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Everything posted by blackpearl

  1. İ need an example about the progressbar control using vb.net. Can you help me???
  2. blackpearl


    hi ı have very ımportant problem ıf someone help me ı will be happy,i did admin panel to use aspx .now ı must applıcatıon to html page for example there are news page ın admın panel then when someone enter the news from database,ıt wıll come news from database to html page how can ı do ıt??
  3. you can use this code (javascript)function print_page(){ window.print();} <body><input type="button" name="button" onClick="window.print()" value="print page">
  4. ok, i did. correct code;<input type="button" name="button" onClick="window.print()" value="print page">thanks your interest...
  5. i wrote this code;function print_page()(windows.print()<input type="submit" name="Submit" onClick="print_page()" value="print_page"> but button is not work .
  6. ok thanks,but how will i use this code. I mean ,where i will put this code.In my page has a link (link name is print page) and if user click to this link ,the page will be print this page.
  7. how can i to get print from my web site page.i want to javascript code...
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