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Posts posted by dev

  1. Dear frenz, please share some ideas here. for some reason i have to run 64bit iis in 32bit mode which is working fine until i tried to access mysql database through odbc driver 5.1as my OS is 64bit, so i had to install 64bit odbc as well. now 32bit iis is throwing ODBC Drivers error '80004005' ([Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified) but tuning back the iis to 64bit performs the task well. Any ideas to make it work in 32bit mode?with thanksdev

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  2. Finally my problem is solved. i've downloaded mssccess to mysql converter and created sql dump file. this file have eveything equal to what ms access have. then i paste it in a query and its done.Now when my problem is solved it seems very easy. but i need to learn more about it. Thanks for helping me - justsomeguy and jlhaslip.Finally my problem is solved. i've downloaded mssccess to mysql converter and created sql dump file. this file have eveything equal to what ms access have. then i paste it in a query and its done.Now when my problem is solved it seems very easy. but i need to learn more about it. Thanks for helping me - justsomeguy and jlhaslip. :)

  3. justsomeguyyes you are right, its phpmyadmin. it has sql statement. i am missing a lot of things. access was comfortable but i have to try mysql anyway. my ms access is about 2.6mb and i don't know how to proceed. please tell me step by step right from ms access --> creating sql files or compatible files for phpmyadmin.

  4. It sounds like you exported to a format like tab-separated and then tried to import it as SQL. Try to get access to export a SQL file instead of a tab-separated file.
    My sql remote server is telling me to import only txt file thats too less than 2,068kb
  5. What are you trying to do with the text file? Build tables? Import data?
    yes i am trying to import data. my ms access have 17 tables within and each table have several numbers of sub tables. some have data and some are blank. this table has blank subtabs.
  6. Hi i am totally new with mysql. I am using ms access for my forum but its getting heavier now with lot of user and topics. so now i am trying to use mysql. to do this i'v creater a .txt file through ms access option which gave me something like this "CAT_ID" "FORUM_ID" and so onNow i went to my remote webserver(win) and tried to import this .txt file then i got this following error. which reads:#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near "CAT_ID" "FORUM_ID" "TOPIC_ID" "REPLY_ID" "R_STATUS" "R_MAIL"Please help me solving this problem.With thanksdev

  7. To,VBScript experts,Just new to VB codes. I need your guidance. Actually i want to trigger a specific file for specific screen resolution to let my visitors get a perfect match webpage as their settings. To do this i'v discovered a VBcode which reads:

    Sub window_onloadif screen.height < 768 Thendocument.write ("Resolution is less than 1024") // here i will direct to an asp fileEnd ifif screen.height >= 768 Thendocument.write ("Resolution set to 1024") // here i will direct to an asp fileEnd ifEnd Sub
    Its working very fine and i want to use this code to my home page. Thus, i've to think for its compatibility. So my questions are:1. As i'm using this code to my home page how widely this code is compatible with web browsers?2. How web spiders, crowlers and robots will act to this code?Please make me aware of if there is any other issues i am missing to and which is important. If this code need some manupolations please do it for me. Waiting for your reply.With thanks,dev
  8. Please help me,I've downloaded a RSS Feeds reader codes in ASP; Its working very well. Here's my problem: The RSS feed which i am subscribing has 2 times & descriptions. I was trying to retrieve these 2 items and descriptions seperately.Like:item2/description = goes hereitem1/description = goes hereHere is the code

    <%Response.Expires = -1URLToRSS = "RSS Web Add"MaxNumberOfItems = 2Keyword1 = ""Keyword2 = ""ItemTemplate = "{DESCRIPTION}"ErrorMessage = "N/A"Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")xmlHttp.Open "Get", URLToRSS, falsexmlHttp.Send()RSSXML = xmlHttp.ResponseTextSet xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0")xmlDOM.async = falsexmlDOM.LoadXml(RSSXML)Set xmlHttp = NothingSet RSSItems = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("item")Set xmlDOM = NothingRSSItemsCount = RSSItems.Length-1if RSSItemsCount > 0 then Response.Write MainTemplateHeaderEnd Ifj = -1For i = 0 To RSSItemsCountSet RSSItem = RSSItems.Item(i)for each child in RSSItem.childNodesSelect case lcase(child.nodeName)case "title"RSStitle = child.textcase "link"RSSlink = child.textcase "description"RSSdescription = child.textEnd SelectnextIf (InStr(RSSTitle,Keyword1)>0) or (InStr(RSSTitle,Keyword2)>0) or (InStr(RSSDescription,Keyword1)>0) or (InStr(RSSDescription,Keyword2)>0) thenj = J+1if J<MaxNumberOfItems then ItemContent = Replace(ItemTemplate,"{LINK}",RSSlink)ItemContent = Replace(ItemContent,"{TITLE}",RSSTitle)Response.Write Replace(ItemContent,"{DESCRIPTION}",RSSDescription)ItemContent = ""End ifEnd If Nextif RSSItemsCount > 0 then Response.Write MainTemplateFooterelse Response.Write ErrorMessageEnd If%>
    Please help me to solve thisSincerelyDev
  9. hi, i am here again...i went through all the documentations and it gave me lots of ideas on creating my first .net page. now i know the better way to include other .net files to a specific page. but i still can not figure out how asp.net uses request.querystring("") attribute. i am very fond of using this attribute in asp and want to use it with asp.net too.it says asp.net can handle this attribute with more flaxibility. i will be very thankfull if you create me the code. i am too new to understand and modify it as my needs. please translate this codes in asp.net. i want to include specific files using query string.---------------------<%Dim StrPageStrPage = Request ("StrPage")if StrPage = "on" then %><!--#include file = "anything.asp" --><% end ifif StrPage = "off" then Strtext="No page to view" %><% end if %>---------------------Thankfull to you,dev

  10. Thank you very much aspnetguy :) I saved these codes as aspx but its giving me parser error with asp include file. anyway i want to left asp a side and want to learn asp.net. i am having framework 2 installed and like .net 2. i have no idea also about asp.net 1.1. i've just unabled asp.net 2 on my server.Please give me an example to use class and objects in referrance with that asp codes.waiting...Sincerely,dev

  11. hello,I'am new to asp.net and very much querious to built aspx page. Please help me with this. Request to my seniors to help me converting this asp code to .net---------------------<%Dim StrPageStrPage = Request ("StrPage")if StrPage = "on" then %><!--#include file = "anything.asp" --><% end ifif StrPage = "off" then %><!--#include file = "anything.asp" --><% end if %>---------------------With thanks,dev

  12. Someone help me please,I am trying to build a dictionary, which will convert English to my local language. Iam using access db which have a table(search) contains 5 fields namely: id; name; url; keywords and dis. I am able to perform the seach for *ANYWORD* successfully and there is what i am facing problem. This search can't do a specific search for a word, For example: i want to translate word - "welcome" so this codes give me exactly result i.e. translation to welcome word. but when i type word for *COME* it gives me a result of both WELCOME and COME and this is my problem. I want to make it specific search for specific words only :) .I hope i am able to explain my problem to you. Please help me.This is the codes

    <!-------------- search.asp ----------------><html><head><title>Kokborok Dictionary</title><style type="text/css">body{font:normal 84% arial;margin:0 30px 0;color:#024477;}.v{font:normal 64% verdana;}</style></head><body><%Dim strURLDim cnnSearch  ' ADO connectionDim rstSearch  ' ADO recordsetDim strDBPathDim strSQL     ' The SQL Query we build on the flyDim strSearch  ' The text being looked forDim iPageCurrent ' The page we're currently onDim iPageCount   ' Number of pages of recordsDim iRecordCount ' Count of the records returnedDim I            ' Standard looping variableConst adOpenStatic = 3Const adLockReadOnly = 1Const adCmdText = &H0001Const PAGE_SIZE = 10 ' any numberstrURL = Request.ServerVariables("URL")strSearch = Request.QueryString("search")If Request.QueryString("page") = "" TheniPageCurrent = 1ElseiPageCurrent = CInt(Request.QueryString("page"))End IfIf strSearch <> "" ThenstrDBPath = Server.MapPath("../access_db/data_dir.mdb")Set cnnSearch = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")cnnSearch.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";"strSQL = "SELECT name, url, dis " _& "FROM search " _& "WHERE name LIKE '%" & Replace(strSearch, "'", "''") & "%' " _& "OR keywords LIKE '%" & Replace(strSearch, "'", "''") & "%' " _& "OR dis LIKE '%" & Replace(strSearch, "'", "''") & "%' " _& "ORDER BY id;"Set rstSearch = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rstSearch.PageSize  = PAGE_SIZErstSearch.CacheSize = PAGE_SIZErstSearch.Open strSQL, cnnSearch, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdTextiRecordCount = rstSearch.RecordCountiPageCount   = rstSearch.PageCountIf iRecordCount = 0 Then%><p align="center"><span class="headinghome"><font color="#000080" face="Arial">No matches found for "<%=search%>"  Please search again.</font></span></p><%ElserstSearch.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent%><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width="100%" style="border:1px solid #4f7ea2;"><tr style="background:url(img/hd.gif)" class=v><td width="60%" height=22 style="padding-left:10px;">Twipra Era: <!--#include file="../date/twipra-era.asp"--></td><td width="40%" style="padding-right:10px;" align=right>TwiPra | Contact us</td></tr><tr><td style="padding:10px;"><img src="img/icon.gif" alt="Kokborok dictionary" width=333 height=48></td><td></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center><div style="background:url(img/src.gif);border:1px solid #98aebf;width:500px;margin:6px 0 10px;"><form action="<%= strURL %>" method="get" style="margin:0px;"><table><tr><td style="height:51px;font-size:13pt;" width="25%"><b>Enter word: </b></td><td width="50%"><input type="text" name="search" value="<%= strSearch %>" style="width:100%;"></td><td width="25%"> <input type="submit" value="Search"></td></tr></table></form></div></td></tr><tr><td style="background:#4f7ea2;padding:4px 0 4px 10px;color:#fff;font-size:10pt;"><b>Search word: <u><%=strsearch%></u></b></td><td align=right style="background:#4f7ea2;padding:4px 10px 4px;color:#fff;font-size:10pt;"><b>Search result: <u><%=iRecordCount%> matches</u></b></td></tr></table><%Do While Not rstSearch.EOF And rstSearch.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent%><center><div style="width:400px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #444;background:#f9f9f9;margin:10px;"><table width="100%"><tr style="font-size:90%"><td width="40%" valign=top align=right style="padding-right:10px;"><b><%=strsearch%> :</b></td><td valign=top><b><%= rstSearch.Fields("name").Value %></b></td></tr></table></div></center><div style="padding:10px;border:1px solid #444;background:#f9f9f9;"><%= rstSearch.Fields("dis").Value %></div><%rstSearch.MoveNextLoopend ifend if%></body></html>

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