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Everything posted by holmedwa04

  1. That is great thanks, it works brilliantly!!!
  2. Actually, come to think of it, I am not using a style sheet, I am getting confused with another site that i have got and also here is a link...http://home.btconnect.com/shapemakingclub/index2.html
  3. Please can you help me??? I have posted you the code now.
  4. Yes, I am currently using some CSS, I will have a look into what may be causing it with that, because I seem to remember having some sode in there that sets how a table is displayed, like font and size etc.I haven't uploaded it yet so i can't give you a link but when I do I will.
  5. It can also include things like signatures, and scripts. And also I think it can include CSS but I cant remember, I use stylesheets now.
  6. Yeh, sure, just a sec...and here is the code, sorry about the length of it, it is just all of the cells that I needed, I have placed it in a codebox for you though... <html><head><title>Crossword Puzzle 01</title></head><LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"><body bgcolor="#ffcc33" link="blue" vlink="blue"><font size="3"><font face="Arial"><font color="black"><center><table border="0" cellpadding="100" cellspacing="0" width="85%" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td><BR><font size="5"> <center><b><u>Crossword Puzzle 02</u></b><BR><BR><font size="2"><font face="arial"><table bordercolor="black" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 1</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 2</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 3</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 4</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><img width="40" height="40" src="black.gif"></center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 5</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 6</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 7</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 8</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 9</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 10</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 11</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40 bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 12</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 13</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 14</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 15</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 16</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 17</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 18</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 19</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 20</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 21</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 22</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 23</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 24</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 25</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 26</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 27</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 28</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 29</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr><tr><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 30</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40" bgcolor="black"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center><table border="0" width="40" hieght="40" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font size="1"> 31</td><td> </td><tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table></center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td><td width="40" height="40"><center> </center></td></tr></table></center><BR><BR><center><table width="80%" border="0"><tr><td colspan="2"><B>Across</a></td><td colspan="2"><B>Down</B></tr><tr><td><center><B>01</B></center></td><td>Fencing Swords (7)</td><td><center><B>01</B></center></td><td>Reddish-Brown (6)</td></tr><tr><td><center><B>05</B></center></td><td>Stratford's River (4)</td><td><center><B>02</B></center></td><td>More in Need of Cash (6)</td></tr><tr><td><center><B>07</B></center></td><td>Stench (4)</td><td><center><B>03</B></center></td><td>Registers (6)</td></tr><tr><td><center><B>08</B></center></td><td>Animal's Track (5)</td><td><center><B>04</B></center></td><td>Reject (5)</td></tr><tr><td><center><B>09</B></center></td><td>---- Edmunds, <I>House Party</I> Host (4)</td><td><center><B>05</B></center></td><td>On the Fence, Regarding Religion (8)</td></tr></tr><tr><td><center><B>10</B></center></td><td>Evil Giant (4)</td><td><center><B>06</B></center></td><td>Unfolds (5,3)</td></tr></tr><tr><td><center><B>12</B></center></td><td>Arrests (4)</td><td><center><B>11</B></center></td><td>Primitive (5)</td></tr></table></center><BR><BR><BR><center><BR><form> <input type="Button" value="Back" onclick="history.back()"> </form><BR>______________________________________________________<BR><font size=1>Helen Taylor, Animals R Lovely, <a href="mailto:helentaylor393@hotmail.com">helentaylor393@hotmail.com</a></center></td></tr></table></center></body></html> Can you see the first one is the one where I have tried to use an image and the rest of them just use the bgcolor code, but as you already no that stops it from printing.
  7. I think you may have done, nevermind the topic we are talking about being crazy, the ammount of view is tremendous!
  8. Hi,Another problem for my fiends website that is not working how I want it to, the layout consists of lots of tables, and so I will try to discribe them...Table 1 is no more than 30% high, it has 3 cells, 1 that is 15% wide and has a picture in, the next on is 70% wide and the next one is 15% wide.Then table two, same again but it is 70% high.Within the second table, th first cell has another table in that is for the navigation, the middle cell is for the main content and has a table in and the right cell is just empty.My problem is that the navigation table within the second table will not budge from the vericle center of the table, I have tried using valign on the parent table and that just wont work.
  9. Hi,I agreed with someone that I would help them by making a simple HTML code up that was a template for a crossword, and on trialing my template the black squares do not print.I found out that this is because of the way my browser is set up, but if this is default I dont want her viewers to be having to chanbge their browser settings, and so I looked into using a background="black.gif" and there agian it didn't work because it wount print background images.So as a final resort I decided to use just the normal image tag and have an image the exact size (40 x 40 pixels)...Only to find out that this will work but it leave a horrible white line below the image because it is stretching the cells for some reason?I have the cellpadding and cellspacing set to 0 and I still cant seem to be able to work out why it is not working.PLEASE HELP!!!
  10. Was my image gallery alright? Because I found that when I tried to make the images smaller using Paint Shop Pro it madse them all really pixallated? Anyways, all of my pictures put together only make about 1.5 meg, so what do you think?
  11. If you just want to use HTML then I think that you will be looking at a mailto form. But as i have been told many times there are lots of disadvantages, and as I have told people many times these disadvantages I really don't want to have to go thhrough them all over again!
  12. That is seriously what I thought, I mean I have done that with mine but it only take a while to load, I think they are something like 2 megs at the most forthe whole image gallery if that.@joshk: do you mean something like this image gallery?Click Here
  13. Do you mean both in one or you could change the functionality of it to whichever you like?
  14. So, would something like this allow you to click the different things in the list as though they were hyperlinks, or is this just for a form?
  15. Good, good, I just wondered whether it woud completely mess up your page, but as it just wont show it then theres no problems, Thank you for your help, well not really, but thanks for responding to my queries. You see I never really use marquees but they do look rather amazing, then again they can also look tackey, but oh well.
  16. I would happily use mailto for all user based things, my guestbook, my feedback form and a tell a friend page, it is just that I can't use PHP because BTConnect does not support it, they say that it will be very unlikely that they ever will as well.I am looking to making all things like that PHP and just have them uploaded to some other free place and just make all of my other pages link to them.But I haven't got round to it yet. Sigh!!!
  17. Or you could just use a mailto... <a href="mailto:?subject=Ace Site!&body=This is a great site, check it out: http://www.yoursite.com">Tell a Mate</a> There that should do it, all your user needs to do is click and add there mates email.
  18. holmedwa04

    url icon

    Can it be added to my CSS?
  19. holmedwa04

    url icon

    And where do I place that code? Just on my index page in the head?
  20. holmedwa04

    url icon

    What is the extension of the file, and do I need to open it in a program then save it as favicon.??.And also do I need any code for it to work?
  21. Oh, thats is alright then, but what will happen if a browser does not support it? Will it display an error message, or will it just not display the marquee hence making the viewer unaware that it is there?
  22. Oh, I must be getting confused with alert messages and auto text in a textarea, very tired at the momment!
  23. Oh right, so does that mean that it won't validate and that it may not work in some browsers?
  24. holmedwa04

    url icon

    Thanks, that looks really good, I have saved it, I will come back at some point to ask how to add it, its just a bit late and I need some sleep!
  25. Yeh, I used to use FrontPage all of the time but when I started to learn HTML I thought it was much better. Now because I havn't used FrontPage for ages I can knock pretty much anything I need up a lot quicker than I can using FrontPage.You may like to ty using Notepad 2, it is much better and it is a free download, just follow the link in the POLL.
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