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Everything posted by kastellu

  1. That is it! Thanks , you have saved me ! Thank you very very much K
  2. Yes that is what i meant about scroll-bar, but could i do that the select box would be open all the time, withoud pressing it , so that it would look like a menu?K
  3. Waw!!! It works great, now i have total control on select object and i can update it over the DB. Thank you for taking time,... What do u sugest me to do , so that i could use dropdown box ###### menu , I would change colors , and put open select box on one side , there is no problem with organization for me, but the problem how to change it to "open" select box with no scrollbars ,...Thanks again!K
  4. <%'------------------------------------'These Variables'------------------------------------ selectWidth = 200 'width of select box in pixels selectHeight = 200 'height of select box in pixels selectAlpha = 80 'transparency of drop-down list selectBackgroundColor = "#00FF00" 'Background colour of drop down list selectHighlightColor = "#FF0000" 'background colour of option when mouse over selectTextHighlightColor = "#FFF" 'text colour of option when mouse over%><script language="javascript"> function showHide(){ if(document.getElementById('mySelectBox').style.visibility=="hidden"){ document.getElementById('mySelectBox').style.visibility='visible'; }else{ document.getElementById('mySelectBox').style.visibility='hidden'; } } function move_up() { //scroll_clipper.scrollTop = 0; }</script><style> input{border:none;cursor:pointer;width:100%;padding:2;background-color:transparent;} #customSelect{border:1px solid #c0c0c0;cursor:pointer;}</style><body bgcolor=#33CC33><form name="myForm" method=post><div style="position: absolute; z-index: 1" id="layer1"><div style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; left:0px; top:22px; visibility:hidden" id="mySelectBox"> <div id='scroll_clipper' style='filter:alpha(opacity=<%=selectAlpha%>);position:absolute; width:<%=selectWidth%>px; height: <%=selectHeight%>px; overflow-y:auto'> <div id='scroll_text' style="background-color:<%=selectBackgroundColor%>;"> <table border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" id="table1"> <% '------------------------------ 'DSN '------------------------------ set conn=server.createobject("ADODB.CONNECTION") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/db/northwind.mdb")) '------------------------------ 'Get data.. '------------------------------ set rs = conn.execute("SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM Customers ORDER BY Country") while not rs.eof thisCountry = trim(rs(0)) %> <tr onclick="document.myForm.country.value='<%=thisCountry%>';move_up();showHide();myForm.submit();" style="cursor:pointer;" color="#FFFFFF" onmouseout="this.bgColor='';this.style.color = '';" onmouseover="this.bgColor='<%=selectHighlightColor%>';this.style.color='<%=selectTextHighlightColor%>';"> <td style="padding:0 0 1 2;"><%=thisCountry%></td> </tr> <%rs.movenext wEnd '------------------------------ 'Close conn.. '------------------------------ rs.close set rs = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing %> </table> </div> </div></div><table border="0" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="<%=selectWidth%>" id="customSelect"> <tr onclick="myForm.country.select();showHide();"> <td width="100%"><input type="text" name="country" value="<%=trim(request("country"))%>" readonly /></td> <td align="right">V</td> </tr></table></div></form><%country = trim(request("country")) if country<>"" then sql="SELECT Customers FROM Customers WHERE country='" & country & "'" set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open sql,conn %> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"> <tr> <th>Customers</th> </tr> <% do until rs.EOF response.write("<tr>") response.write("<td>" & rs.fields("Customers") & "</td>") response.write("</tr>") rs.MoveNext loop rs.close conn.Close set rs=Nothing set conn=Nothing%> </table> <% end if %></body></html> [/code]---------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Vin,O.K. , when i make a selection an error accures in IETechnical Information (for support personnel)Error Type:ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E7D)The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context./document.asp, line 91Browser Type:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Page:POST 13 bytes to /document.aspPOST Data:country=country1I have bold the line 91, i don t have a clue what hte problem is.Sorry for bothering you with this , but i am really happy cause you are helpping me!!!Thanks,K
  5. Hi Vin,Yes the problem was in quotes,... , now the code works fine. Im trying to get results of the selected value, so i did it like this, but the problem is that when i press button no results ,hmm... This is my code now , the last part i put so i could get results from the first part, but there is no result?, eaven that your code gives me in address the result like this: http://localhost:90/document.asp?country=country1P.S. Two more questions, what i would need to change that the drop down box would look ###### select box as menu , and when i would click on the value , there i wouldn t need any button ?Thanksmy code:<html><script language="javascript"> showVar=null; function showHide(){ if(document.getElementById('mySelectBox').style.visibility=="hidden"){ document.getElementById('mySelectBox').style.visibility='visible'; }else{ document.getElementById('mySelectBox').style.visibility='hidden'; } } function hideSelect(){ //setTimeout("document.getElementById('mySelectBox').style.visibility='hidden'",100) } function move_up() { //scroll_clipper.scrollTop = 0; }</script><body><form name="myForm"><div style="position: absolute; z-index: 1" id="layer1"><div style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; left:-1px; top:24px; visibility:hidden" id="mySelectBox"> <div id='scroll_clipper' style='filter:alpha(opacity=80);position:absolute; width:150px; height: 100px; overflow-y:auto'> <div id='scroll_text' style="background-color:#00FF00;"> <table border="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" id="table1"><%'------------------------------'DSN'------------------------------ set conn=server.createobject("ADODB.CONNECTION") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/db/northwind.mdb"))'------------------------------'Get data..'------------------------------ set rs = conn.execute("SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM Customers ORDER BY Country") while not rs.eof thisCountry = trim(rs(0)) %> <tr onclick="document.myForm.country.value='<%=thisCountry%>';move_up();showHide();" style="cursor:pointer;" color="#FFFFFF" onmouseout="this.bgColor='';this.style.color = '';" onmouseover="this.bgColor='#FF0000';this.style.color = '#ffffff';"> <td><%=thisCountry%></td> </tr> <%rs.movenext wEnd'------------------------------'Close conn..'------------------------------ rs.close set rs = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing%> </table> </div> </div></div><input type="text" name="country" value="" readonly onclick="this.select();showHide();" onblur="hideSelect();" style="cursor:pointer;" /></div></div><br /><br /><input type=submit value="Show Customers" /></form><%if country<>"" thensql="SELECT Customers FROM Customers WHERE country='" & country & "'"set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rs.Open sql,conn%><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"><tr><th>Customers</th></tr><%do until rs.EOFresponse.write("<tr>")response.write("<td>" & rs.fields("Customers") & "</td>")response.write("</tr>")rs.MoveNextlooprs.closeconn.Closeset rs=Nothingset conn=Nothing%></table><% end if %></body></html>
  6. Vin,My code is only the copy of your copy from last post. When i pres on a textbox , the drop down accures , after i press on one of the selections , nothing happens, but down on the lef side , an yellow logo that represent an error of a script shows ( as part of IE ) , when i look at it , there is an arror that tells that the chosen selection us undefined. Should i do someting more with this code? Because i am only a beginer in asp and java , when i look at this code , i looks like something is missing, the part which would export data in tables. I tried to combine your code with my example at first post, but no luck And something else:When i select from dropdown , the selection is not written in to text box. Only when i select the first value , works, but when i press button ther is no data shown.Thanks
  7. Hi Vin,A new error acured , when you click on one of the selections in box, IE writes for example: ´country1´ is undefinedis me that did something wrong or,... because , the only thing that i did was, that i created the same db and document.asp file with this code.hmmm
  8. Hello!!!Thank you for this code. But still i have a problem with selection, because, when i would like to make an selection, there is an error , if i check the error in an IE it is written something like this: document.myForm.mySelect.value an object is null or not an objectDo u know what is wrong?Thanks againK
  9. HEllo,I have a problem! I am using an example of selecting from DB with select box , what i would like to do is that i would change an view of selectbox with some modfied java menu. U need to know that slect is not an option or option group , but it works directly from DB and by changing an slectbox you create an filter of selection, the example is from w3school. The problem is , how to change or modify the select function with java or something else to get view you would like ( the problem is because i would like to hide borders of selectbox , but this is not possible not with css and IE ).Slect code , that work prfectly:<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/db/northwind.mdb"))set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql="SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM Customers ORDER BY Country"rs.Open sql,conncountry=request.form("country")%><form method="post">Choose Country <select name="country"><% do until rs.EOF response.write("<option") if rs.fields("country")=country then response.write(" selected") end if response.write(">") response.write(rs.fields("Country")) rs.MoveNextlooprs.Closeset rs=Nothing %></select><input type="submit" value="Show customers"></form><%if country<>"" then sql="SELECT Companyname,Contactname,Country FROM Customers WHERE country='" & country & "'" set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open sql,conn%> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"> <tr> <th>Companyname</th> <th>Contactname</th> <th>Country</th> </tr><%do until rs.EOF response.write("<tr>") response.write("<td>" & rs.fields("companyname") & "</td>") response.write("<td>" & rs.fields("contactname") & "</td>") response.write("<td>" & rs.fields("country") & "</td>") response.write("</tr>") rs.MoveNextlooprs.closeconn.Closeset rs=Nothingset conn=Nothing%></table><% end if %></body></html>and JAVA that i would like to use: can you give me an exampleThank you
  10. kastellu

    from DB to ASP

    Hello I inserted your code, but i am not any good in programing, can you check it, where i did a mistake, please.<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("_DB/baza.mdb"))set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql="SELECT DISTINCT NazivSkupine FROM tblStoritve ORDER BY NazivSkupine"rs.Open sql,connNazivSkupine=request.form("NazivSkupine")%><form method="post">Izberi NAzivSkupine <select name="NazivSkupine"><% do until rs.EOF response.write("<option") if rs.fields("NazivSkupine")=NazivSkupine then response.write(" selected") end if response.write(">") response.write(rs.fields("NazivSkupine")) rs.MoveNextlooprs.Closeset rs=Nothing %></select><input type="submit" value="Potrdi"></form><%if NazivSkupine<>"" then sql="SELECT NazivSkupine,NazivPodskupine FROM tblStoritve WHERE NazivSkupine='" & NazivSkupine & "'" set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open sql,conn%> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"> <tr> <th>NazivPodskupine</th> <th><!--I think that it should be here instead of previous field NazivSkupine ( NazivSkupine is field that i am trying to get only once --><%NazivSkupine=""while not YourRecordsetRS.eofif NazivSkupine<>YourRecordsetRS("NazivSkupine") then%><td><%=YourRecordsetRS("NazivSkupine")%> </td><%else%><td> </td><%NazivSkupine = YourRecordsetRS("NazivSkupine")YourRecordsetRS.movenextEnd%></th> </tr><%do until rs.EOF response.write("<tr>") response.write("<td>" & rs.fields("NazivPodskupine") & "</td>") response.write("<td>" & rs.fields("NazivSkupine") & "</td>") response.write("</tr>") rs.MoveNextlooprs.closeconn.Closeset rs=Nothingset conn=Nothing%></table><% end if %></body></html>
  11. kastellu

    from DB to ASP

    O.K. I am trying to do this kind of example: http://www.w3schools.com/ado/showasp.asp?f...me=demo_query_4What i would need to change that i would see all the entrys from db without of chosing from select box and if there would be more than on entry at country, the name of country in table would be written only once at the topest field spain:xcvUSA:abdand not,spain: xspain: cspain: vUSA: aUSA: bUSA: dthank youkastellu
  12. kastellu

    from DB to ASP

    Hello,How i could create export from DB on html (asp) that would look like this.DB table tblItem looks like this:ItemID Item subItem--------------------------------1 ItemA sub12 ItemA sub23 ItemA sub34 ItemB sub45 ItemB sub56 ItemB sub6...What i would like is this kind of exported data in html table:ItemA: -sub1<blank space> -sub2<blank space> -sub3ItemB: -sub4<blank space> -sub5 <blank space> -sub6But now i get:ItemA: -sub1ItemA: -sub2ItemA: -sub3Thank you for help!kastellu
  13. kastellu

    td problem

    Hello,I have created an DB with some news, since i am reading this new from DB on a form <td>news</td> i have problem of setting the <td> to size of a row to only for 30 caraters and after that the <td> would colapse in to new row and so on. So what i am trying to do is that the <td> would be set to right leng for every row of a news. When i get the new on a form is always written out of the size i would like and the structure of the whole page is destroyed. So what to do? Please help me.Example:<!--First news--><tr> <td valign="top" class="text_1" style="width: 70px; height: 51px" colspan="0"><span class="text_2"><%=rs("date")%>-<%=rs("name")%></span><br><%=rs("description")%></td></tr> <!--line--><tr><td height="14" valign="top" style="width: 543px"><img src="slike/4ozadje.gif" height="1" style="width: 184px"></td></tr><!--Second news--><tr width="70px"> <td height="51" valign="top" class="text_1" style="width: 70px" colspan="0"><span class="text_2" ><%=rs("date")%>-<%=rs("name")%></span><br><%=rs("description")%></td></tr>thank you
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