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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. if I remeber correctly from when I hacked with it last night, if you took the lfoat off and align="left" in the omage tag it worked. I know you mentioend previously that you wanted everythng is css - but this might be the one compromise to consider?
  2. paste some code here if you need some more help with your links.
  3. Skemcin


    the biggest difference you will see are of two types:a.) stand alone tags now end with forward slash before the ending carroti.e. <br> is now <br />, <img src="xxx.jpg"> is now <img src="xxx.jpg" />b.) stand alone attributes are fully definedi.e <td nowrap> is now <td nowrap="nowrap">, <option value="xxx" selected> is now <option value="xxx" selected="selected">other things too, but those are the most visible (day to day) changes.
  4. if I am understanding you correctly, you will need to use the "onchange" attribute in your <select> tag that will submit the form. Your action page would identify this, run the SQL, and return you back to the page.If you google "javascript onchange form submit" - that should help.i.e.http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-1...javascript.html
  5. here is a step closer:I just moved your <IMG> tage after the <P> tag and got it to wrap they way you want. This looks good in IE, but the first image is still thrown off in the other browsers. I tried a few more things and could only really get it to work by using absolute positioning - I might give it another try tomorrow if I can find some time.
  6. Skemcin

    coding templates

    well, you'll find that there are so many different ways to code a page - so once you become familiar with HTML and CSS you will developer your preferences as everyone else here have.Having said that, and recognizing that you are admittedly new to this, there are two ways to approach this - old school or new school. The old school method would have you build the entire site using tables. The new school would push having it all coded in CSS. IMO, this layout would be just as easy either way - but would be faster using both (but that's coming from my experiences).Anyhow, if you are going to use a scripting language (cold fusion, php, asp) then your page should look something like this: This is a "template". I typically start with code the entire page in one file. Then, once I am done, I cut each peice/section of code out and save them into seperate files - then "including" them onto any given page. So with this as my template, I open it, Save As, and I am on my way.Obviously the "include" statements would be substituted for what language you use accordingly. And as I mentioned, if your site will be hosted on a server packages that has any of the three scripting languages, then you would be foolish not to create you template similar to this.So, old school or new? Many folks might chime in to suggest that one is easier than the other - and I can only say that CSS design is a little hard to tweak than HTML tables (but that might start a rant):)Let me know if this helps.
  7. your're welcome. good luck!
  8. <tr> = Table RowBy itself, it does nothing. It requires the use of the <table> and <td> tags. Think of HTML tables like a spreadsheet - the <tr> just tells you that you are on a particular row. Without the <table> you won't know which spreadsheet you're working on. Without the <td> you won't know what column you are in.W3Schools has a great introduction to tables here:http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.aspRead through that and let me know if you have any other questions.
  9. Skemcin

    coding templates

    I'm not sure exactly what you are intending to do, but if you want to code a web page, then HTML and CSS together will get you started. The tutorials offered here are a great start.If you are intending to code a page to eventual host - figure out where you will host it. IF that server happens to offer ASP or PHP for free - then I would take the respective tutorials to learn a little more about some basic ways to safe time - specifically writing "include" files.A good template, will have minimal "design" code and mostly "application" or "content" code. To understand what I mean about this point, just visit:http://www.csszengarden.comHope this helped.
  10. If you use the align=left and you get the first line of code bumped down - that will be because that first line (like the rest) start with a <p> tag. I know there might be many people flaming this approach, but I NEVER use <p> tags - in the 11 years I've been coding, I've just gotten tired of the inconsistant interpretations each browser brings to the table. If you removed all the <p> tags and replaced the </p> tags with two <br /> tags, you might find that you will have better control and more consistant displays across browsers - but I understand you preference, this is just the way I've come to prefer coding it. So, I'm out of ideas if you want to be sure you keep it in the CSS, everything I quickly tried doesn't seem to like to ignore the "navigationlinkscontainer" class.Sorry.
  11. sure.The attribute is most commonly used in the <body> tag. Lets same that one of your Frame 2 pages is always supposed to have a particular page loaded in Frame 1 - then you would use something like this in the Frame 2 page:<body onLoad="frames[1].location.href= 'http://www.whatever.com.au'">If that code is in Frame 2 then you'll be able to the other page in Frame 1. There are a couple other ways you could manipulate the onload function if you are using cold fusion, php, or asp - even javascript - but that shoudl get you started.Let me know how it goes.
  12. will the page in frame 1 always load a certain page in frame two or visa versa?Is one page always going to be associated with the other?If so,Frame 1 could use the onload function in the body tag to load frame two. If frame 2 always has a certain page related to it loaded in Fram 1, then put the onload in frame 2If none of these is the case, then you will have to pass the second frame target in a URL parameter and have the onload function be dynamically generated (via, javascript, php, asp, or cold fusion).hope this helps
  13. why not just add the align=left attribute in the image tag?then, just to be safe, make sure all your "Artic;e" div's end with a <br clear="all" />
  14. 1.) you are not able to nest form tags - one form is one form. However, if you are creative in your form construction, you could still post everything to one action page. The action page would only use certain fields based on which button was clicked.If you have an online example it would help understand what exactly you are trying to acheive - but there is really never a reason that you will need to nest form tags - any interior functions can be conditionally performed on the action page. You might have to program some client-sde scripting to toggle required fields, but one form will always provide all the functions you will need.2.) yes, as stated <iframes> will be the way to go - just understand that it counts as a whole new browser session and you might have issues posting or calling to and from the parent page.3.) to my knowledge, there is no way to render a whole page as the background or a table cell. But, anything is possible. You could code something on the server-side while the page is being processed to get the URL you want rendered and have your cold fusion, asp, or php code create an image out of it - then call that as a background image - that might not be too far fetched.Good Luck.
  15. hmm haven't done this in a PDF - good luck.
  16. sweet - btw the way, I have a blast at http://www.chicagoindoorracing.com.the only thing I would suggest, is to wrap your images in an HREF tag and move your ONCLICK attribute out from the image and into the HREF. Right now, there is no way to know that the helmet images are links - now little hand appears.of course, you could add this.cursor='hand' in a onmouseover attribute and compliment that with the opposite on the onmouseout attribute - but teh HREF seems a little easier to me.
  17. Well, you could do it with HTML and XML (using XSL is optional) - without using php, asp, or cold fusion. And, if you put the XML in the proper RSS Format - (i.e. version 2.0) then you would kncok out two birds with one stone.Here is a jump into the section fn the W3schools on XML that shows you how to pull XML into an HTML page:http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_applications.aspGood Luck.
  18. this has something to do with determining packet size - so it is used (I think) to figure out how to handle long characters . . .hopefully someone can expand on this - thats all I can offer.
  19. Thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll stick with the three query technique, thanks again.
  20. Hi,I hear you 100%. I've been there before so I can relate to your situation. I was kinda being sarcastic about the "fun" in the matter - sorry to not have been able to articulate that. It seems to be very challenging task.I'm a little bit of an odd ball here, since I am a proponant of Cold Fusion over ASP and PHP. Normally, that would mean I would offer you a quick solution there - CF is easier to learn IMO. In any respect, since you mention cookies could be turned of for some of your visitors, then that leaves out client side data retention. So if you need to stay in HTML only, I am out of ideas - oh but there is flash - lol - I know another thing to learn.Sorry I haven't been able to help you further - I do hope you find a solution. Let me know if there is any other insight I might be able to provide.
  21. Hi and thanks for the insight on the issue. I had considered that method but will no doubt run into an issue when the record ids (primary keys) are not in numeric order.If I have A,B,C,D and their ids are 12,13,14,15 - respectively, then when I delete C(14) from the ground, then I will have a problem whenever I load record 13.lol - the lucky number - that was such a coincidence that I picked those numbers - lol.What I have done is write three queries:SELECT myfieldsFROM mytableWHERE id = 13SELECT TOP 1 myfieldsFROM mytableWHERE id > 13SELECT TOP 1 myfieldsFROM mytableWHERE id < 13I was just hoping to find one command to do all that without creating a stored procedure since I am using MySQL.
  22. Hi, and welcome to the boards. There are a couple options.a.) opening a new window and then resize it when it opens (yuck)b.) use the following java script:<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- //////////////////////// popup window ////////////////////////var features="status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=yes,width=650,height=445,top=25,left=25"; function Info(x){ //window.name = "HelpWindow"; var openit = window.open(x, "HelpWindow", features);}--></script><a href="java script: void(); onclick="java script: Info('pagename.htm');">text/image</a><br>You can change the properties of the popup/new window in the "features" variable.Good Luck.
  23. While you having fun complicating things, you could use javascript to have each field onblur write a cookie which could be read and populated back into the field whenever the page is loaded. You would then have control over how long that information was made available. Of course, this would require that people have javascript and cookies enabled.Complicate it even more by having one cookie store the data in an XML format . . . This sounds fun!!!:-)
  24. I recently started a new job with a great organization but have found that a couple of their web forms are pretty vulnerable. I'd like to do a presentation to my group/team to make sure they know what the best practices are to follow for online web forms.I'm hoping someone can refer me to a couple of online resources that (in a more higher overview) explain general best practices for web form development - ideally explaining client side and server side things to program.For instance, client-side things be even include something like "don't require a field if its not required in the database its being inserted into". A server side example might be "don't trust the data that is being submitted in your form, check a price of a product against its value in the DB to make sure the form is not an offline hack".Thanks in advance.
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