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Everything posted by aliendisaster

  1. I'm using Firefox, but I'm trying to make it so it won't look bad in both cause of all the people that are still brainwashed by Microsoft to use IE.
  2. $userName = $_REQUEST[userName];
  3. Theres a couple different ways to do this. The best way for me to do it is with popen(). If your using linux, you can use my code.$totalFiles = -1;$handle = popen("ls path_to_your_directory_from_root", "r");while(!feof($handle)){ $line = fgets($handle); $totalFiles ++;} The popen runs the linux command ls for the directory in right mode. Then the while statement gets each line from that command and adds 1 to the counter. To get an acurate count, I had to set the counter to start at -1 (I'm not really sure why). You could also use opendir() and readdir() like so: $totalFiles = 0;$dirname = "relative_path_to_your_directory";$dh = opendir($dirname) or die("I can't find $dirname");while (!(($file = readdir($dh)) === false)){ if (is_file("$dirname/$file")){ $totalFiles ++; }}closedir($dh); This one works better on Windows.
  4. I'm trying to customize an upload form to match the rest of the form. I have the following CSS:.addMP3Input{ border: #900 1px solid; background: #100; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#600; cursor:default; font-size:80%;}.addMP3Input:focus { border: #900 1px solid; background: #600; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#100; cursor:default;}I then have the input set up like so:<input type="file" name="MP3" class = "addMP3Input">The Input field is customized off focus but the focus is not working. Also, How do I customize the "Browse..." button?Also, I'm kinda new to css so please explain and not just give me code so I can learn.Thanks for any help.
  5. aliendisaster

    ID3 tags

    I am attemtping to create a simple player to read ID3 tags and display them in a dynamic text field. Is this supported with Version 6?I've only been truely learning ActionScripting for about a month now and the book I'm using to teach me says everything in my code should work. Am I missing something or is it the version of Flash MX?Here is my code:I have tried://first tryplay_btn.onRelease = function(){ stopAllSounds(); songPlaying_sound.loadSound("punk/bad_religion-ten_in_2010.mp3", true); artist_txt.text = songPlaying_sound.id3.songname + " - " + songPlaying_sound.id3.artist; songPlaying_sound.start (0, 0);}//second tryplay_btn.onRelease = function(){ stopAllSounds(); songPlaying_sound.loadSound("punk/bad_religion-ten_in_2010.mp3", true); artist_txt.text = songPlaying_sound.id3.TIT2 + " - " + songPlaying_sound.id3.TPE1; songPlaying_sound.start (0, 0);}//third tryplay_btn.onRelease = function(){ stopAllSounds(); songPlaying_sound.loadSound("punk/bad_religion-ten_in_2010.mp3", true); songPlaying_sound.onID3 = function(){ artist_txt.text = songPlaying_sound.id3.songname + " - " + songPlaying_sound.id3.artist; } songPlaying_sound.start (0, 0);}The first and second try display the " - " but no ID3 tags. The third try display nothing. I have verified the mp3 has both ID3v1 and ID3v2 (the book says version 6 supports ID3v1 but not ID3v2). Is there somthing I'm doing wrong or is it the version I'm using.Thanks for any help.
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