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Everything posted by Dhanajee

  1. You might be DBA or posess many great certification. But this mean nothing to me. From my point of view the way you answer, seems an arogant guy who knows too much.This is not the case my boy. You have to mess with the best before YOU CAN MAKE THE STATEMENT, LIKE YOU DEVELOP MULTIUSER SYSTEMS AN SO ON...Its pathetic reply from your side.
  2. Hi aspnetguy.By the way, I think you do not have any notion of database at all...
  3. Dhanajee

    expired page

    You should specify that a session has an expiry date and time,This will resolve the problem.
  4. UseSession("user") = ""if you are using more than one sessions.
  5. What is the data type of your database???
  6. Hi african,I can see that you are making reference to business objects, which is a private company that implements business logics into computing systems.Therefore their main business activities is to complement the ASP language with objects that will do more work than the usual ASP language that you are using.They have their own development kit, like the java development kit where you can create other objects than the existing objects.I take the example of a class in java which is an integer, which is not hard to identify. I Think... Now from java development kit, you can create a new price object which will accept only values greater than zero, double datatypes, with currency at starting possition e.g $4.00. This is a class that you are using and other do not have on their machine.Compare the two class, the Integer and the price(which you have created.)Business objects does the same, they create objects that will be more specific to business needs, and they will require that you purchase these new objects that you dont have to make your business more efficient.I hope this help you.
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