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Everything posted by julius

  1. Ok now!I can bind a whole combox to a field in a database table, but how do i bind combobox options (options[0]) to table fields in the database.OrHow do i populate ma combobox with product names/IDs from a database [am using an access databse, javascript, asp and html of course]
  2. Ok now!I can bind a combox to a field in a table, but how do i bind combobox options (options[0]) to table fields in the database.OrHow do i populate ma combobox with product names/IDs from a database [am using an access databse, javascript, asp and html of course]
  3. I would like to change/set the combo box display text dynamicaly using javascript, for example i would like to set "pens" to "rulers" in the html code snippet of a form shown belowi tried to do this using document.formname.Product.index[0].text==rulers but it failed.Can some one please let me know how i can suceed on this*************************************************************<Form name="formname" ><select size="1" name="Product"> <option value="1">Pens</option> <option value="2">Pencils</option> <option value="3">Books</option> <option value="4">Reams</option> <option value="5">Rubbers</option></select> <br>************************************************************
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