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Posts posted by Tarte

  1. mysql_connect(" ", " ", " ");mysql_select_db(" ");$retour = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbre_entrees FROM news WHERE ip=\'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\'');$donnees = mysql_fetch_array($retour);if ($donnees['nbre_entrees'] == 0) {	mysql_query('INSERT INTO news VALUES(\'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\', ' . time() . ')');}else {	mysql_query('UPDATE news SET timestamp=' . time() . ' WHERE ip=\'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\'');}$timestamp_5min = time() - (60 * 5); // 60 * 5 = nombre de secondes écoulées en 5 minutesmysql_query('DELETE FROM news WHERE timestamp < ' . $timestamp_5min);$retour = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbre_entrees FROM news');$donnees = mysql_fetch_array($retour);echo '<p>Il y a actuellement ' . $donnees['nbre_entrees'] . ' visiteurs connectés sur mon site !</p>';?>

    I would tell you guys what Error i get, but it seems like there is error on pretty much every lines *lol* so..Thanks for helping me :)PS : I named it ''news'' for some dumb reason, but it has nothing to do with news, it's supposed to show statistic -.-

  2. Or maybe there could be a kind of system where experienced peaple could Add Useful tutorials in each languages forum, and those tutorials would be watched by Mods before getting accepted.I'm sure of a thing, Tutorials on specific subject would be sooooooo Helpful.

  3. I've started to be active on this forum 7 months ago but started to Post couple of weeks ago. and no, i do not talk about 'justsomeguy' because he has alot of post but because I believe he is one of the most active member on this forum, and because he seems to spend couple hours each day to surf on the forum(Which is I think more than any Members or Mods out there)That's the only reason why I named him more than anyone.

  4. I think that if you guys Take 1 or 2 peaple that has been devoted to the forum for a long time, that would do the job. Peaple like ''Justsomeguy'' would do a really good job.Just my opinion^^


    Didn't work RahXephon, i tried to put a class to the <p> still didn't work :).Any idea?I think we need to do it in the xhtml with a style.I did this and it worked perfectly :

    <form method="post" action="Login.php"><p>Your name :<input type="text"name="Name"style="width:100px;height:19px;border:1px black solid;padding-left:2px;"tabindex="2"> > 				Your password :<input  type="password" name="password"style="width:100px;height:19px;border:1px black solid;padding-left:2px;"tabindex="2">


    I was wondering if there was a way to change the form's inside colors and even to change their size etc..If yes, what's the CSS code for it(I guess it's CSS..)Thanks for helping me :).

  5. it seems pretty easy for me to answer this question. We've been made on the earth just like any animals. The only reason that we live is because we have Cells, just like animals. We simply have a brain and we can think, that's the only reason why we don't call ourself ''Animals'' even though we are.

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