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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Hi,I'm Andy. I've been working in web development field for 2 years. All I can say, it's not easy... I still have the questions sometimes that I can not answer myself. So good luck! And keep improving your skills.
  2. The things I'm concerned about are overflow and relative height in Firefox. There's a div in a table cell, which should be 100% the height of that cell at all times. To make this, I added an overflow:auto to the div. In IE it works without problems: when the content exceeds the window, I get a little scrollbar and the div stays put at 100% height. But in Firefox the content extends the div and there is no scrollbar. I can make it work is I set the height in pixels, however, I need the height in %. Does anybody know how I can do it?Thanks in advance!
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