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Everything posted by ben3001

  1. ben3001

    Domain Name

    i am really loving the site man good job, love the font and excellent work.cant wait for the finished product
  2. ben3001

    Domain Name

    i must say that is an excellent site there. if i saw that portfolio i would most definately be interested with approaching you for web design..However theres something about the font type/size im not to sure about. Also a suggestion would be, maybe if you hovered over the websites on the left the image became lighter?i know i should really post in the host and DNS discussion but you will not find a cheaper host then:http://www.2wdhost.com/hosting/
  3. Snow is fallingall around mechildren playinghaving funit's the seasonlove and understandingmerry christmas everyoneI hope all you guys and girls have a wonderful xmas and a happy new year
  4. ben3001

    Adding Checkbox

    oops lol i kinda forgot about this topic i found out what i was doing wrong, i forgot to define the valuesorry about that i should of said thanks anyways
  5. ben3001

    Adding Checkbox

    I have this which is a basic form. on it i would like to add a check box saying, do you want more information if they tick it in the email i get i'll see yes. i've been trying to work it out and i cant find the solution any ideas are apprecited, thanks ben <!-- CONTACT FORM --> <?php $sub = isset( $_GET[ 'sub']) ? $_GET[ 'sub'] : false; if( isset( $_POST[ 'action'])) { $sub = strlen( $_POST[ 'subject']) > 0 ? $_POST[ 'subject'] : false; $custname = strlen( $_POST[ 'custname']) > 0 ? $_POST[ 'custname'] : false; if( !eregi( "^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+$", $_POST[ 'custemail'])) $custemail = false; else $custemail = $_POST[ 'custemail']; $custno = strlen( $_POST[ 'custno']) > 0 ? $_POST[ 'custno'] : false; $enquiry = strlen( $_POST[ 'custenq']) > 0 && strlen( $_POST[ 'custenq']) < 200 ? $_POST[ 'custenq'] : false; /* Validate all fields as we want to be able to contact the customer */ if( $sub && $custname && $custemail && $custno && $enquiry) { // We want to process this request and try and send it $header = 'From:' . $custemail . "\r\n" . // This allows us to reply to the message directly 'Reply-To: ' . $custemail . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion( ); $message = " Customer Name: " . $custname . "\n" . " Enquiry: " . $enquiry. "\n\n" . $custemail . " Phone no: " . $custno; if( mail( "email", "Product Enquiry:" . $sub, $message, $header)) { // Mail the customer a confirmation mail( $custemail, "D-View Auto Reply ", "Dear $custname," . "\r\n" . "Thank-you for contacting , regarding the product: $sub , your enquiry has been sent and you should be " . "contacted shortly" . "\r\n" . "We attempt to respond to all e-mails within 24 hours, but during busy times this make take " . "\r\n" . "longer." . "\r\n" . "Once again, thank-you for your enquiry " , "From: no-reply@.com" . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: no-reply@.com" . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion( )); $success = true; }else{ $success = false; } } else $errors = true; } if( isset( $errors ) && $errors == true) { ?> <div style="color: #ff5050">There were errors in your submission, all fields are required. </div> <?php } if( isset( $success)) { if( $success) { ?> <div style="color: #333333;"><strong>Your enquiry has been sent, you should receive an e-mail confirmation shortly.</strong></div> <?php } else { ?> <div style="color: #ff5050;">There was an error with your enquiry please try again later. </div> <?php } } ?> <form action="product.php" method="post"> <div class="fmTitle">Product ID</div> <div class="fmField"> <input type="text" name="subject" value="<?= $sub; ?>" size="32" maxlength="32" /> <span class="style6">*</span><br /> <br /> </div> <div class="fmTitle">Name</div> <div class="fmField"> <input type="text" name="custname" value="<?= $custname; ?>" size="25" maxlength="25" /> <span class="style6">*</span><br /> <br /> </div> <div class="fmTitle">Email</div> <div class="fmField"> <input type="text" name="custemail" value="<?= $custemail; ?>" size="35" maxlength="60" /> <span class="style6">*</span><br /> <br /> </div> <div class="fmTitle">Phone</div> <div class="fmField"> <input type="text" name="custno" value="<?= $custno; ?>" size="20" maxlength="13" /> <span class="style6">*</span><br /> <br /> </div> <div class="fmTitle">Enquiry</div> <div class="fmField"> <textarea name="custenq" cols="60" rows="5" onKeyDown="limitText(this.form.custenq,this.form.countdown,200);" onKeyUp="limitText(this.form.custenq,this.form.countdown,200);"><?= $custenq; ?></textarea> <span class="style6">*</span><br><font size="1"> </font><div class="style7">.</div><font size="1">(Maximum characters: 200) <span class="style6">*Required </span><br />You have <input name="countdown" type="text" value="200" size="3" readonly="readonly" /> characters left.</font> <br /> <br /> </div> <div class="fmTitle"> </div> <div class="fmField"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="productenq" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset" /> </div> </form> <!-- END CONTACT FORM -->
  6. cheers for that its working nowhttp://aquatic-management.org/hjhhjhfdfgdgfdgffdgdf
  7. cheers for that i kinda changed it just added location.href instead of the url: the only problem is that i.e and firefox render the links differently, any way to change this?see for your selfhttp://aquatic-management.org/hjhhjh
  8. hmm i think i didnt do it right http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&...+void%280%29%3B
  9. Hi, i have a basic 404 page, <div id="content"> <p class="style5">Error #404 </p> <p><img src="image/error.png" alt="error" width="50" height="55" />The requested URL: <stong> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- document.write('<A HREF="' + location.href +'">'); document.write(location.href); document.write('</A>'); // --></SCRIPT></strong> was not found on this server </p> <p>This page may have moved or is no longer available<br /> Please try one of the following options: </p> <ul> <li>Check the Web address you entered to make sure if it's correct. </li> <li>Try to access the page directly from the <a href="index.html">Home page</a> or <a href="sitemap.html">site map</a>, instead of using a bookmark. If the page has moved, reset your bookmark</li> <li>Alternatively email <a href="mailto:error@aquatic-management.org?subject=Error Report:">error@aquatic-management.org</a> with the broken url as the subject, and the problem will be sorted. </li> </ul> <p><br /> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </div> i have JS capturing the current url <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- document.write('<A HREF="' + location.href +'">'); document.write(location.href); document.write('</A>'); // --></SCRIPT> i also have a mailto link <a href="mailto:error@aquatic-management.org?subject=Error Report:"> is it possible for me to put the javascript into the mailto link, so that the subject reads, Error Report: http://site.com/dfdfd (what ever the broken url was)cheersB
  10. ben3001


    cheers for that site, its explained in a nut shell
  11. ben3001


    HiIve looked everywhere for info re: robots.txt.could you explain please in the simplist form what it is, what it includes and how to construct one.Much ApprecitedB
  12. ben3001

    GET Variable

    i didnt really think of spam bots etc, im probably gonna scrap the idea.instead when the user clicks the image it puts the persons name in the field.
  13. ben3001

    GET Variable

    this thing is i have a page calledcontact.htmlHere are all the images.contact.php, i have the form on this page.is it possible for me to have a hyperlink on the image that will input the relevant email address.e.g The user clicks on persons one image, who's email is personone@thedomain.com. This then gets inputted onto contact.php in the field called 'email.i though something like but that didnt
  14. ben3001

    GET Variable

    Hi guys, wow havent posted since september its been so long lol....The problem i have is that i have an image, which once clicked hopefully inputs the persons email address into the form. For example there are 5 pictues of the person you want to contact, you click there face and it is entered into a seperate php file called contact.php.How would i go about this?cheers peopleBen
  15. Hey leave atspace alone lol, i think it is one of thee best free hosts
  16. in my opinion its pointless disabling right click, in firefox all you have to do is right click--> view info--> View media --> you can save all images a touch of a button.i think if you dont want somone steling your html, i think it might need encryptinghttp://www.aevita.com/web/lock/im think anyway
  17. no pdf will definately not be saved in there, im sure its only images, the sites them selves, and some objects such as flash and maybe some other stuff but not pdf documents
  18. dcole.ath.cx, im no expert but it is useually easier to be helped if you provided a screenshot prehaps, instead of drawing the template in a forum
  19. i got 189 days left before i gotta pay another £30
  20. yeah ive had norton for a long time now but havent really been bothered about it, i was bored today and now i have my answer, you know thats why i might have pop ups not appearing any more... go Norton (when your norton expires do you think it gets removed?
  21. This is just a question out of curiosity, but what does this do, its on all web pages now (i think) and have never really seen the use of it: <script language="JavaScript"><!--function SymError(){ return true;}window.onerror = SymError;var SymRealWinOpen = window.open;function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes){ return (new Object());}window.open = SymWinOpen;//--></script>
  22. ben3001

    Online Business

    if your asking for my opinon, in the digital age we live in today it is very hard to just make money via online.the amount of sites that are here today gone tomorrow is always increassing.In my opinion the only way to make money online is if you establish a business for your self offline and then have the upgrade to a E-commerce site.This way you will of already made an image for yourself and hopefully have customers already.As i say the internet now is far to big to be creating an online business out of nothing, you must work upwards
  23. www.statcounter.com is a great resource, no pop-ups and free statsOfftopic: who is this person pretty scary if you ask me
  24. scott mate you have some very weird resources, well the *** did you find that lol
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