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Everything posted by vchris

  1. you need to use css.text-align: center;
  2. I've been using the web developer toolbar for a long time and I love it!!!
  3. Is the solution to this to put an image with letters on it and ask the user to confirm it?
  4. One of the random image was pretty naked...
  5. I copied exactly the code above and I get this: Was I suppose to create test.xml and test.xsl?
  6. xslt.php <?php$xsltproc = xslt_create();xslt_free($xsltproc);?>
  7. Thanks! The w3c validation buttons that sometimes get higher is some kind of bug. I'm not sure how to fix that but I guess it has to do with position relative... If you refresh it should be fine but the problem is potential clients or employers could see this as a noobish error.
  8. oh... kinda looked like a mmorpg. So basically you have tips and strategies on how to play?
  9. Nice MMORPG! I didn't register but seems cool.
  10. vchris


    Is the topic closed or can people reply to it? If someone wants to add something to it, it'd be cool if they cool reply.
  11. Site Name: vchris' online portfolioSite Description: contains many of my web designs. It's also bilingual (English and French).Site Owner/Developer: meSite Address: http://www.vchris.net
  12. vchris


    Yeah that's the topic I meant. I'll keep updating it. You can split it. Thanks Jonas.
  13. Finally got a response:
  14. vchris


    So what's happening with this topic?
  15. Yeah I asked the host but they didn't reply... It's been a week since I emailed them... Usually they're very fast to reply. I'm sending another email.
  16. It's not that complicated. Glad I could help.
  17. Why not use CSS and set the image as a background? Might be a little bit advanced...
  18. vchris


    If you have a solution to a common HTML or XHTML problem, you can PM me. Please provide the problem and solution with a reference to the website where you found this (if applicable).HOW DO I Make a Guestbook in HTML? Make a Forum in HTML? Make a Blog in HTML? Send emails from a form in HTML? The short answer is, you can't. Basically, any site where you want the visitor/client/user to be able to interact with something on the website, you need what is called Serverside Technologies, that is a Programming Language that executes commands and processes the input from the visitor/client/user, and a Database of some sort that the Programming Language can use as storage space. Look under "Server Scripting" and ".NET (dotnet)" for some popular Programming Languages. Some more that (as of now) are not covered by w3schools include Cold Fusion (CF) and Java Server Pages (JSP) to name a few. TUTORIALS http://w3schools.com/html/default.asphttp://w3schools.com/xhtml/default.asp NOVICE Incorrect Nesting of ElementsElements in HTML cannot overlap each other. The following is invalid:<strong><em>Incorrect nesting</strong></em>In this example, the B element is intended to contain an I element. To be truly contained within the B element, the I element's end tag must occur before the B element's end tag. The following is valid:<strong><em>Correct nesting</em></strong>Using all lowercase letters in a DOCTYPEIn a DOCTYPE, the formal public identifier--the quoted string that appears after the PUBLIC keyword--is case sensitive. A common error is to use the following:<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">Here the formal public identifier (FPI) is all lowercase. The validator does not recognize the document as HTML 4.0 Transitional since the expected FPI for HTML 4.0 Transitional uses different case:<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">Missing a required sub-element of HEADIf you receive the error "Missing a required sub-element of HEAD", check that you have included the TITLE element in the HEAD. The TITLE element is required in all HTML documents.Uppercase letters in XHTML tagsIn XHTML, unlike HTML, element and attribute names must be all lowercase. For example, onMouseOver is an invalid attribute in XHTML, which requires use of onmouseover instead. Either is fine in HTML.Email form to yourselfYou'll need to define the action attribute in your form element. Like so <form method="post" action="mailto:myemail@domain.com">It is recommended to use server-side scripting languages such as asp, php, coldfusion... to handle a form. This way the user which submits your form won't need to have a mailing application on his computer and you have more power over the data that is sent to you.Linking within a documentLinks that link within a document work almost the same way as external links using the <A> tag. However, there is an extra step involved. With these types of links you have to create the link and the target.This is how you link to a specific section in a document.<a href="page.html#section1">section 1</a>When you are linking in the same document where the section is you may remove the url in front of the #.<a href="#section1">section 1</a>Here is how you set the section, this is where the link will go to.<a name="section1"></a> INTERMEDIATE Validation Problems with ASCII CharactersOne of the requirements of XHTML-Strict validation is to code certain characters in ASCII syntax. Below is a list of characters and the ASCII equivalents that must be used to achieve proper validation. & = &< = <> = >...Closing /When coding in XHTML you are required to close all non-closing elements with a / at the end.HTML: <img src="images.jpg" alt="">XHTML: <img src="images.jpg" alt="" />Here is a list of non closing elements: br, hr, img, input, link, meta and script (optional).Attribute MinimizationIncorrect: <textarea readonly>READ-ONLY</textarea>Correct: <textarea readonly="readonly">READ-ONLY</textarea>Same goes for selected, should be selected="selected".Deprecated ElementsOlder HTML tags and attributes that have been superseded by other more functional or flexible alternatives (whether as HTML or as CSS) are declared as deprecated in HTML4 by the W3C - the consortium that sets the HTML standards. Browsers should continue to support deprecated tags and attributes, but eventually these tags are likely to become obsolete and so future support cannot be guaranteed.<applet>, <basefont>, <center>, <dir>, <font>, <isindex>, <menu>, <s>, <strike>, <u> and <xmp>. ADVANCED When to use IDs and ClassesClasses aren't always necessary! If every <p> element is going to have the same style, adding a class to every paragraph is redundant at best.IDs should be unique on a page. Let me repeat that: don't reuse IDs! Remember that ID is an abbreviation for "identifier". Use IDs to target specific, individual elements.Classes are meant to be reused. They work great for things like alternating background colors in table rows. (Give every second row a class="alt-bg", for example.)When to use DIVs and SPANsOverviewThe primary difference between the <span> and <div> tags is that <span> doesn't do any formatting of it's own. The <div> tag acts includes a paragraph break, because it is defining a logical division in the document. The <span> tag simply tells the browser to apply the style rules to whatever is within the <span>.DIVThe <div> tag defines logical divisions (defined) in your Web page. It acts a lot like a paragraph tag, but it divides the page up into larger sections.<div> also gives you the chance to define the style of whole sections of HTML. You could define a section of your page as a call out and give that section a different style from the surrounding text.But that's not all it does! The <div> tag gives you the ability to name certain sections of your documents so that you can affect them with style sheets or Dynamic HTML.One thing to keep in mind when using the <div> tag is that it breaks paragraphs. It acts as a paragraph end/beginning, and while you can have paragraphs within a <div> you can't have a <div> inside a paragraph. SPANThe <span> tag has very similar properties to the <div> tag, in that it changes the style of the text it encloses. But without any style attributes, the <span> tag won't change the enclosed items at all.The primary difference between the <span> and <div> tags is that <span> doesn't do any formatting of it's own. The <div> tag acts includes a paragraph break, because it is defining a logical division in the document. The <span> tag simply tells the browser to apply the style rules to whatever is within the <span>. GOOD PRACTICE Quoting all attribute valuesExample: <td rowspan=3>Correct syntax: <td rowspan="3">This is required for XHTML.Lowercase tagsExample: <STRONG>Correct syntax: <strong>This is required for XHTML.Validate your codeAlways validate your code. W3C HTML/XHTML Validator REFERENCES http://htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/problems.htmlhttp://www.andybudd.com/archives/2004/08/m...n_css_problems/http://www.blackwidows.co.uk/resources/tut...mon-errors.htmlhttp://w3schools.com/tags/default.asphttp://dhost.info/profmemberone/Pages/deprecated.phphttp://webdesign.about.com/od/htmltags/a/aa011000a.htmmyself!
  19. That's the best direction but you should've posted in the PHP forum. You should probably have a look at the PHP tutorial from w3schools http://w3schools.com/php/default.asp . This is easily doable.
  20. vchris

    PHPBB skin mods

    I'm thinking of inserting PHPBB in the website instead of by default completely outside the site. If I redesign the board to my liking and to fit in the site (strictly presentation wise) would I have any issues with future updates?
  21. vchris

    PHPBB and PHP pages

    I have a friend who has a website with a phpbb forum and a couple php pages. The way I arranged it last time is I setup for each page to go see a particular post in the forum which is only accessible by admins. Which saved me from doing an admin panel. It works pretty nice but I got some time on my hands right now and I'd like to have it setup a little better. Right now in the phpbb post he has to input part of the page structure (<table>...). Ideally it'd be great if he would only have to put in the content. I'm trying to figure out the best way for anyone to be able to update the php pages without using FTP and playing with the source code. I was thinking of developing an admin panel but it could get a bit complicated since there could be lots of sections that need be editable (news, reviews, navigation, events, all within the home page). Other pages are simpler since they would only have 1 section. Any ideas on other ways to do this? Could I do something with XML? How could I handle the members page which has the all the clubs members and their vehicle type?
  22. vchris

    Computer Desk

    paper? what's that?
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