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  1. qugh

    FLASH Versus HTML

    There's no absolute best choice here. Each site has a different demographic + market. Take a look at the market, about 95% of teens and 20's have flash, so that's not an issue. It's when you start moving upwards in your target audience's age. The real downside of flash is not the user side as far as how many people can view your site, it has to do with search engines. A full flash site won't be optimized for search engines and will be very difficult to be listed.I find hybrid sites are the best most of the time (flash/html mix) because of the search engine optimization AND visual appeal. That's why many big sites use a hybrid technique. BUT full flash sites are nice for a certain market that requires that visual appeal (i.e. bands). I got the impression from previous posts that people see an appropriate substitution for flash to be PHP, Perl and Javascript. I've said this in a different post on the board recently. There are two kinds of languages... Server-Side which the server compiles BEFORE the page is sent to the client, so you never see the source code, and Client-Side which is compiled AFTER (but pretty much immediately after) the page is sent, so you can always find the source code here. The main use for Server-Side languages is that they are the only way to interact with databases, XML and emails. Every time you call/execute a Server-Side script, the page has to be refreshed. Client-Side languages are strictly for real-time interaction and functionality on the page (like validating input on a form BEFORE it is sent to a Server-Side language).Server-Side: PHP, Perl, ASP, Coldfusion, JavaClient-Side: JavascriptFlash is a way to mix between. Flash can talk to Javascript (but rarely ever needs to) and can execute a PHP script (or any other Server-Side) to add info into a database or send an email. The reason I say this is because Flash is not a subsitute for PHP, Perl or Javascript. That's not it's use... it's main use is to create a visually pleasant experience for online.And last thing I'll say. The more you use flash, the more you learn about optimizing the filesize. Flash does not have to take long to load. It usually does, however, if you're new to the software.Hope this info helps!!!
  2. I develop using various languages such as PHP, ASP, Perl, Java, Actionscript and Javascript.Obviously, each language has it's pros and cons, but I've been getting into ASP.NET using Visual Basic and that's been very promising to be my favorite. Here's a list of some of the reasons I like and dislike each.PHP is a free language platform and for obvious reasons, that would be the best for a lot of developers due to the lack of overhead. Other strengths of PHP is the wide-spread popularity so you get a lot better support and tutorials on the web to learn the language. PHP can be pretty much hosted anywhere. Downsides: PHP4 is all that hosting companies offer, though, even though PHP5 has been out for a while. A lot of the tutorials/syntax tips you'll hear are widespread across the version board, so you may read a tutorial on PHP5 and not realize why it's not working on your server. It gets a little confusing sometimes because of this AND probably my biggest pet peeve about PHP4 is that its interaction with XML is pretty poor. PHP5, on the flip-side, is absolutely awesome with XML but isn't fully supported yet.Classic ASP, however, is near as popular... works with SQL a whole lot better (IMO)... has many more built-in functions... and better components that you can purchase online to make life so much easier. The downside is that hosting has to be on a Windows box only. Also, this language is a little more difficult to learn, but pretty strong once gotten.Perl is a very strong language. Awesome with interaction/writing XML, but a a very robust and difficult to learn with all if its built-in packages/components. This is also free and can be hosted anywhere. I'd say this is a little slow on the development side.Coldfusion is a very powerful and quick language to develop in, but has tremendous overhead. It's supposed to be very easy to learn but very difficult to read as a beginner. I steer clear of this, though, because the only way to use this language is to find a coldfusion server which is quite a bit more pricy. In addition, I would like to say that the same shortcuts of this language that makes it so easy to use also takes away the ability to be very intricate.The last language I want to brief is what I think will soon be my favorite... ASP.NET. ASP.NET is not to be confused with Classic ASP but both have to be Windows-hosted. The nice thing about .NET is it is merely a framework and not really a language. You can write a .NET using Visual Basic, C# or JScript (java based), which means you have the full support of a very robust language backing the application. The biggest difference here is that this is the only language listed that is Object-Oriented. That accounts for a much MUCH easier way to build onto other applications and improve. It also is a phenominally clean language to write and using the all-new Visual Studio 2005, very VERY quick to use. Interaction with databases are simply built-into VS2005 as well as Javascript integration built into the real-time form validations. In my humble opinion, I think ASP.NET has the capability to be the most robust and sturdy languages on the web.Hope that helped shed a little light.
  3. qugh

    Protecting CSS files

    I'm pretty sure that would be the equivalent to javascript's document.write('...')No, that's incorrect... PHP compiles at run time, completely unlike Javascript. This means that you write the code (as above) and when a user hits that page, PHP spits out the proper html, so you aren't encoding anything. Even if you were to try to right click->'save target as' on the link referring to the page, it would only show the compiled page... never the original source code. This is because it's a server-side language (like ASP, ASP.NET, Java, JSP, Coldfusion, etc) which means it compiles right before it's sent to you (on the host server).<?php$txt="<link rel=\'Stylesheet\' href=\'\' type="text/css";echo $txt;?>would still output:<link rel='Stylesheet' href='' type="text/css" (on a side note... that line of code would error because the quotes around text/css aren't backslashed as well)Moving on... Javascript always shows the source code and compiles based on the user's browser. It's called a 'client-side' language. Have you ever noticed that Javascript will work differently in different browsers? That's because of what I'm saying... Javascript doesn't hide source code (and never will), while PHP will always hides source code. Two completely different languages.I hope this makes sense to you and I helped shed some light on that.Finally, a good note! http://scriptasylum.com/tutorials/encdec/encode-decode.html is a good way to encode your javascript so it's difficult to for anyone to steal. Doesn't mean it's impossible, just that it will knock out 99% of the people trying. Just make sure your javascript is perfect before you encode it, AND DON'T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR ORIGINAL JAVASCRIPT!Happy coding!
  4. qugh

    Display question

    I am new to tableless CSS design and it's currently kicking my butt. Right now, I've wasted forever trying to figure this one thing out...Regarding the DISPLAY property... Can you INLINE a bunch of BLOCKS? I want to INLINE divs, but inside those divs, I have more divs that I am needing to BLOCK.The idea is div#BigContainer{ display: block; }div#MedContainer{ display: inline; }div#InnerContainer{ display: block; }But to my knowledge, I don't think it works like that.
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