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Everything posted by adservio

  1. You may need to post more of your source code.Here's something that might help you spot your problem.Tested in IE, O, FF. <script type="text/javascript"> var test = 'test'; var i = 5; var j = 6 function showThis(s, int) { alert(s + ' ' + int); } function chgOnChange(id) { document.getElementById(id).onchange = function() { showThis(test, j - i); }; } </script> </head> <body> <input type="text" id="t1" value="test this" /> <script type="text/javascript">chgOnChange('t1');</script>
  2. You have a broken height attribute in your outter table.Also I would suggest moving your form tags out of the table. function displayPopUp(event) { var fromTop = event.clientY; var promptWidth = 400; var fromLeft = ((screen.width - promptWidth) / 2) - 21; if(!document.getElementById("prompt")) { var promptBox = document.createElement('div'); promptBox.id = 'prompt'; } else { var promptBox = document.getElementById('prompt'); } if(!document.getElementById("prompt")) document.body.appendChild(promptBox); promptBox.style.width = promptWidth; //promptBox.style.height = '300'; promptBox.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; promptBox.style.border = '1px solid #476B8A'; promptBox.style.fontFamily = 'arial'; promptBox.style.fontSize = '10pt'; promptBox.style.position = 'absolute'; promptBox.style.top = fromTop; promptBox.style.left = fromLeft; promptBox.style.padding = '1px'; promptBox.innerHTML = '<form><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\n' +'<tr>\n' +' <td width="93%" height="26" bgcolor="#6589A7"> <b>Send Email</b></td>\n' +' <td width="7%" height="26" bgcolor="#6589A7" style="padding:3px;">\n' +' <center><img src="close.gif" style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="closePopUp();" alt="Close Email Form" /></center>\n' +' </td>\n' +'</tr>\n' +'<tr>\n' +' <td colspan="2">\n' +' <div style="overflow:auto;padding:1px;background-color:#FEFFFF;" id="popup">\n' +' <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">\n' +' <tr>\n' +' <td width="50%">Your name:</td>\n' +' <td width="50%"><input type="text" id="eName" /></td>\n' +' </tr>\n' +' <tr>\n' +' <td width="50%">Your email:</td>\n' +' <td width="50%"><input type="text" id="eEmail" /></td>\n' +' </tr>\n' +' <tr>\n' +' <td width="50%">Your message:</td>\n' +' <td width="50%">\n' +' <textarea id="eMessage" style="width:200px;height:40px;"></textarea></td>\n' +' </tr>\n' +' </table></div>\n' +' </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">\n' +' <hr color="#6589A7" size="1" />\n' +' <span style="text-align:right;width:100%">\n' +' <img align="right" src="send.gif" style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="sendEmail();" /></span>\n' +' </td>\n' +' </tr>\n' +'</table></form>\n';} HTH
  3. While it's not actually a "toolkit" it is a good collection. top-ten@agent moosekits and code
  4. Thanks Justin, dead on with that solution. And I have found that the event passes properly when using your method, give me a second and I will fix my post.Thanks to both,
  5. With aspnetguy's help below(next post): <div id="p" class="parent"><div id="a" class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div><div id="b" class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div><div id="c" class="header">Testing Stuff Here</div></div><script type="text/javascript">///////////////////////////////// Organic.Tree.Menu //// Made by Chocolate570 //// Current Version Details //// [0.1 Beta] ///////////////////////////////////Start Menufunction testThis(e) { var targ; if (!e) var e = window.event; if (e.target) targ = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement; if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug targ = targ.parentNode;alert(targ.id); }//////////Attribute Setter//////////divHl=document.getElementsByTagName("div");for(i=0;i<divHl.length;i++) {if(divHl[i].className=="parent") {inDiv=divHl[i].getElementsByTagName("div");for(j=0;j<inDiv.length;j++) {if(inDiv[j].className=="header") {heHl=inDiv[j];heHl.onclick = testThis;} } } }////////////////////////////////////</script> Tested in IE, FF O
  6. Here's an idea that might get you started: function padThis(n) {// next line converts n to string in case you pass it an integern += '';var charArray = n.split('');var temp = '';var cycles = charArray.length; while(temp.length < 13) { if(temp.length == 5 || temp.length == 11) { temp = '-' + temp; continue; } if(cycles == 0) { temp = '0' + temp; } else { temp = charArray[--cycles] + temp; } }alert(temp);}padThis(456);padThis('234567'); HTH
  7. You can use ksort to sort the $_REQUEST array: ksort($_REQUEST); foreach($_REQUEST as $k=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $v) $mail_body .= "$k: $v\n"; } else $mail_body .= "$k: $value\n"; }
  8. How about a global array..that way your calls are distinct. var count = 0; var cmd = new Array(); function doSomething( parameterOne ) { count++; alert ( "parameterOne = " + parameterOne ); cmd[count] = parameterOne + count; if(count > 6) return; setTimeout( 'doSomething(cmd[' + count +'])', 2000 ); } doSomething ( "first" ); doSomething ( "next" ); doSomething ( "last" );
  9. You can pass a global varaiable, maybe this will help. var count = 0; var cmd; function doSomething( parameterOne ){ alert ( "parameterOne = " + parameterOne ); cmd = parameterOne + count++; setTimeout( 'doSomething(cmd)', 2000 );}doSomething ( "hello" ); Or pass a literal string. var count = 0; function doSomething( parameterOne ){ alert ( "parameterOne = " + parameterOne ); str = parameterOne + count++; setTimeout( 'doSomething("' + str + '")', 2000 );}doSomething ( "hello" ); HTH
  10. Try the "ungreedy" modifier. $re = '/\w+\s*=\s*("|\')?[^\1]+\1/U'; http://us2.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcr...n.modifiers.php
  11. It's a new MS strategy....It will take them to 2033 to get the bugs out.
  12. Me to0o0, you got off in the deep water Here's something that might help you.haacked.comThen you have to consider those nested tags. :)EDIT:One thing I can recommend is to make the patterns include newlines:<?php$html ="<FRAMEsrc='test.html'></FRAME>";$re = "/<(frame)(.*)><\/\\1>/is";echo preg_match($re, $html, $matches);print_r($matches);?>
  13. How about using the "i" pattern mod for ignore case and escaping the \ in \1. <?php$html ="<FRAME src='test.html'></FRAME>";$re = "/<(frame)(.*)><\/\\1>/i";echo preg_match($re, $html, $matches);print_r($matches);?> HTH
  14. Are you sure you are using number_format correctly? <?php$x = 1233.2;echo number_format( $x, 3, '.', ',');?> This should give you 3 decimal places.
  15. They have extended phpfreaks with ajaxfreaks:AjaxFreaksI see you are looking to learn php, may I suggest XAMPP.
  16. Set up an array with valid values and test the input: $allowed = array('do' => array('openstatistics','showlinks'));foreach($_GET as $k=>$v){ if(!in_array($v, $allowed[$k])){ // reset to a default value $_GET[$k] = $allowed[$k][0]; }} Maybe this will help.
  17. I don't know that any one "web space" can contain everything, too much info, not enough time.... Here's a reference:http://www.javascriptkit.com/domref/elementproperties.shtml
  18. You can assign a class by using className: <style type="text/css">.no_tint { background-color: #fff;}.tint { background-color: #6ff;}</style><script type="text/javascript">var i = 0;function insRow(){var c;((++i) % 2 == 0 )? c = 'no_tint' : c = 'tint'; var x=document.getElementById('myTable').insertRow(0);x.className = c;var y=x.insertCell(0);var z=x.insertCell(1);y.innerHTML="NEW CELL1";z.innerHTML="NEW CELL2";}</script> Used with this page.
  19. You and Scott have the right ingredients we just need to mix them differently. function doThat(func, whom) { var str = func(whom); var temp = func.toString(); temp = temp.substring(9, temp.indexOf("(")); alert(str + ' was a result of the function '+ temp); } The question is.. would it be easier to just pass another argument as a string representing the function?Glad the other post worked out for you.
  20. I believe it will pass OK as an argument: <script type="text/javascript"> function sayHello(who) { return 'Hello ' + who; } function sayGoodbye(who){ return 'Goodbye ' + who; } function doThat(func, whom) { var str = func(whom); alert(str); } doThat(sayHello, 'Bob'); doThat(sayGoodbye, 'Bob'); </script> Is that what you are looking to do?
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