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Everything posted by vchris

  1. vchris

    Domain Name

    What do you mean exactly?I'm pretty sure the direction is somewhere in the js file. Here is the function I think is responsible for the direction:animatedcollapse.prototype._slideengine=function(direction){ var elapsed=new Date().getTime()-this.startTime //get time animation has run var thisobj=this if (elapsed<this.timelength){ //if time run is less than specified length var distancepercent=(direction=="down")? animatedcollapse.curveincrement(elapsed/this.timelength) : 1-animatedcollapse.curveincrement(elapsed/this.timelength) this.divObj.style.width=distancepercent * this.contentwidth +"px" this.runtimer=setTimeout(function(){thisobj._slideengine(direction)}, 10) } else{ //if animation finished this.divObj.style.width=(direction=="down")? this.contentwidth+"px" : 0 this.isExpanded=(direction=="down")? "yes" : "no" //remember whether content is expanded or not this.runtimer=null }}
  2. vchris

    Domain Name

    I want to add a sliding panel on the about page. I found one that slides up and down and switched from side to side instead. The problem is I'd like the left border to close on the right border of the div. I would also like for the text not to wrap when the div closes. Any idea how I could change that?Example 2:http://vchris.net/about/slider.htmhttp://vchris.net/about/animatedcollapse.jsedit: I got the no wrap going... All I'm missing is the sliding from the other side.
  3. vchris

    Domain Name

    Before I do the css switcher, I want to replace the bottom nav with icons. I already have 3 of the 4 I need. The icons I have are outlines of a house, letter, document in white. I need something for the about page. I'm thinking of a stick figure head and shoulders but it's kinda hard to do. I can't seem to get it right. Feel free to try and create it. If you have other suggestions for the about page let me know.
  4. vchris

    Domain Name

    Oh yeah I forgot about cookies. I never really worked with them in php so that'll be a great exercise. Cookies it is!
  5. vchris

    Domain Name

    Any other suggestions?The other thing I had in mind was a style switcher, one for red, green and blue (RGB). What if some of the images (nav) are not in the css, would I need some session variable so I know which style to show or is there another way?
  6. vchris

    Domain Name

    I don't know... I heard it was better with the import way.edit: I just did a bit of reading on @import vs link and it seems that @import is mainly for including a stylesheet in a stylesheet and link is for normal inclusion of a stylesheet in a webpage. If you are thinking of adding a style switcher to your site then you'll have to use <link>.I guess I'll be switching to links.print.css works now!
  7. vchris

    Domain Name

    boen_robot I added the print.css stylesheet on this page (http://www.vchris.net/about/abouttest_e.php). It doesn't create any errors but when I do a print preview I still see all the images.
  8. vchris

    Domain Name

    I removed the stylesheet after I saw it didn't work. I'll give you a link later on. Thanks. Kinda normal you've only been coding for 2 weeks...
  9. vchris

    Domain Name

    Trust me the path is fine. I'm including 2 other css and they work fine.
  10. vchris

    Domain Name

    I tried that but it seems to screw everything up... I put this exactly@media print {@import url('/css/print.css');}but then it appears as though there is no css. The path is correct and all.
  11. vchris

    Domain Name

    Thanks. Do you mean when you click on one of the thumbnails? This script is pretty complicated and that's how they open it up.I think the new thumbnails take a lot of place (pretty much like the old ones). I want something smaller but I wanna be able to know what I'm looking at... Any ideas? or maybe a js script that could help?
  12. vchris

    Domain Name

    Well it's not like I'm using them for profit or anything...
  13. vchris

    Domain Name

    Well both deep coding websites have a big planet but I'm guessing you're talking about the one where it says Deep Coding right underneath the planet. That one it's just an image I took from deviantArt I think and just erased the bottom of it for my content. The Second Deep Coding website (blue), I made from scratch.
  14. vchris

    Domain Name

    How do you guys like this http://vchris.net/portfolio/portfoliotest_e.php compared to this http://vchris.net/portfolio/portfolio_e.phpand this http://vchris.net/home/test_e.php compared to http://vchris.net/home/and how would I add the media print for the css when I include css this way:<style type="text/css">@import url('/css/vchris.css');@import url('/css/slimbox.css');</style>I would need another <style> tag right?
  15. vchris

    Domain Name

    I have many versions of the deep coding site. It was the name of my portfolio before vchris.net. Which one are you referring to? deviantart.com is a great site for art.
  16. vchris

    Domain Name

    Anyone know where I can find some small icons for home, about, portfolio and contact? I need something clean and only 1 colour.
  17. vchris

    Domain Name

    wow I feel dumb right now
  18. vchris

    Domain Name

    I've got a few minor changes in mind for the website. I might add a welcoming message. Is there a way when printing my page to remove the images (top banner and nav)? I was thinking of adding icons of all the software I know on the about page but I'm not sure about the programming languages I know... There's no icon for HTML. I don't really like those huge thumbnails on the portfolio page.If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
  19. vchris


    So Caligo, did you install Ubuntu?I'll be buying a hard drive anytime soon to install ubuntu on it. I really wanna see what it's like.
  20. Still didn't get any response lol... I had an email problem but I'll try to send them the message again today.
  21. I think the moderators do a pretty good job except for that aspnetguy j/k
  22. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it's fine now... weird...
  23. Hmmm just downloaded firebug and it doesn't seem to be compatible with FF
  24. I like it, it's original but it has a couple bugs...
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