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Everything posted by JeePI

  1. i solved my problem by using a table with a border... i still dont understand what the problem was caused by with DIVs...!thx again raimo
  2. Hi, thank you again for helping me.width : 98% didn't worked :)i added border-collapse : collapse; in my commun.css so it applies to all tablesand i still cant figure what is going wrong on this page... why can't i put a border on my TR?I have finally put a style in all of my TDs... and i have the result that i want. It would have been so more simple to be able to put it in my TR.I still have my "disappearing border" problem :S
  3. /************************************************************** * Auteur : Jean-Philippe Morin * Date Création : 29 Mars 2006 * Date Modification : 30 Mars 2006, Jean-Philippe Morin * ---------------------------------------------------------- * But : Feuille de style qui peut être utilisée pour * la page rechercher. **************************************************************//**CSS Rechercher******************* * border : 1px solid #0096ce; * background-color : #f2f8fb; * padding : left, right, bottom, top; * float : left, right, none; * clear : left, right, both, none; * CSS Units : em, ex, px; ***********************************/table.resultats{ border : 1px solid #0096ce; color : #0096ce; font : 10pt verdana; width : 100%;}tr.docTypes{ border : 1px solid #0096ce;}td.docTypes_id{ width : 30px;} <table class="resultats"> <tr> <td class="docTypes_id">#</td> <td>titre</td> </tr> <% var rs_docTypesSearch = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"); var strSelectDocType = "SELECT dt.docType_ID, " + strLang + "_docType_Name docType_Name "; strSelectDocType +=" FROM docType dt, community_docType cdt "; strSelectDocType +=" WHERE dt.docType_ID = " + Session("intDocType") + " "; strSelectDocType +=" AND cdt.community_ID = 1 "; strSelectDocType +=" ORDER BY docType_Name "; rs_docTypesSearch.Open(strSelectDocType, cnn_sql, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly); while (!rs_docTypesSearch.EOF) { %> <tr class="docTypes"> <td><%= rs_docTypesSearch("docType_ID") %></td> <td><%= rs_docTypesSearch("docType_Name") %></td> </tr> <% rs_docTypesSearch.MoveNext(); } //fin du while rs_docTypesSearch.Close(); %></table> hmm it still doesnt work here... and i cant find why? and why the style that i call in my TR doesnt apply? if i put another property than border it applies it.If i remove this part of the code, my border doesnt disappear, its only when put this table...
  4. Thank SO MUCH raimo!! :)It worked all fine! Yay!Thank you for all the tips, i appreciate it much!I'm a trainee for 10 weeks in an important company (to get my diploma) and it is the first time i'm using that much CSS and DIV for design, i used to only use TABLE!Thank you again
  5. <!--//**Contient l'ensemble de la page*******************//-->div.container{ width : 750px;}<!--//**Contient le contenu au milieu de la page*******************//-->div.content { border-width : 0px 1px 1px 1px; border-style : solid; border-color : #0096ce;}td.menu_header{ border-width : 1px 1px 0px 0px; border-style : solid; border-color : #0096ce; background-color : #f2f8fb; color : #0096ce; font : bold 10pt verdana; width : 287px; padding-left : 10px;}td.menu_content{ padding : 10px; border : 1px solid #0096ce; color : #0096ce; font : 10pt verdana;}div.left_menu{ float : left; margin : 10px 0px 10px 5px;}div.right_menu{ float : right; margin : 10px 5px 10px 0px;} <div class="content"> <!-- //**Menu de gauche*******************// // Affiche le menu de gauche --> <div class="left_menu"> <table width="357" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="70" height="25"><img src="./images/coin_salesnet.gif"></td> <td class="menu_header">Menu</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="menu_content"> <li><a href="#">Markets Serves</a></li> <li><a href="#">Products</a></li> <li><a href="#">Experts</a></li> <li><a href="#">Services We Offer</a></li> <li><a href="#">Our Promotions</a></li> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- //**Menu de droite*******************// // Affiche le menu de droite --> <div class="right_menu"> <table width="357" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="70" height="25"><img src="./images/coin_salesnet.gif"></td> <td class="menu_header">Menu</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="menu_content"> <li><a href="#">Customer Relationship Management</a></li> <li><a href="#">Knowledge Database</a></li> <li><a href="#">Global Resources</a></li> <li><a href="#">External Links</a></li> <li><a href="index.asp?lang=<%= strLang %>&page=template">Template</a></li> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <span style="clear : both"></span> </div>
  6. it doesn't work for me... it is really weird... because on the page load, it works really fine!
  7. Hi!I have a strange problem with my div / css... and i dont know why it does that...I have a div with a border of 1px solid #0096ce, when the page first load, it is all perfect! but when there is any interaction with the window itself some part (not completely) of the border disappear... (example on the resize of the window, on some text selection, minimize / maximize, etc...)correct (on page load)incorrect (if i change the window state)Any idea on how to solve this?Thank you
  8. Hi, im working a project that has a graph, and i would like that "height" graph to follow the height of another TD.But i just can't get the height of this TD since it is not fixed.<td width="320" id="heightGraph">Some images taking different space depending of the parameters of the page</td><td width="45">"graph in here"</td><td width="320" id="heightGraph">Some images taking different space depending of the parameters of the page</td>I would like that my graph change of height depending of TD heightGraphi have tried document.getElementById("heightGraph").offsetHeight and it returns 0... i tried with innerHeight, clientHeight and style.Height and its the same...Im lost! Help me plz :)JeePI
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