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Posts posted by DaNuGai

  1. Use a function to add 3 months to the current date, and get all events within the start and end dates. Depending on what database you are using, the function name and syntax may be a little different.
    First of all, thank you for your help.I am using MySQL. I am using an application that can access MySQL where I would be putting the code. Everything works with the code I posted above expcept filtering data to 3 month period. I not very familiar with MySQL, I just know how to do the basics. I don't think I know how to write a function. Is there any link that you can refer me to.Thanks once again....
  2. Is is a little bit different question then what I have seen people ask here.....I have a table called Event. In the table I have a date field. I want to Select specific fields and retrive events from the begining of this month to the end of february. In other words, 3 months span.This is what I have,

    SELECT EventDate, EventID, EventTitle, Event, DeptCodeFROM EventsWHERE DeptCode == '2'ORDER BY EventDate ASC

    Now my question is where/how do I ask for events in 3 monts span.Please Help.

  3. First of all, I want to thank you for your help....I am actually using JSPs & servlets, so I am not quite sure how I can implement this on the server side. I am validating the data through the servlet but it doesn't catch Double Quotes since it only receives the value of that INPUT field.

    hey, here's a better one :)
    <input type="text" onKeyPress="return ckeck();">function check(){  return (event.keyCode != 34);		// double quot}

    this is for banning, and the follow one is of replacing

    <input type="text" onKeyPress="return ckeck();">function check(){  if (event.keyCode == 34){		// double quot	var pos = document.selection.createRange();	pos.text = "'";	return false;  } else	return true;}

    if you wanna write something likes a forum, or your purpose of doing such restriction or replacement is for protecting data sent to your server or blocking trouble makers for ruinning your layout. i would suggest you to do this in the server side as the JavaScript function can be easily turned off even by an idoit that makes your intrigging protection codes useless. for instant, if you use php, you may try htmlspecialchars() and it will be enough and easy for the purpose :)

  4. I need some help with this issuse.Whenever I type the URL as SOMEWEB.COM, I get an error where as if I type WWW.SOMEWEB.COM, the website appears.Does anyone know what causes it and how I can fix it. I am guess it probably has something to do with the hosting or the domain. I am not sure though. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thanks.

  5. I need some help with this issuse.Whenever I type the URL as SOMEWEB.COM, I get an error where as if I type WWW.SOMEWEB.COM, the website appears.Does anyone know what causes it and how I can fix it. I am guess it probably has something to do with the hosting or the domain. I am not sure though. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thanks.

  6. <td onclick="window.location='http://www.google.com'">Google</td>

    I used your second suggestion. It works, thank you very much. The only thing is in my CSS. I can get this to work with FireFox..mouseover { cursor: hand}Again, thank you very much for your help
  7. I want to know why this code doesn't work in FireFox but works perfectly in IE.<A HREF="news.html"><TD CLASS="quicklinks" ONMOUSEOVER="this.className='mouseover';return true" ONMOUSEOUT="this.className='mouseout';return true">NEWS</TD></A>Is there a way to get this to work in firefox and IE. All I am trying to do is make the whole TD Hyperlink. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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