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Posts posted by iyeru42

  1. A for, foreach or a while could solve your problem for the "How many times was sname listed?"Also, your Listed = Listed+1 is no longer the correct way to do it (Although you can do it, it's just bulky.)

    listed += 1

    However, let's do it this way:

    for(listed=0;listed>-1;listed++) {	 // Code to show each time listed is added to.}

    Each time the for goes through, listed is automatically added to (listed++) However, you probably don't want it going through a huge amount of times... The while statement (below) is more appropriate.

    while(condition is true) { // Do the below	 //Code to show while true.	 counter++;}


    You can also specify links in each tag as well the same way as IDs and classes.

    TD A:Hover, TD A:Link, TD A:Visited, TD A:Active

    Although I wouldn't get why you would do THAT though. :)

  2. That's what we usually use, if you add a comma after that string then an integer (like, 1, 2, 3, etc. but not decimals or negatives) then you can also go to a specific frame.gotoAndStop functions the same way, but it stops at that specific part/frame. If there is no scene specified, the current scene will be used.

    this.onLoad = gotoAndPlay();

    will do the gotoAndPlay upon entering that frame, but you COULD use the following as well:

    on(enterFrame) { }

    And for clicking a button:

    on(click) { }

  3. If your DIVs are positioned like so...

    <div style="float:left">Content 1</div><div stylle="float:right">Content 2</div>

    It should have been fine. However, using the following code will cause some nasty layout problems.

    <div stylle="float:right">Content 2</div><div style="float:left">Content 1</div>

    When floating anything, it's wise to know that the positions of tags play a major role in where it forms on the page.

  4. Use the following classes/IDs:

    .table_lvl1 { /* Topmost table */	 text-align:center;}.table_lvl2 { /* Table under lvl1 */	 text-align:left;}

    The 2nd class/ID makes it act like a table again, where the actual text inside is still on the left.

  5. First off, your current function doesn't handle mname.

    function dropdown(mname,sname,lurl) {	 if(mname != "") {		  output = "<select name='"+mname"' onchange='gotoURL()'>";	 else {		  alert("You didn't specify a Dropdown Menu name."); // Make sure we don't get JS Errors.	 }	 if(sname != "") {		  output += "<option name='"+ sname +"' value='"+ sname +"'>";	 }	 else {		  alert("You didn't specify an item to add to the dropdown menu."); // Make sure we don't get JS Errors.	 }}

    Sorry if I can't be of more help though....

  6. Replace your entire code with the below instead:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html><head><title>ALL THE REDS</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="default.css" type="text/css" /><script type="text/javascript"><!--var numofitems = 6;//menu constructorfunction menu(allitems,thisitem,startstate){   callname= "gl"+thisitem;  divname="bottom"+thisitem;    this.numberofmenuitems = allitems;  this.caller = document.getElementById(callname);  this.thediv = document.getElementById(divname);  this.thediv.style.visibility = startstate;}//menu methodsfunction ehandler(event,theobj){  for (var i=1; i<= theobj.numberofmenuitems; i++){    var shutdiv =eval( "menuitem"+5+".thediv");    shutdiv.style.visibility="hidden";  }  theobj.thediv.style.visibility="visible";}				function closesubnav(event){   if ((event.clientX >800)||(event.clientY > 180)){    for (var i=1; i<= numofitems; i++){      var shutdiv =eval('menuitem'+5+'.thediv');      shutdiv.style.visibility='hidden';    }} }// --></script></head><body onmousemove="closesubnav(event);"><div id="container"><div id="banner"></div><div id="linkbar"><a id="g11" href="index.html">home</a> <a id="g12"  href="index.html"></a> <a id="g13"  href="index.html">registration</a><a href="index.html">check grades </a> <a id="g14"  href="index.html">gallery</a><a id="g15" onMouseOver="ehandler(event,menuitem5);" href="coursecon/level 200.html">COURSE conteNt </a><a id="g16" href="index.html">PROFILES </a><div id="bottom"><div id="wrapper"><div id="main">  <h2>WELCOME TO GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT </h2>  <p> In the 2005/2006 academic year, the Department  of Geology continued to teach its programme both at the graduate and  undergraduate levels. Inadequate laboratory and lecture space continued to be  our major constraints in handling the increasing number of undergraduate  students. Other constraints included lack of field equipment to enhance  training of students and inadequate computers for teaching and research. The  Department entered into an agreement with the Geological Survey Department to  avail their X-ray Fluorescence facility to the Department for teaching and  research</p>  <h2> Students Numbers</h2>  <p>Level 100                     -                       812<br />    Level 200                     -                       64<br />    Level 300                     -                       67<br />    Level 400                     -                       26<br />    Level 600                     -                       8<br />    Ph. D.                          -                       7</p>  <p><H2>Staffing Position</h2>  <br />    The Department  has a permanent teaching staff of 11 with 8 supporting junior and senior staff.  Part-time lecturers still play an important role in the teaching of courses in  the department.  The breakdown of staff  at post were:    </p>    <p>5 Senior Lecturers        <br />    6 Lecturers <br />    2 Senior staff <br />    6 Junior staff<br />    3 Part-time  lecturers </p>  <p>Out of this, Dr.  Johnson Manu was on Sabatical Leave and Dr. J.M. Kutu joined the Department as  lecturer in Structural Geology.</p>  <p> </p>  <h2> </h2>  </div><div id="outer"><p></p><div class="imgcenter">  <p><img src="images/qtzitehandB2.jpg" alt="quartzite rock" width="235" height="150" /></p>  <p><img src="images/Huge_Amethyst_Crytals_Closeup.jpg" alt="amethyst crystals" width="235" height="150" /></p>  <p><img src="images/herkimer.jpg" alt="herkimer" width="235" height="150" /></p>  <p><img src="images/rockser.jpg" alt="rockser" width="235" height="150" /></p>  <p><img src="images/rocks-minerals.jpg" alt="rock minerals" width="235" height="150" /></p> </div></div>  <div id="bottom5" class="subglobalNav"> <a href="#">Level 200</a><a href="#">Level 300</a><a href="#">Level 400</a></div><script type="text/javascript">    <!--           			var menuitem5 = new menu(6,5,"hidden");			    // -->    </script></div></div><div class="footer" id="footer">©2007 All Rights Reserved <br />  A project work by Eugenia Karikari,Department of Computer Science </div></body></html>

  7. ^ Thanks for that tip, but whenever I try to actually open the document it gives me: "Unable to load image" message... (I use Mozilla)
    Oh, do you not have the Flash Standalone player? (That comes with Macromedia Flash, the actual editor. It used to be avail. on the macromedia site, but adobe took down ALL the standalone players.)Also, if it says that... then you're trying to load the wrong plugin.
  8. I took out all the z-indexes. But it still looks the same in Internet Explorer. However, now the links are working.Everythings all fine and dandy now. Position Relative was the problem.

  9. I don't know if there's a link to your site somewhere in here, but I can't find it.
    Here's the link to my site. But if you're referring to the links on my page (IE: Home, OvBB MODs, etc.) They only work in Firefox after using the valid code.
  10. By the way, since I made the changes... it looks perfect in Firefox, but the JavaScript news variable isn't written and what's worse is the logo AND the wrapper DIV don't obey in Internet Explorer.

    Check out my site in IE6 after I put the XHTML/Valid code in. Note that my newsbox doesn't exist and that my wrapper is missing. But it looks fine in other browsers.iyeru42--XHTMLProblems.png
    From the other topic. This is in IE7 AND below now that I have a chance to view it via IE7 at home, and after fixing the CDATA problem. Yes, JavaScript IS enabled. Even if it weren't, and it were properly made, the wrapper would show along with the logo.
  11. so, the fact is it is still widely used. Just because you choose to ignore IE6 doesn't mean it is unsupported.
    Check out my site in IE6 after I put the XHTML/Valid code in. Note that my newsbox doesn't exist and that my wrapper is missing. But it looks fine in other browsers.iyeru42--XHTMLProblems.png
  12. Yeah but it now says...Student is a type and cannot be used as an expression.by using

    Sub writeData()		Console.WriteLine("Student Grade Report: 11/29/2006")		Console.WriteLine("How to read this screen:")		Console.Write("{0,-20}{1,-20}{2,-20}", "Name:", "Grade Average:", "Grade")		Console.WriteLine("")		For Each student In studentInfo   'don't cast student as String			Console.WriteLine("{0,-20}{1,-20}{2,-20}", _					student.firstName & " " & student.LastName, _					student.examAverage, _					student.examGrade)		Next	End Sub

  13. so, the fact is it is still widely used. Just because you choose to ignore IE6 doesn't mean it is unsupported.
    If you don't like my views, you could always talk to people who come over to Ovbb.org, they don't support IE6 because it doesn't support PNG24 transparencies.
  14. What? IE6 is unsupported? What are you talking about? 50% of all users still use IE6!
    That's only because they don't care to download or their web software is incompatible with it. MATC (Tech College) can't update to IE7 because of problems when the Microsoft Smart Editor tries to load.
  15. You can always search the source for the SWF extension. Then make a new HTM document named rightclick.htm and use the below code:

    <html><head><title>Right-Click Downloader</title></head><body><a href="#URL TO SWF HERE#">Right-Click To Download</a></body></html>

    I use this a lot when I have to check out certain movies, or to download them for later viewing and entertainment.

  16. And are you planning on integrating it to your invisionfree board? (That is, if that's your idea.) If so, you shouldn't be posting this in the PHP section, as invisionFree doesn't allow PHP.

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