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Everything posted by atar.yosef

  1. Hi there!!Is there any way to find the absolute position of an element? (Element.offsetTop, Element.style.top etc, are all give the relative position of the element related to its parent element).Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  2. Hi there!! Is there any way to import values of an Excel spreadsheet's fields using PHP? any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!! atar.
  3. @dsonesuk:Thanks you very much about your kind and details response! I appreciate that!Regards!!Atar.
  4. Thanks dsonesuk for replying!However, I need more info about three things:1) how many characters am I limited to in the meta tag?2) can you demonstrate me how to use the "lang" attribute inside the meta tag?3) what will happen if I will write several instances of the same kind, i.e. several meta tags with the "description" attribute, will the last statement overwrite all those which precede it?Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  5. Hi there!! As all we know, if we want to give a description to a website, of course we should use at the meta tag with the description keyword as the value of the name attribute. but my question is if I want to supply multiple descriptions to a page in multiple languages such as in English, French and so on, do I need to write multiple meta tags, each with its own description, or I should write the multiple descriptions in the same meta tag and only to separate them by a comma, or a semicolon for example? Thanks in advance!! atar.
  6. Thanks to all the members which making effort to help me with this problem!!@birbal:I use at 3rd server. Probably they want some fee in order to allow me using their SMTP server.@westman:I tried your advice. Unfortunately, this didn't solve the problem.Thanks to all!Atar.
  7. @satishpoul:Unfortunately, the solutions suggested at the sites you've referred me to aren't related to me since I use at Linux based server and those solutions are about windows based servers.However, thanks for your attempt to help me!Sincerely!Atar.
  8. @satishpoul:Thanks you very much about your kind and detailed response!! I'm really appreciate that!!I'll try ASAP to review the reference you've referred me to and will try if this will work for me.Sincerely!!Atar.
  9. @justsomeguy:Thanks you very much about your kind response!! I'm appreciate that!!Sincerely!!Atar.
  10. Hi there!!I've noticed that when I'm trying to combine two CSS transitions effects, only the first one is executed and the second one is left behind. Can someone here explain me why does this occur and how to work around it?Here's a code snippet that combine two CSS transitions for your investigation: <html><head><title></title><script type="text/javascript">try{function start(){myDiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");myDiv.onclick = function(){myDiv.style.width = "160px"; myDiv.style.height = "160px";}}//end start().}//end try statement.catch(err){alert("there's an error in this page. \n the error message is:\n" + err.message + "\n the error name is: \n" + err.name + "\n and the error details are:\n" + err.constructor + "\n and the error stack is: \n" + err.stack);}//end catch statement.</script><style type="text/CSS">div#myDiv {background-color:blue; color:yellow; -webkit-transition:height 1s; -webkit-transition:width 1s;}</style></head><body onload="start()"><div id="myDiv">hhhhh</div></body></html> Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  11. Hi there!!I've noticed that when I'm trying to combine two CSS transitions effects, only the first one is executed and the second one is left behind. Can someone here explain me why does this occur and how to work around it?Here's a code snippet that combine two CSS transitions for your investigation: <html><head><title></title><script type="text/javascript">try{function start(){myDiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");myDiv.onclick = function(){myDiv.style.width = "160px"; myDiv.style.height = "160px";}}//end start().}//end try statement.catch(err){alert("there's an error in this page. \n the error message is:\n" + err.message + "\n the error name is: \n" + err.name + "\n and the error details are:\n" + err.constructor + "\n and the error stack is: \n" + err.stack);}//end catch statement.</script><style type="text/CSS">div#myDiv {background-color:blue; color:yellow; -webkit-transition:height 1s; -webkit-transition:width 1s;}</style></head><body onload="start()"><div id="myDiv">hhhhh</div></body></html> Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  12. @thescientist:Thanks for replying!!When I look in the output of the phpinfo() method, I see that there's a row which in its first column it reads "SMTP" and in its second column it reads "localhost". Is that okay? How can I achieve more info if there's in my host a SMTP server?Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  13. Hi there!! I have copied and changed the following code snippet from the php.net site: <?php$to = 'myusername@mydomain.com';$subject = 'the subject';$message = 'hello';$headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com\r\n';if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){ echo "Success!!"; }?> unfortunately, my script wasn't executed and I didn't receive the email even in my junk folder. Can someone help me solve this trouble? Thanks in advance!! atar.
  14. @ingolme and justsomeguy:Thanks you very much about your kind support! I appreciate it!!Sincerely!Atar.
  15. @ingolme and justsomeguy:Thanks you very much about your detailed and well explained answers!! I really appreciate it!!Just two more things I want to know:1) if JavaScript fails to manage timing functions accurately, which other programming languages can be used to perform accurate timing functions? (Either those programming languages are web based like php and asp or they aren't web based like JAVA and C++).2) Ingolme has said that: and I'm very curious and interested to know which algorithm he used in order to achieve more accurately results. I'll be glad if he'll share his algorithm with me.Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  16. @Ingolme: Thanks you on your reply!! I just wanted to know what's your meaning in your last sentence: Why does the setInterval() function cause an error, and what's exactly error margin? Thanks in advance! atar.
  17. @judtsomeguy:Thanks you about your answer. I've sent kaijim a PM and I'm waiting for his answer.Sincerely!!Atar.
  18. @justsomeguy:Thank you very much about your detailed answer!! So isn't there an alternative way to achieve my goal? (i.e. to create a function that will expand an element size up to the specified size and will last during the specified time).Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  19. Hi to the site owner's and moderators!! Please add support to the IPS board iPhone app so we will be able to access your site via the IPS official iPhone app. Thanks in advance!! atar.
  20. Hi there! I've built the following code snippet in order to animate a div element by using the setInterval() function to change the div element's height and width at a specified rate. the problem is that according to the arguments I've provided to the function, I've expected it to last 2 seconds. but unfortunately, actually the function executed during approximately 8 seconds and I don't understand why. please help me figure it out what is going here. <html><head><title></title><script type="text/javascript">try{function start(){var divFirst = document.getElementById("divFirst");var divControl = document.getElementById("divControl");function expand(eID, exHeight, exWidth, timing){i = 0;t = setInterval(innerExpand, timing);function innerExpand(){i++;eID.style.height = exHeight++;eID.style.width = exWidth ++;s = new Date();s = s.getSeconds();divControl.innerHTML = i + "---" + s;if(i == 1000){clearInterval(t);}//end if.}//end innerExpand().}//end expand().divFirst.onclick = function(){expand(divFirst, 20, 100, 2);}}//end start().}//end try statement.catch(err){alert("there's an error in this page. \n the error message is:\n" + err.message + "\n the error name is: \n" + err.name + "\n and the error details are:\n" + err.constructor + "\n and the error stack is: \n" + err.stack);}//end catch statement.</script><style type="text/CSS">div#divFirst {background-color:red;}div#divControl {position:absolute; top:10px; left:200px;}</style></head><body onload="start()"><div id="divFirst">my first div!!</div><div id="divControl"></div></body></html> Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance! atar.
  21. @justsomeguy: Thanks you very much about your kind help! I'm appreciate that!I did as you described in your last post and it worked like a magic. sincerely! atar.
  22. @justsomeguy:Thanks for your willingness to help! I'm appreciate it!Any of the options oh have specified failed to explain the fact that the second div element triggers only one of its event listener.Look at the following code snippet: divSecond.onmouseover = function(e){divSecond.style.visibility = "visible";}divSecond.onmouseover = function(e){divThird.style.width = window.innerWidth;} Why does only the second statement get execute and the first statement isn't get executed?Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  23. @justsomeguy:Ok, so why does the CSS animation work? The code that trigger the animation is:divSecond.onmouseover = function(e){divThird.style.width = window.innerWidth;}and it don't should be executed because there's no option to hover with the mouse on the second div because when the mouse leave the first div, the second div disappear and the above code statement isn't met?Thanks in advance!!Atar.
  24. @justsomeguy:Thanks you on your willingness to help!!I'll try your suggestion and see what happen.Sincerely!Atar.
  25. @justsomeguy:Thanks for replying!!At a first glance, it seems that you are right, but if you will try to comment the line that triggers the animation, you'll notice that the second div element continue to be visible although the mouse have left the first div element. Moreover, according your words, the animation shouldn't be triggered because the second div element disappears when the mouse leave the first div element before the mouse hovers the second div element which this action triggers the animation. Thanks in advance!!Atar.
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