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Little Goat

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Everything posted by Little Goat

  1. Actually, Internet Graphics Artists do not use any code (unless you are using SVG or another type I don't know of) And Most Browsers are the same with graphics unless they have a really bad bug, and then they're not worth using. :)So, I don't really think you need to worry about browsers if all you do is graphics.
  2. First of all, is this a Flash game, or is it coded into the PHP?Second of all, if the users input their scores into the form, they most likely won't be accurate, will they?Third of all, if it is an html form, then just make the <form action="yourpage.php" method="POST"> and then access it with the $_POST variable on the next page.And why do you have it stored in an array? if you are already submitting it to a PHP page, just do what you need to do there.Also, as Silver said, your code would really help you get more responsive answers.
  3. I don't think something like this can just be copy-pasted into your page. Well, maybe someone can just give you a whole web page, but it would really help you to learn a least a little about PHP so that you can understand the code and be able to fix it if something goes wrong. what I would do is store the results in a fileand then when you want to see them, you can just open the file and see.
  4. The links to your project and links pages come up with a 404 error. you should put some pages there even if it is just "under Construction; try again later".
  5. oh, yeah, if you want to put the content for different pages in separate files, you could do that but it also brings up some security issues if someone changed ?page=index to ?page=secretpasswords and you have a file named secretpasswords.html, it would bring it up.
  6. ok, so what you would need to do, is change all your links from stuff like "index.html" or "contact.html" to this: "index.php?page=index" and "index.php?page=contact" then in the php, you would do this: <?phpif($_GET['page']='index'){echo "index page content here";}elseif($_GET['page']='contact'){echo "contact page content here";}?> and so on...and you put that PHP code in the place where you usually put all the content.later, when you get into MySQL, you can store it in there, but I think this should work for you.
  7. Little Goat


    so what you would do on the page you want people to see is this: <script type="text/javascript">function changeTime(Span){Content=Span.innerHTML;Content-=1;if(Content<=0){ Content="You may submit again."; Span.innerHTML=Content;}else{ Span.innerHTML=Content; setTimeout(changeTime(Span), 1000); }}</script> and put this wherever you want the time to show up: <span id="time"><?php echo $fetch->lastmess - time(); ?></span> then at the bottom of you page, right before the </body> tag, put this: <script>changeTime(document.getElementById('time'));</script> EDIT: oh, I guess I type too slow.
  8. here is how I would do it:java script: Date = new Date();Hours = Date.getHours();document.getElementById('formid').hiddeninputelement.value=Hours;document.getElementById('formid').submit(); then of course you need a form: <form id="formid" action="dayornight.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="hiddeninputelement" value="" /></form> and then on the PHP page you check if $_POST['hiddeninputelement'] is set then if it isn't, redirect to the JS page. if it is, set $theme_switch_hour to $_POST['hiddeninputelement'].
  9. Little Goat


    yeah, that would be the best way, but if you wanted the number to change as you go, then you would need JS to display it on the page.
  10. mysql_fetch_assoc() and mysql_fetch_array() are almost the same thing.what you need to do is replace this: with this:echo '<h1>'.$r['header'].'</h1>'; echo $r['content']; echo "<br />"; echo "<title>The Shattered Realms ~ Siymeha: $r[header]</title>"; putting mysql_fetch_array() in there is selecting the second line instead of the first, as you already used mysql_fetch_assoc().
  11. Little Goat


    you would have to use Javascript to update the page, you could use setTimeout(functiontochangetime(), 1000);that would execute the function after that amount of time (in milliseconds), and you would put that in the end of functiontochangetime() so that it would do it every second. then you could either use ajax to get the time from a php page, or you could just set a span's innerHTML to spansid.innerHTML-1 and if it was zero, redirect to a different page.of course you might have to log their IP and put a time on that so they won't just press back and do it over again.
  12. Little Goat

    Login Problem

    yeah, that is the default. If you change it during the installation, you need to put that in.
  13. there is no real way of hiding your html. the browser has to have it and so it downloads it to the computer. if you don't want people to get your code, the only way is to not put it online.
  14. is this Javascript? you might have the wrong section.Do you have some code that you have tried, or can you give a link to the page where the questions are asked?how I would approach this situation is write the expiration into the application.
  15. Little Goat

    Login Problem

    you must supply a username and password to connect to the MySQL server. You should have been asked for these when you set up the server.and $user = ($_POST['user']); should be $user = $_POST['user']; without the parentheses.and one more thing. do you even have your login info in the DB? make sure you do.
  16. the home page is www.sqlite.org. they have an about section there that you might want to read.
  17. I knwo why they would need a Email, in case you forget your password.
  18. did you delete the .htaccess file? if so, you need to change the extension to .php instead of .png.
  19. Little Goat

    image Rotation

    it's telling you that the image you are trying to open is not a valid JPEG. make sure that your image is there and that it's a real image.
  20. Little Goat


    that's because there's nothing in the email. try this: <a href='http:\\www.wasper-rocker.co.uk/activate.php?act_num={$random}'>http:\\www.wasper-rocker.co.uk/activate.php?act_num={$random}</a>. notice that instead of putting the url in title, I put it inbetween the tags.
  21. in the ASP code, try using name="Video[<%=i+1%>]" so then the code printed will be name="Video[1]" if i is 0. then you can treat $_POST['Video'] like an array.
  22. well, all my library has for computer books is stuff about MSDOS or maybe one about Windows 95, and a few on surfing the internet. I live in a tiny town and have to drive to the next one (about ten miles) to go there anyway.
  23. unless you have one of the worst libraries in the world, like me.
  24. like the google toolbar, i think is what he means.
  25. I don't think that's the same thing. in the book, it talks about how you use it, and it translates the code in you XHTML file, into some sort of HTML and Javascript combination, I think. that could be it though.
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