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Everything posted by Tarte

  1. You guys must be right, Javascript can be learned without PHP >.<
  2. Tarte

    centering a <div> tag

    Yeah that would be better
  3. Yeah i was talking about that but anyway it's a question of ''step''to make a site in step you need :1- xhtml 2- CSS3- PHP/MySQL for script etc..4-Javascript to get everything betterI don't understand what's the point of learning Javascript without even knowing PHP/MySQL?
  4. sorry dude but PHP/MySQL absolutely has to come before Javascript.......
  5. That's what I suggest you : <body><form name="form1" method="post" action="../email.php"> <table border="0"><tr> <td width="125">À :</td><td width="336"><select name="personne"> <option value="Youremail">Thename</option></select></td></tr><tr> <td> Subjet : </td><td><input name="sujet" type="text" id="sujet2" size="55"></td></tr><tr> <td> Message : </td><td><textarea name="message" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea></td> </tr><tr> <td> </td><td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Envoyer"><input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Rétablir"></td></tr></table><p> </p></form></body> that's what going in index.html Thename = the name that you want peaple to see and to be abble to click on.Your email = well I hope you know what's a mail. exemple : ertq123@hotmail.comPHP CODE now : <body><?php$From = "from who it's coming";$to = $_POST['personne'];$object = stripslashes($_POST['sujet']);$msg = stripslashes($_POST['message']);mail ($to, $object, $msg, "From: $from");print("<br/>Merci d'avoir envoyé le mail suivant à $to");?></body> so that's what's going in email.php
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