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Everything posted by mlauzon

  1. They should have Java then, seeing as how it was more or less originally used on the Web when it first came out....
  2. How about a tutorial on Microsoft's Small Basic, yes I know it's not a Web language; but don't you think it's time to start doing tutorials on other types of progamming/scripting languages..?!
  3. Well, for one...put your damn contact info on a contact page on the site, I've been coming here for years and I cannot email anyone who runs the site. Oh, I do realise there is currently an email address listed on the site if you look for it...but it does not work.Proper contact information is key to running any good site!!!
  4. That is not what he/she asked...! He/she asked if you can use any special characters in the username field of the email address; for example:nĂ me@email.comSee the later 'a' above?
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