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Posts posted by birbal

  1. you should restructure your array to another dimension.

    $service['price']="foo"; $service['name"]="bar";foreach ($serviceslist as $value ){echo $value['price'] . $value['name'];echo '<br>';}?> 

    Also if you want to use print data proper order using print_r(), you should use the second parameter.


  2. The problem is that the links are going to send the user back to the original site, unless you convert all the links into links to a PHP page that loads the HTML content as well. Overall it's really complicated and iframes are there for a reason.


    yes, exactly so. the links can be pass thorugh a php page from his server. like passing the page link as parameter and that page will handle the request making process. It is the only problem with anchors,forms etc. but links to stylesheet and JS page can be handled directly without calling it from server (unless it needs to be proxied too). But those links need to be figured out of their actual URL by its relative URL to point correct location.

  3. You can use DOM though to get the links of stylesheet, JS file and other links. and make separate request to those web resource.What you are asking is like proxy. Absolute links will work any way. You need to take care of relative links.

  4. Unsetting the session wont delete the session. It will just unset the session value. Session_destroy() will delete the server side session data. But there will be still session cookie on browser. Though that cookie cant get any data as in server that session is deleted and that cookie will expire on his own after certain time (as your session cookie setting was set. But i would like to delete the cookie imidiately once the user log out. Normal cookie deletion technique applies here

  5. This function tries to address 2 different scenarios. There is a cookie in the user's PC(remember me feature) and the second scenario is that there is no remember me cookie in the client.



    You need to delete both cookie or any other user related data anyway when user logout.

  6. If you want to log it in background, you can use exception with specific message and/or the sql dump in the message. and use a specific exception handler for that particular type of exception that handler will dump the data to flat file or inform the admin or any thing you want to do with it.

  7. 32 bit version can be ran on both 32 and 64 bit. TS means thread safe. VC9 is compiler that is used to compile the binary. they should match with your existing php installation.

  8. @justsomeguy@thescientist other than data and presentation layer separation what is the beinift of using extjs or other front end framework over traditional html-jquery-js ?

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