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Everything posted by iyeru42

  1. The menus (Both) look fine at 1024x768 to me.
  2. Most browsers render the tag as a blank HTML element, for example: <tagger>Blah</tagger> Says to most browsers (IE6, FF and NN all output this way): <!-- Nothing Here --> Without the comment of course. However, the HTML tag will STILL show in the source.
  3. Yeah, although my HTML won't be valid anymore if I do so, but HTML will be happy nevertheless.
  4. I'm trying to get the output to be all on one line for each entry. However, currently it is coded to put each part of an entry on a new line. Structure Student Dim firstName As String Dim lastName As String Dim phoneNum As String Dim examAvg As Double Dim examGrade As String End Structure Dim anStudent As Student Dim studentInfo As New ArrayList Dim index As Integer Sub Main() readFiles() writeData() Console.ReadLine() End Sub Sub readFiles() Dim stuFile As New StreamReader("..\student.txt") Dim tempArray() As String Do Until stuFile.Peek = -1 tempArray = Split(stuFile.ReadLine, ",") anStudent.firstName = tempArray(0) anStudent.lastName = tempArray(1) anStudent.phoneNum = tempArray(2) anStudent.examAvg = Convert.ToDouble(tempArray(3)) If (anStudent.examAvg > 89.9) Then anStudent.examGrade = "A" ElseIf (anStudent.examAvg > 79.9 AndAlso anStudent.examAvg < 89.9) Then anStudent.examGrade = "B" ElseIf (anStudent.examAvg > 69.9 AndAlso anStudent.examAvg < 79.9) Then anStudent.examGrade = "C" ElseIf (anStudent.examAvg > 59.9 AndAlso anStudent.examAvg < 69.9) Then anStudent.examGrade = "D" ElseIf (anStudent.examAvg < 59.9) Then anStudent.examGrade = "F" End If For index = 0 To tempArray.Length - 1 studentInfo.Add(tempArray(index)) Next studentInfo.Add(anStudent.examGrade) Loop End Sub Sub writeData() Console.WriteLine("Student Grade Report: 11/29/2006") Console.WriteLine("How to read this screen:") Console.WriteLine("Name : Grade Average : Grade") Console.WriteLine("") For Each student As String In studentInfo Console.WriteLine(student) Next End Sub Example of what it outputs currently: J.Johnson123-123491.2A And an example of how I WANT it to output: J.Johnson 91.2 AB I also need the If/Else statement added for AB.
  5. iyeru42

    SQL <> MySQL

    Well, I always thought MySQL was different than SQL because some of the stuff in MySQL can't be used in SQL (for queries.)
  6. Module examscores Structure Student Dim firstName As String Dim lastName As String Dim phoneNum As String Dim examAvg As String End Structure Dim anStudent As Student Dim studentInfo As New ArrayList Sub Main() readFiles() writeData() End Sub Sub readFiles() Dim stuFile As New StreamReader("..\student.txt") Dim tempArray() As String Do Until stuFile.Peek = -1 tempArray = Split(stuFile.ReadLine, ",") anStudent.firstName = tempArray(0) anStudent.lastName = tempArray(1) anStudent.phoneNum = tempArray(2) anStudent.examAvg = tempArray(3) Loop End Sub Sub writeData() Console.WriteLine("Student Grade Report: 11/29/2006") Console.WriteLine("How to read this screen:") Console.WriteLine("Name Grade Average Grade") Console.WriteLine(anStudent.firstName & " " & anStudent.lastName & " : " & anStudent.examAvg) End Sub Dim stuFile As New StreamReader("..\student.txt") says there's a problem:Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.I found out the problem, network drive issues.
  7. iyeru42

    SQL <> MySQL

    I was wondering what the differences were between the two.
  8. I was just wondering if JavaScript could manipulate Flash Movies. If not, I already know PHP can manipulate SWFs (See SWF* functions in php.net's function index.)
  9. I've been wondering this since I first heard about XHTML a few years back. But what exactly does XHTML allow me to do that HTML cannot? (I can already create custom tags with CSS/HTML, it's not that hard. I also can use PHP on top of that to do preg_replace for any DB information.)
  10. Sometimes conditional comments won't work. As we saw in another thread.
  11. Probably use a negative number rather than a positive number for the level1 part. Or, push forward level2 beyond level1 with a fairly large timeout.
  12. This is why we have NVU or HTML-Kit.
  13. No, but it allows nested tags that will eventually use JS.
  14. There's also Paint.NET for WinXP users. Believe me, GIMP has nothing on Photoshop (Nor does Paint.Net.)
  15. Text needs an invisible background (On the "Enter My Flash Website") so we don't need to hover over and click each individual character. A preloader should invoke after you enter the site. Because it takes a minute or two (believe me, I know) on T1. By the way, your e-mail is safe on flash, unless bots can now read flash files.Check Here for a preloader tutorial of mine. Apparently w3schools.com doesn't allow attachments.
  16. No, because you can't have two onloads on the same page. Unless you set a timeout in a certain manner. setimeout(level2)setimeout(level1) where the second event would appear before the first rather than in a row.
  17. Well, you could have nested forms if they have different names and there's only one submit button AND if the topmost form doesn't use a method or action. <form name="form1"> <form name="blah" action="submit.php" method="post"> (..) </form></form> JavaScript would then do the following: Or at least it works in terms of:<div id="blah1"> <div id="nested">Content</div></div> JavaScript would then do the following:
  18. iyeru42

    Custom Tags

    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
  19. That won't work if you have javaScript disabled with such a thing as NoScript for Firefox (Which would also make sure that AJAX wouldn't run.)
  20. You can also make actual TDs links themselves. <TD onClick="location.href='blah.html'" onMouseOver="this.style.cursor='pointer'"> Useful for making cells linked in message board software skins.
  21. iyeru42

    Custom Tags

    I was wondering if it was at least OK practice to use custom-made tags in HTML. For example, the below code: <TAGGER class="blah">Content</TAGGER> I've done this before, and HTML said it was all fine and dandy (without any XML.)
  22. And not to mention that the site is too dark and too bright at the same time. She should just quit.
  23. Are you using FF to view that conditional statement? Or any other browser besides IE? If so, you need to view it in IE. If not, please post what your script is (In a Code BBCode tag please.)
  24. Why would you want to capture the DB anyway? I don't use XHTML, so could you tell me what capturing does?
  25. iyeru42


    PHP always measures in seconds. $seconds = 60; // 1 minute$minutes = $seconds / 60; // Convert to Minutes$hour = $minutes / 60; // Convert to Hours. You can convert hours back to minutes by timsing hours by 60. For example, 120 minutes is 2 hours.
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