so.
  18. vchris


    [ Solved ]Solution: cfoutputs don't work in cfmail.I send an email with cfmail. The email is sent fine. The problem occurs when I add a cfloop in the cfmail to include the extra registrations which could be 0-8. <cfif extra gt 0> <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#extra#"> <cfset xname = "form.extraName_" & i> <cfset xemail = "form.extraEmail_" & i> <cfset xphone = "form.extraPhone_" & i> <cfoutput> <p>Extra Registration #i#:<br> #evaluate(xname)#<br> #evaluate(xemail)#<br> #evaluate(xphone)#</p> </cfoutput> </cfloop></cfif> I also have <cfparam name="extra" default="0"> up top the page. I use the exact same loop to display the extra registrations on page after submitting and it works fine.Error: No line numbers are indicated in the error. If I comment out that loop including the if statement I don't have any problem. I think it might be the evaluates.
  19. I guess the other option is to have your navigation in a list and then you could set widths.
  20. That's good to hear! Did you have any issues with Ubuntu as of yet? I've been reading some forums and some say that it's still not compatible with a lot of hardware and there is some bugs.
  21. I think with this kind of menu you should remove the | and just have them spaced out.
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