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Everything posted by skym

  1. '&' ? That's bitwise AND in javascript.Why not space+'px' ?
  2. Interesting rollover, never thought of it. It's all done in CSS, no JS at all.All menu buttons are 'mainlevel' class, and the CSS for them is: a.mainlevel:link, a.mainlevel:visited { background: url(../images/menu_bg.png) no-repeat;...}a.mainlevel:hover { background-position: 0px -25px;...} So the button has a png image as background, which is moved up 25px on mouseover. If you look at menu_bg.png, you will see it has 50px in height, the upper half if just a fade of gray (which you see initially in the background of the button), and in the lower half you have the sniper (what you see at mouseover when this image is moved up). The text on the buttons are plain texts.
  3. skym

    GIF file problem

    holmedwa04 is right, the path and file names must be exact. "image.jpg" and "Image.jpg" are two different files on a server.
  4. There is $data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
  5. skym

    GIF file problem

    Should work with any type of image, check again the link to see it has the correct path or if there is a typo or something.
  6. There thousands of scripts to bookmark a page.I use:function setBookmark(url,str) { if(str=='')str=url; if (document.all) window.external.AddFavorite(url,str); else alert('Press CTRL-D or CTRL-T to add a bookmark to:\r\n"'+url+'".'); }Rarely, I don't think it's used very much. The user can bookmark your page at any time without any links, plus he probably wants to store the link in a certain category of his bookmarks.
  7. So, on all pages where the button appears, there must besession_start();and then$memberid=session_id();(you can't use session_id() without session_start before it).And in the link you type:<a href="showcart.php?memberid=<?php echo $memberid; ?>" ...>
  8. You can use % (mod operator) to see if a number is odd or even.if ($no % 2 != 0)echo "odd";elseecho "even";Probably you can also use (but it's a little harder to understand):if ($no & 1)echo "odd";elseecho "even";
  9. skym

    Uploading help

    It is possible to store files in MySQL databases (like images), but it's not recommended, it's a little harder to backup and I think it would be much slower than using simple files on the server.
  10. I didn't see it yesterday, put method="post" in the <form>, and also changeif ($badlogin = 0) {toif ($badlogin == 0) {
  11. skym

    Row deletion

    Look for SQL injection on Google.http://php.net/mysql_real_escape_stringIf $_GET['id'] would be' OR '1'='1how would the query look like without escaping it?
  12. There is no 'memberid' generated when you click on the "SHOPPING CART" menu button.You made the scripts? If not, you should see how the 'memberid' is generated on the submitcart.php page, then do that on every page where the "SHOPPING CART" appears and put it in the href for the button (like showcart.php?memberid=...). It looks like a session id.
  13. We need the PHP code to see what's wrong.
  14. Changeif ($POST['username']) {toif ($_POST['username']) {
  15. Check my code again.
  16. You can use foreach to make the string of those numbers: $str = "";foreach($_POST['idemid'] as $value) {$str .= (int)$value.",";}$str = substr($str,0,-1);$query = "DELETE FROM mf_links WHERE itemid(".$str.")";...
  17. With name="itemdel" you will get the value of the last checked box.With name="itemdel[]" you get an array with all the values of the checked boxes. Just var_dump($_POST['itemdel']); and you'll see them.
  18. skym


    I'm lost... I don't really understand what you want. Anyway, you don't need to set height/width when using open().To find out the current window size, I have some code, I'm not sure if it's working: // Simple Browser Check//var moz = (document.getElementById && !document.all) ? 1 : 0;var dom = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;var ie5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) && dom) ? true : false;var ie4 = (document.all && !dom) ? true : false;if (ie5 && ie4) moz = true; else moz = false;// Browser Window Dimensionsfunction winWid(){ return (moz) ? window.innerWidth : document.body.clientWidth; }function winHei(){ return (moz) ? window.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight; }<script>// Example Usevar displaywitdh = winWid();var displayheight = winHei();goodHeight = displayheight-181;//alert('Width = '+displaywitdh+' : Height = '+displayheight);// orig height=846 </script> How about <a> ?
  19. <br /> is in XHTML, which applies to the rules of XML (all tags must close).
  20. If you're just going a folder behind, then you can use ../<a href="../index.html">::HOME::</a>
  21. skym

    string length

    SELECT * FROM 'customers' WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(Name)>=6http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/string-functions.html
  22. skym

    alert on submit

    Take out the alert(yourName); line from the displayJS() function.
  23. $count = count($ne);What's this for?My proposal: <table><?php$ne = 5;$size = ceil($ne/2);for($i=1; $i<=$size; $i++){ $number = $i; print "<tr><td>Entry $number</td>"; $number = $i +$size; if ($number <= $ne) print "<td>Entry $number</td></tr>"; else print "<td> </td></tr>";}?></table>
  24. Not sure, but I think it can be done with cURL ( http://php.net/curl ). Also there is a full HTTP extension: http://php.net/http
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