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Everything posted by programAngel

  1. in the following post, I have the code: // Also frequently called "Container" class IoC { /** * @var PDO The connection to the database */ protected $db; /** * Create a new instance of Photo and set dependencies. */ public static newPhoto() { $photo = new Photo; $photo->setDB(static::$db); // $photo->setConfig(); // $photo->setResponse(); return $photo; } } $photo = IoC::newPhoto(); in one of the line it call a function and declare a parameter as static. $photo->setDB(static::$db); what is the meaning of the static before the name of the parameter, I mean what is the defirrent their code in line 14 and the following code:$photo->setDB($db); because I don't understand what is the meaning of saying somethign is static when you give it as parameter.
  2. Hi,I had a job interview and they asked me about regular expression, I knew most most of the question. However they asked how can I define regular expression that will accept every string that contain equal number of the letter 'a' and 'b', regardless of the other chars.I mean string like:aaabbb (3 - 'a' , a - 'b')afffhgflhgfladflgkdflbdfdsfdsb (2 - 'a', 2 - 'b')avvvbbdda (2 - 'a', 2 - 'b') I told them I know how to create function that will just count the number of 'a' and 'b' and then equate them.but my question is, can I solve it with regular expression and how?
  3. Hi,something confusing me regard the http_get, lets say I want to do the following request:http://example.com?user=bob&password=passwordshould it look like?:Code:$result=http_get("http://www.example.com/", array("user"=>"bob","password"=>"password"), $info);or like:Code:$result=http_get("http://example.com?user=bob&password=password", , $info);I have read the manual:http://php.net/manual/en/function.http-get.php but I am still not sure what the options mean.
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