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  1. I modified the JavaScript code so now there are no "&" and it's working properly!But you are right that behaviour is "strange".And as we say: -Kaji baba:"Thank you"! -"Thank you!" Thanks anyway.
  2. <![CDATA[// other parameters displaywhenempty="" valuewhenempty=-1 displaywhennotempty="-select-" valuewhennotempty=0function change(currentbox) { numb = currentbox.id.split("_"); currentbox = numb[1]; i=parseInt(currentbox)+1// I empty all combo boxes following the current one while ((eval("typeof(document.getElementById(\"combo_"+i+"\"))!='undefined'")) && (document.getElementById("combo_"+i)!=null)) { son = document.getElementById("combo_"+i); // I empty all options except the first one (it isn't allowed) for (m=son.options.length-1;m>0;m--) son.options[m]=null; // I reset the first option son.options[0]=new Option(displaywhenempty,valuewhenempty) i=i+1 }// now I create the string with the "base" name ("stringa"), ie. "data_1_0"// to which I'll add _0,_1,_2,_3 etc to obtain the name of the combo box to fill stringa='data' i=0 while ((eval("typeof(document.getElementById(\"combo_"+i+"\"))!='undefined'")) && (document.getElementById("combo_"+i)!=null)) { eval("stringa=stringa+'_'+document.getElementById(\"combo_"+i+"\").selectedIndex") if (i==currentbox) break; i=i+1 }// filling the "son" combo (if exists) following=parseInt(currentbox)+1 if ((eval("typeof(document.getElementById(\"combo_"+following+"\"))!='undefined'")) && (document.getElementById("combo_"+following)!=null)) { son = document.getElementById("combo_"+following); stringa=stringa+"_" i=0 while ((eval("typeof("+stringa+i+")!='undefined'")) || (i==0)) { // if there are no options, I empty the first option of the "son" combo // otherwise I put "-select-" in it if ((i==0) && eval("typeof("+stringa+"0)=='undefined'")) if (eval("typeof("+stringa+"1)=='undefined'")) eval("son.options[0]=new Option(displaywhenempty,valuewhenempty)") else eval("son.options[0]=new Option(displaywhennotempty,valuewhennotempty)") else eval("son.options["+i+"]=new Option("+stringa+i+".text,"+stringa+i+".value)") i=i+1 } //son.focus() i=1 combostatus='' cstatus=stringa.split("_") while (cstatus[i]!=null) { combostatus=combostatus+cstatus[i] i=i+1 } return combostatus; }}]]> Where every "&" was converted into & intro the representing HTML
  3. FireDragon

    CDATA - Problem

    The problem is the following:"<![CDATA[" && "]]>" , where "&&" is been parsed by XML parser and converted into: &&. In result CDATA code is been brocken.
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