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  1. stymie: http://www.sitepoint.com/article/build-a-phpbb-forumhope it's usefull.real_illusions: like 24 lemans cause after 3/4 ofa centur...
  2. xampp looks ssssswwweeeeetttttt.took me days to bring some of this together.Smiles since you need a server on youre computer use either IIS or Apache. If want to play or use with databases Apache it.This xampp uses the lasted releases(looks like). That is hard to make compatable. would have choose that route had I known.have fun.
  3. Scott123

    Select query

    googled this up with youre query.SELECT COUNT(*) FROM(SELECT * FROM (select name,count(date) from emp group by date having count(date)>3) AS MYTBL);http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?10,135619,135622
  4. No I'm afraid that code does not work either. Seems like I'm notready to find the right question to explore. I hope an uprade to vistaor Zends study guide will solve this. thankyou very much for the replies.
  5. Thankyou justsomeguy and george for the reply.At the top of my post I have an example that uses a cookie to count.It does count, but the sessions do not?I even changed php and apache to a folder to check(details in first post).And session cookies are created, but maybe not recalled.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. <?phpsession_start();if(isset($_SESSION['views']))$_SESSION['views']= $_SESSION['views']+1;else$_SESSION['views']=1;echo "Views =". $_SESSION['views'];?>Didn't comment out "$_SESSION['views']=1;" on example. oops!This does not count.None of the session examples I find maintain a count. w3chools, Zend ect...Unless I'm really lost. The session_id() below should maintain state and not change on refresh?<?phpsession_start();print "My session ID is: " . session_id();?>
  7. padding: 0.5 em;and padding: 5.0 em;
  8. This fails also. output of 2 only:<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['views']=1; if(isset($_SESSION['views'])) $_SESSION['views']= $_SESSION['views']+1; else $_SESSION['views']=1; echo "Views =". $_SESSION['views'];?>its w3schools example.
  9. This should help:http://www.gidforums.com/t-809.htmlGoodluck!
  10. hope this helps:http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_animation.asphttp://www.w3schools.com/js/js_timing.aspgoddluck!
  11. Scott123

    Select query

    This is exactly what you need:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/counting-rows.htmlI hope, goodluck!
  12. Thankyou reportingsjr' and no I couldn't resist
  13. will there be a PHP certification some day?If not is Zend the only way to go?Would Zends certification be similar to W3schools certification for difficulty?Thankyou W3schools for the for ASP and HTML certifications!W3schools XML certification after I do PHP.Thankyou.
  14. Scott123

    footer problem

    <html><head><style type="text/css">p.footer{position:absolute; bottom: 0;}</style></head><body><p>content, content, content, content, content, content, content, content, content, content, content, content.</p><p class="footer">absoute bottom </p></body></html>Hope this helps.
  15. Instead of: height : 100%;try: height : 100px; or whatever size you need.Equal on all divs: top : 200px; or whatever size you need.Not : top : 200px; and top : 208px;Hope I understood you, goodluck!
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