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Posts posted by Yahweh

  1. I think it would be nice if SQL had a syntax that allows you to say "Select incrementer as seats_available from some_table where incrementer between 1 and 10".I don't think you can actually get SQL to select a dynamic range like that, unless you have a table that lists all the possible seats. You probably need to handle your output by serverside code, by running through a loop of occupied seats and displaying only the unfilled seats.

  2. Hi, i not sure whether this in tutorial or not but i couldn't find it. I want to know how to open new wndow after i click on the link. If i use response.redirect("xxx.aspx") it will open the page in parent. In vb script:
    Why would you need to do this serverside? Why not just use HTML to open your processing page in a new window?
    [preprocess.asp]<form action="process.asp" target="_blank">...<input type="submit" value="Go"></form>

    If you need to close your processing window and/or redirect the opener to another page, just use a java script:

    [process.asp]<%...' stuff...%><body onLoad="java script:opener.location='finish.asp';self.close();">

  3. Hey guys,It's been a while since I was on here. I am taking a new client, but he wants a forum. I am fine with the rest of the site, but I have NO experience with forums at all. I would hate to not take the job just because of the forum. Would anybody be willing to help me get a forum up and running if I pay them?@ moderators: I don't know if this is allowed here or not. If it's not, my bad and I'm sorry - feel free to lock it. If it is, any help?Thanks as always,LifeInBinary.
    Are you writing your own forum software (if so, what language)? Or installing pre-existing software like vBulletin?Writing your own software is a little more time consuming, but I've written plenty of boards, its not terribly difficult from a programming point of view.


    [ASP.NET 1.1/C#]I have to design something like a CMS. Its a intranet site which has an admin part who can modify the content of that intranet site. Im stuck up in how to create dynamic menus. Need some ideas of how to proceed, should I use datagrid or datalist or anything else to list out the links in menu whose URL and text is in database... also it has to be positioned on the left side. Any ideas?? Thanks.Pulpfiction.
    First, there's no earthly reason why you have to do anything in your code behind.If you can't upgrade .Net 2.0 and use the <asp:menu> control, you can create dynamic menus with bulleted list control:
    <asp:BulletedList	ID="BulletedList1"	runat="server"	DisplayMode="HyperLink"	DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"	DataTextField="Title" DataValueField="ID"></asp:BulletedList><asp:SqlDataSource	ID="SqlDataSource1"	runat="server"	ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNetConnectionString %>"	SelectCommand="Select ID, Title From Table"></asp:SqlDataSource>

    That will display a bulleted list of hyperlinks.If you want to use a repeater, its virtually the same thing:

    <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">	<ItemTemplate>		<div><a href="page.aspx?id=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ID") %>">		<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Title") %></a></div>	</ItemTemplate></asp:Repeater><asp:SqlDataSource	ID="SqlDataSource1"	runat="server"	ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNetConnectionString %>"	SelectCommand="Select ID, Title From Table"></asp:SqlDataSource>

    The methods above are for simple, linear menus. If you need nested lists or display a tree list, then you run into issues: SQL doesn't know how to create hiearchial data. I've run into that problem, and I found a good workaround here. Basically, you set two fields in your database, a "depth" field and a "lineage field". An example table looks like this:

    Some_Blog-----ID	Category	 Parent	Depth	Lineage1	 Computers	0		 0		/1/2	 Programming  1		 1		/1/2/3	 Cooking	  0		 0		/3/4	 Parts		2		 2		/1/2/4/5	 Websites	 1		 1		/1/5/6	 Languages	2		 2		/1/2/6/7	 Monitor	  4		 3		/1/2/4/7/8	 Vegan		3		 1		/3/8/9	 VB.Net	   6		 3		/1/2/6/9/10	Soups		3		 1		/3/10/11	C++		  6		 3		/1/2/6/11/

    Searching, sorting, and displaying that kind of table in a list is very easy. When you sort by Lineage ASC, you get a perfectly hiearchial list, and you can sepearate levels by indenting your fields based on the depth. Its easiest to do that with a repeater:

    <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">	<ItemTemplate>		<div style="margin-left:"<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "depth") %>em">		<a href="page.aspx?id=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ID") %>">		<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Category") %></a>		</div>	</ItemTemplate></asp:Repeater><asp:SqlDataSource	ID="SqlDataSource1"	runat="server"	ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNetConnectionString %>"	SelectCommand="SELECT ID, Category, Depth FROM Some_Blog ORDER BY Lineage"></asp:SqlDataSource>

    I use that kind of code and table structure on my own sites. The nice part about the code above is that it displays a data tree in a SINGLE query (and its very fast), whereas using nested repeaters require dozens and dozens of queries.

  4. 1. i put the option as 'cricket' and it is comes out to be 'beer' as you can see below
    The problem is obvious:Your markup reads like this:
    <select name="category" id="category" style="width:130px;">...<input name="Blog_01_Category" type="hidden" value="<%=rsCategories("Blog_01_Category")%>" />

    But your code says this:

    strRequestBlog_01Category	   = Replace(CSTR(Request.Form("Blog_01_Category")), "'", "''", 1, -1, 1)

    You're dropdown list is called "category", but you don't ever Request.Form that value in your code. The element "Blog_01_Category" is your hidden element, which is apparently static. Change your code to this:

    strRequestBlog_01Category	   = Replace(CSTR(Request.Form("category")), "'", "''", 1, -1, 1)

    this error below appears after i press submit.But got this error:Error Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'beer' 'c', '', 1, '', '', 'right', '', '', 0, '1', '1', '', 'c', 'pedalo', '2007/3/23 15:56:11')'.
    Just a syntax error in your SQL, you're missing a comma between 'beer' and 'c':
    'beer' 'c', '', 1, '', '', 'right' [...]	  ^	  |  needs a  comma

  5. Without seeing the HTML code alongside the ASP, its hard to tell what's wrong. But the best way to troubleshoot this kind is error is setting your form's method to "get", so that can see your querystring. You never know, your error could be something really simple like mispelling the name of your dropdown list.If your querystring looks something "page.asp?Blog_01_Title=Hello&Blog_01_Category=&Blog_01_Intro=world", then probably the error has something to do with your HTML code. Your dropdown list should look like this:

    <select name="Blog_01_Category" size="10"><option value="1">Cat 1</option><option value="2">Cat 2</option><option value="3">Cat 3</option><option value="4">Cat 4</option><option value="5">Cat 5</option><option value="6">Cat 6</option></select>

    If you don't name your dropdown list, or set values in each of the options, then it isn't passed in the querystring collection.My last suggestion is to make sure your SQL code is correct. Your category field is probably an integer, but you have a line of code reading:

    strEnterSQL = strEnterSQL & "'" & strRequestBlog_01Category & "', "

    That's going to put single quotes around your Category, but MySQL can't implicitly convert string values to integer values. That kind of conversion would raise an error in other databases, but MySQL is apparently silencing the error. Try changing your code to this:

    strEnterSQL = strEnterSQL & strRequestBlog_01Category & ", "

  6. Use this:

    SELECT uni, rank as area_rank FROM ranking WHERE uni = 'Impreial'

    The "as area_rank" is an alias. It just renames your column to something else.You can also use this to display more rows:

    SELECT uni, rank as area_rank FROM ranking ORDER BY area_rank ASC

  7. I have never had trouble with phpBB in anyway. Then again, I have never modded the PHP code. I have only changed skins.Is this an issue because you made changes to the source or was this an issue out of the box? What version were you using?
    Yes, I was trying to modify phpBB. I originally started using phpBB2 because it was free and popular, but the out-of-the-box version has a notorious reputation for security holes, so I followed the instructions on phpBBHacks.com to add a security mod. After my board was flooded with spam, I modified to add a CAPCHA, which elimiated 80% of the spam. Then I noticed the software is missing important features like a file upload, so I modified for that.I had 6 or 8 templates, which made it extremely difficult to update, because each template has to be modified seperately. Due to the difficulty of modifying phpBB, a mod was actually created specifically for the purpose of installing other mods... unfortunately, that auto-installer only works for the default phpBB template, and only works if the default template is unmodded. I eventually reduced down my templates to 1, just so I wouldn't have to spend hours and hours adding a single new mod to the software.Usually, I'm a huge advocate of the open source community, but only when the community can produce good software.
    Hi Yahweh, your board software sounds interesting. apperently some of the issues you pointed out have been fixed in the new phpbb like the templating system which is supposed to be a brezze now as well as some other improvements.http://www.phpbb.com/about/features/im gonna download a copy anyway to try it out.are you planning on releasing yBoard at any stage?
    No, my software isn't going to be released. It was written specifically for my site, not as an enterprise application.
  8. Most browsers render the tag as a blank HTML element, for example:

    Says to most browsers (IE6, FF and NN all output this way):

    <!-- Nothing Here -->

    Without the comment of course. However, the HTML tag will STILL show in the source.

    Quibble: I don't think most browsers will convert "<tagger>Blah</tagger>" to a comment. They'll usually display the word "Blah", so it would be the HTML equivalent of "<span>Blah</span>".
  9. I like the default layout, it looks very nice.But from a programming point of view, I hate phpBB with a vengeance. Simply the worst board software I've ever used. In addition to the templating system being impossibly complex, the structure of the database tables being misengineered, the sql queries abusing the JOIN to no end, my worst pet peeve had to be the bbCodes.- The bbCode module is 600+ lines long, all of the bbCode regexes are handtyped. You can't simply call a function called bbCodeParser and have it produce a regex for you, you have to type it yourself. Because regexes are handtyped, there is no consistent format to bbCodes or bbCode processing; that problem is especially evident in the awkward inconsistencies in bbCode formats, such as {size=12} and {quote="username"} (notice the parameter for the QUOTE code must appear in quotation marks or the tag will not process, but the parameter in the SIZE tag must not appear in quotation marks or it will not process).- its nearly impossible to add a new bbCode. The process requires editing 6 different files, adding 50 lines of code, writing your own regex, and hoping everything went smoothly (which is usually not the case).- On top of that, the parser it suffers from a bug where it can't parse nested bbCodes properly.After I apologized to my site's contributors for the 50th time about the shoddy board software and being unable to fix it, I decided I had enough of phpBB and I wrote my own software. (I'm happy to say that in the board system I wrote,called yBoard, my yCode module is 40 lines long, yCodes can be created with a single line of code or by adding a single record to the database, and it handles nested codes the way it should.)

  10. For Each student As String In studentInfo			Console.WriteLine(student)		Next

    See MSDN: Console.WriteLine(object):

    Writes the text representation of the specified object, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream.
    You're telling your program to print your student object, but it doesn't know how to format each field in the object. By default, it prints it out in serialized format, which means you have a line break after each field.Its better to use .Net's formatting to take care of the alignment of text for you. I recommend rewriting your Sub like this:
    Sub writeData()		Console.WriteLine("Student Grade Report: 11/29/2006")		Console.WriteLine("How to read this screen:")		Console.Write("{0,-20}{1,-20}{2,-20}", "Name:", "Grade Average:", "Grade")		Console.WriteLine("")		For Each student In studentInfo   'don't cast student as String			Console.WriteLine("{0,-20}{1,-20}{2,-20}", _					student.firstName & " " & student.LastName, _					student.examAverage, _					student.examGrade)		Next	End Sub

  11. aspnetguy:MySQL still complaining that the same table cannot appear in both INSERT and the FROM clause..it seems that MySQL and Access are using something quite different.Yahweh:Oh thanks!! It works fine.But how to alter the SQL if my table got more than one column? The one i raised is just an example and make things simpler. The real thing of course having many columns, a single one can do nothing.
    I can show you the code, but if you want to understand it, then you have to understand that literally, the "VALUES (...)" clause is a recordset, fundamentally no different from the recordset returned by any SQL query. That might not mean much to you, until you realize that the following two queries are identical:
    INSERT INTO	table	(field1)VALUES	('monkey');INSERT INTO	table	(field1)SELECT	'monkey';   -- the query "SELECT 'monkey'" returns a single record with a single field containing the value 'monkey'

    As you can probably guess, its not that hard to alter many columns, its not different than writing a select statement with many columns. The following two queries are identical:

    INSERT INTO	table1	(field1, field2, field3, field4)VALUES	('1', 'monkey', 'jesh', 'aspnetguy')INSERT INTO	table1	(field1, field2, field3, field4)SELECT	field1, field2, field3, field4FROM	sometableWHERE	[conditions]

    For your application, you might use this code:

    INSERT INTO	acc_list	(ID, article_title, date_added)SELECT   Max(b.ID + 1), 'Article on monkeys', Now()FROM   acc_list b

    Its very simple, and very intuitive. Just be aware of two things:1) Your select statement should contain exactly the number fields that you are updating.2) You will insert exactly the number of rows returned by your select statement. If your select statement returns 12 rows, you will insert 12 new rows into your table.

  12. It just occurred to me, another way to get rid of cross site scripting is using something like this:

    Function sanitize_input(someString)	santize_input = Server.HTMLEncode(someString)End Function

    That converts >, <, " (double quotes), and a few other characters to their harmless ascii equivalents, >, &lt, &quote;.

  13. yeah, didnt think that will be so simple :)almost forgot, my table contains one more column - "date". so how do i select "date" for the values already selected using SELECT DISTINCT name, surname FROM table ?
    That depends on what the dates are and which date you want to select.If you have records with duplicate names and surnames, and each record has the same date, then you don't need to change the query much at all.
    SELECT DISTINCT name, surname, `date` FROM table

    Otherwise, if the date is different for each record, then you need to use a join:

    SELECT DISTINCT a.name, a.surname, Max(b.`date`) FROM table aJOIN table b ON (a.id = b.id)GROUP BY a.name, a.surname

    Note: I haven't tested the queries above. I don't know if it will attempt to return rows with distinct max/min dates or not.

  14. I imagine that you have two tables like this:

    gallery_table-------------------------galleryID	galleryTitle1			2007-01-012			2007-01-053			2007-02-174			2007-02-21image_tableimageID	  galleryID (foreign key goes back to gallery_table.galleryID)1			12			13			34			45			36			17			28			39			1

    Its a helluva lot easier to add a "totalImages" column to your gallery table, and perform a simple "SELECT * FROM gallery_table" to get the number of images in each gallery. When you have 10s of 1000s of records, your queries begin to lag using a subquery or complex join.But, if you really want to go the route of using a join, you can do it two ways:Use a subquery:

    SELECT	g.galleryid, 	g.gallerytitle,	(		Select			Count(*)		FROM			image_table i		WHERE			g.galleryID = i.galleryID	) as totalImagesFROM	gallery_table g

    Use a join:

    SELECT	g.galleryID,	g.gallerytitle,	i.Count(*) as totalImagesFROM	gallery_table gLEFT JOIN	image_table i		ON			(g.galleryID = i.galleryID)GROUP BY	g.galleryID,	g.galleryTitle

    The GROUP BY is needed because the count(*) is an aggregate function. As long as you're comparing galleryID's, then you won't get any records from your image table with a null value, so you don't need to use an INNER JOIN.

  15. so i tried the JOIN method, but it says Invalid use of group function
    UPDATE acc_list ac1 inner JOIN acc_list ac2 on ac1.id = max(ac2.id) SET ac1.id = 7;

    When you use the Max function (or any other aggregate function like Sum, Min, Average, etc), and you have at least one column not encapsulated by your Max function, then you have to use GROUP BY.Your query is fine, but its missing a GROUP BY clause. Try this:

    UPDATE acc_list ac1 inner JOIN acc_list ac2 on ac1.id = max(ac2.id) SET ac1.id = 7 GROUP BY ac1.ID;

  16. Hello, a few questions here. I usually use PHP and MySQL for my Object Oriented Programming and now am starting to dabble into Microsoft Technologies. My question is do most ASP programmers use Access or MS SQL? I realize this is probably a matter of opinion or preference, but I'm hoping to get a few opinions on the database end of it. Plus I already have plenty of application installed on my PC lol.Thanks,Scott
    Most newbie programmers use Access. Then, when they get good at programming and move on to big projects, and wanting to build medium to high traffic websites, they claw out their eyes because Access just doesn't cut it. Then they switch to MySQL or SQL Server.If you want to use Microsoft technologies, go to ASP.Net. Classic ASP is essentially a dead language now, and the future of all web development is moving in a .Net direction. I recommend using SQL Server, but MySQL usually comes for free on most hosts.
  17. You need to define your own strip_tags() function. You can strip tags easily with regex.

    Public Function strip_tags(someString)	Dim myRegex	Set myRegex = new regexp	myRegex.global = True	myRegex.IgnoreCase = true	myRegex.Multiline = true	myRegex.Pattern = "<[^> ]+[\s\S]*?>"		 'matches any valid tag		strip_tags = myRegex.Replace(someString, "")End Function

    You might need a more powerful regex, because that won't catch malformed tags. However, it should be good enough to get you started.

  18. You're right, you're query is unacceptably large, and it will be extremely slow searching just a few thousand records.You should put a fulltext index on your table, something like this:

    ALTER TABLE	tab1ADD FULLTEXT INDEX search_all_fields	(name, type, subtype, fullfeature, quickfeature)

    Now you can search all of your fields with this short SQL query (and its MUCH faster as well):

    Select	*FROM	tab1WHERE	MATCH		(name, type, subtype, fullfeature, quickfeature)	AGAINST		('search string')

    The nice thing about fulltext search is that you can sort your results by relevance without any performance hit. The only real limitation is that you can't search for words less than 4 characters, which means the fulltext search might ignore some important 3-letter acronyms on your site, but otherwise I think its exactly what you need to search against any number of fields.Note: MySQL and SQL Server support the syntax above. MS Access probably doesn't, but you shouldn't be using Access if you plan to have a serious website at all.

  19. yeah, but the Select statement is pretty huge. also, if i that, i would have 3 select statements into 1 query and the 3 statements would be soo much similar... actually, doing that would be the same thing as splitting the 3 existing queries into the 18 queries i was talking about... what i want is to do some dynamic SQL( i just learned it does exists, but i dont know how... qnd sadly the tutorials on w3schools.com dont have any dynamic sql lessons)
    Dynamic SQL isn't a T-SQL trick, and it can't be created with stored procedures. "Dynamic SQL" is just a fancy way of saying ad hoc SQL written in server side code on your website.The real advantage of server-side SQL come when you need to use a lot of user-selected options to create an SQL statement, specifically when you don't know what the WHERE condition will look like ahead of time, such as in a site search where a user has the option to search many different optional fields and sort the fields in any order.Here is an example of a site search in VB.Net which uses dynamically generated SQL queries:Backend code:
    Private Sub Search (sender as object, e as eventargs) Handles Button.Click	Dim strSQL as String = _		String.Format(_					  "Select * from {0} [searchString] ORDER BY {1} {2};", _					  dropDownTable.Replace("'", "''"), _					  dropDownORDERBY.Replace("'", "''"), _					  dropDownSortOrder.Replace("'", "''") _					  )		'I'm using string.Replace("'", "'') to escape my SQL string, because		'otherwise its vulnerable to SQL injection	if txtSearchString.Length > 0 then		strSQL = Regex.Replace(strSQL, _							   Regex.Escape("[searchString]"), _							   String.Format("WHERE Title = '%{0}%', _											 txtSearchString.Replace("'", "''")), _							   RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)	else		strSQL = Regex.Replace(strSQL, _							   Regex.Escape("[searchString]"), _							   "", _							   RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)			end if	'Resulting string is a valid SQL string	Dim sqlComm As New SqlCommand(strSQL, sqlConn)	Dim r As SqlDataReader = sqlComm.ExecuteReader()	While r.Read()		'***		'***		'output all of your fields here, or bind it something on the page		'***		'***	End While 	r.Close()End Sub

    Front end HTML:

    <script runat="server">	<p>	Select a table to search:<br>	<asp:DropDownList ID="dropDownTable" runat="server">		<asp:ListItem Selected="True">Orders</asp:ListItem>		<asp:ListItem>Customers</asp:ListItem>		<asp:ListItem>Cats</asp:ListItem>	</asp:DropDownList>	</p>	<p>	Find a record containing:<br>	<asp:Textbox ID="txtSearchString" runat="server">	</p>	<p>	Sort results by:<br>	<asp:DropDownList ID="dropDownORDERBY" runat="server">		<asp:ListItem Selected="True">Title</asp:ListItem>		<asp:ListItem>Last Updated</asp:ListItem>		<asp:ListItem>ID</asp:ListItem>	</asp:DropDownList>	<asp:DropDownList ID="dropDownSortOrder" runat="server">		<asp:ListItem Selected="True">Ascending</asp:ListItem>		<asp:ListItem>Descending</asp:ListItem>	</asp:DropDownList>	</p>	<asp:Button runat="server" name="Button" text="Search"></script>

  20. I want Insert multi values same same into a table .Please help me
    Inserting a record with multiple values is easy:
    INSERT INTO	table	(field1, field2, field3)VALUES   (val1a, val1b, val1c)WHERE   condition = @condition;

    If you want to insert multiple records, its practically the same thing, except you seperate the values for each record by a comma:

    INSERT INTO	table	(field1, field2, field3)VALUES   (val1a, val1b, val1c),   (val2a, val2b, val2c),   (val3a, val3b, val3c),   (val4a, val4b, val4c)WHERE   condition = @condition;

  21. The best programming practice is simply executing two queries, something like this:

    -- This is written in T-SQLint @class;-- Get the first@class = Select class from t3 where condition = @conditionif @class = 4	begin		select name from t1	endif @class = 10   begin		select name from t2   endreturn

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