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Striped Fish2

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Everything posted by Striped Fish2

  1. I have a very complicated check for my game designed to see if the session for whether the quest tracker is hidden or not is defined or undefined. Then if you want to change it you have a querystring that you add to the URL to tell it to update the Session to the value you put in the querystring. Here is my code that I crafted up to do this, the issue is I get a syntax error and I am not sure of any other way to do this: <%'This is an include page that defines variables and common functions that will be used on every page.'This page was created by Glorfindel on October 27, 2011'define the user variableuser=Session("usernamechar")If IsEmpty(request.querystring("showtracker")) AND Session("showtracker") Is <> Nothing thenshowtracker = Session("showtracker")ElseIf IsEmpty(request.querystring("showtracker")) AND IsEmpty(Session("showtracker")) thensession("showtracker") = "true"ElseIf request.querystring("showtracker") Is <> Nothing AND Session("showtracker") Is <> Nothing thenIf request.querystring("showtracker") = "true" thensession("showtracker") = "ddddd"ElseIf request.querystring("showtracker") = "false" thensession("showtracker") = "false"End IfEnd Ifshowtracker = session("showtracker")%> Here is the error:
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