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Everything posted by gongpex

  1. Hello, thanks for answer Q : How about free email hosting Can I use it? Thanks.
  2. A : I had ask to them, and they told me if I use free hosting (subdomain) I cannot use that feature. Q : If I install this (postfix) can I use it from hosting online (so that user can send email) or only can be used from localhost? or Is there another solution? please help Thanks
  3. Hello, I had try to send email using code that I got from w3schools : <?php// display form if user has not clicked submitif (!isset($_POST["submit"])) { ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>"> From: <input type="text" name="from"><br> Subject: <input type="text" name="subject"><br> Message: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="message"></textarea><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Feedback"> </form> <?php} else { // the user has submitted the form // Check if the "from" input field is filled out if (isset($_POST["from"])) { $from = $_POST["from"]; // sender $subject = $_POST["subject"]; $message = $_POST["message"]; // message lines should not exceed 70 characters (PHP rule), so wrap it $message = wordwrap($message, 70); // send mail mail("gong@gmail.com",$subject,$message,"From: $fromn"); echo "Thank you for sending us feedback"; }}?> I put this file on my hosting, and then I try to send into gong@gmail.com but I didn't receive anything message from this. btw, I don't understand with : Q : Where usually I can found this server? please help thanks
  4. thanks before, but this is not what I was mean, I think I need to start from beginning, <?php$to = "gong@gmail.com";$subject = "My subject";$txt = "Hello world!";$headers = "From: webmaster@example.com" . "rn" ."CC: somebodyelse@example.com";mail($to,$subject,$txt,$headers);?> this code just sample, my Question actually : Q : Why when I try to send message to email (on field to gong@gmail.com), the subject, and message not deliver on my email? (when I open my gmail account there is no message about this) Q2 : What I need to deliver this message to actual email? please help thanks
  5. I know basic works on php form to send email, but about the email reply I don't know Q : what I need to build this feature? so please help thanks
  6. Hello everyone, I think website will be flaw if there is not this feature, Q : what I must do so that I can have this feature? note : I had try to using PHP email form to make this, but that's useless please help me thanks
  7. gongpex

    php sign meaning

    hello everyone sometimes when I see on php.net I often see sign like this : -> Q : what the meaning of this sign? Q2 : where I can found the php "sign meaning" list? please help thanks
  8. Hello everyone, because on country where I live currently, almost need skill to build software using delphi so, I have plan to learn it, but I don't know start from to where to learn it. my question : Q : what's requirement to learn delphi? Q2 : if php I can download from php.net so, where I can download delphi for free? please tell me thanks
  9. Q : so, I must change with other database or database version to avoid this error? thanks
  10. hello everyone, when I tried to input password on password form, my PHP can't to display it's value, so it cause unable to recorded on database, this is my simple form : reg.php <form name="fm_submit" id="fm_submit" action="reg-conf.php" method="post"><input type="password" maxlength="16" class="inpt-fm" name="u_pass" id="u_pass" /></form> and this the destination reg-conf.php $u_pass = $_POST("u_pass"]; when I put : echo "$u_pass"; it didn't show anything Q : what's mistake on my code? please help thanks
  11. hello, you right, it can be recorded after giving default value. many thanks about this, but about : Q : yes, but I wonder, why it can be occurs? when I use old PHP version with using mysql not mysqli it can be record without giving default value. please explain to me thanks again
  12. Hello all, I think this code, is what did you mean (mysqli_error()) <?php require("connect_db.php"); mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT * FROM member"); $user = $_POST['test']; $name = $_POST['num']; $ins = mysqli_query($connect,"INSERT INTO member(m_name,m_user) VALUES ('$name','$user')"); if(!$ins) { printf ("Errormessage %s n",mysqli_error($connect)); } else { printf ("recorded"); } ?> this code result : Errormessage Field 'm_pass' doesn't have a default value Q : how to fix this problem ? please help thanks
  13. I think I need to clarify about this : - Is code like : <?php$host ="localhost";$user = "root";$pass = "1234567";$database = "test";$connect = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass);$data = mysqli_select_db($connect,$database);echo mysqli_errno($connect). ":" . mysqli_error($connect). "n";?> Q : not what did you mean? if so, please show me what code that supposed I use please help many thanks
  14. hello, sorry for long reply, this is my code : connect_db-server.php <?php$host ="localhost";$user = "root";$pass = "1234567";$database = "test";$connect = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass);$data = mysqli_select_db($connect,$database);echo mysqli_errno($connect). ":" . mysqli_error($connect). "n";?> this result : 0 : com.php : <form name="test" action="test.php" method="post"> user : <input type="text" name ="test" id="test" /><br /> name : <input type="text" name ="num" id="num" /> <!--id : <input type="text" name ="id" id="id" /> --> <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" /></form> test.php as destination and insert into syntax location : <?php require("connect_db-server.php"); mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT * FROM person"); $user = $_POST['test']; $name = $_POST['num']; $ins = mysqli_query($connect,"INSERT INTO person(user,name) VALUES ('$user','$name')"); if($ins) { echo "n". "inserted"; } else { echo "n". "trouble"; } ?> this result : trouble today I had check what php version that used by my web hosting, my php version is 5.3.0 and my web hosting using version 5.3.1 but I still have problem like this, that after I import data from web hosting server (database.sql), I astonished, when I create database manually then I use insert into syntax like on above it's result : "inserted" or successful. But after I import database.sql from my web hosting then I use insert into syntax, it's shown : "trouble" or failed. (this is same name database,table and column) Q : Is different php version can give some effect on import and export SQL data? please help me thanks
  15. did you mean mysql_error() ? if so, please see on this thread post #7 . well, this is my code : <?php require("connect_db.php"); mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT * FROM member"); $user = $_POST['test']; $name = $_POST['num']; $ins = mysqli_query($connect,"INSERT INTO member(m_user,m_name) VALUES ('$user','$name')"); if($ins) { echo "n". "inserted"; } else { echo "n". "trouble"; } ?> this is registered.php and this is my form file : <form name="test" action="registered.php" method="post"> user : <input type="text" name ="test" id="test" /><br /> name : <input type="text" name ="num" id="num" /> <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" /></form> this is register.php in here I just use simple form just to test whether database can be record or not, this is my problem : when I use code on above (registered.php) using database "exercise" it won't to record data from register.php, but if I use database "test" (with change connect_db.php) it can be record. for more information about both database and my problem, please read my post on #17 again. thanks
  16. I think today I found my true problem, please see these code : CODE no 1) <?php require("connect.php"); mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT * FROM person"); $user = $_POST['test']; $name = $_POST['num']; $ins = mysqli_query($connect,"INSERT INTO person(user,name) VALUES ('$user','$name')"); if($ins) { echo "n". "inserted"; } else { echo "n". "trouble"; } ?> this is connect.php <?php $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $pass = "12345678"; $dtb = "test"; $connect = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass); $db = mysqli_select_db($connect,$dtb);?> But, after I change it like this (change database also) : CODE no 2) <?php require("connect_db.php"); mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT * FROM member"); $user = $_POST['test']; $name = $_POST['num']; $ins = mysqli_query($connect,"INSERT INTO member(m_user,m_name) VALUES ('$user','$name')"); if($ins) { echo "n". "inserted"; } else { echo "n". "trouble"; } ?> this connect_db.php <?php$host ="localhost";$user = "root";$pass = "12345678";$database = "exercise";$connect = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass);$data = mysqli_select_db($connect,$database);?> on CODE no 1 this is successful to record data it's display : "inserted" , but after I change it like CODE no 2 it's display "trouble", note : database test and table person I made it manually. : but database exercise and table member I got it from import SQL (it's shape extension .sql) from phpmyadmin (this still use mysql not mysqli) so,database exercise is from my old data (from my web hosting) Q : Is SQL file data that I got from import unable to record data ? please help thanks
  17. Q : so, in other word I need to configure php.ini ? _________________________________________________________________________ OQ : what do you think about PostGre SQL? Is that more effective and safe than mysql or PDO ?
  18. No, I want just to test URL rewrite, I want to : from : localhost/index.php become localhost/index and localhost/?p=example become localhost/example please help thanks
  19. Hello, I had tried to connect PDO using this code : <?php$user = "root";$pass = "12345678";try { $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test',$user,$pass); foreach($dbh->query('SELECT * from person') as $row) { print_r($row); } $dbh = null;} catch (PDOException $e) { print "Error! :" . $e->getMessage()."<br/>"; die();}?> it's result : "Error! :could not find driver" Q : How to fix this problem? OQ : So, is oracle DB not free? thanks
  20. hello, I had visit on : http://php.net/pdo but when I open about requirement : http://id1.php.net/manual/en/pdo.requirements.php the page shown : "No external libraries are needed to build this extension" Q : so, that's mean I don't need to download database anymore, just use mysql database and then change the configuration on php.ini? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ thanks for OFF answer, I appreciate it, but I still wonder with oracle database, OFFQ : Is this database is more powerful than other database? (because I heard oracle DB, more complicated than other database)
  21. hello, yes you right, if user open test.php this will change to test2.php, but when I tried this on local server (localhost/test.php) this won't work, and the result still same only open test.php not open test2.php, I use this just to try if "RewriteEngine " work or not. Q : Is there something wrong on my http.conf? please help Thanks
  22. hello, thanks this work well even "insert into" can be record data now. but I want to ask about PDO, Q : Is this same with mysql? where I can download it? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OFFQ : I want to ask what OS that you are use currently? if you using linux please give me tutorial about it, because I want to try to use linux, btw I heard from my friend if linux can be modified by ourself (using C or C++) is that true? (I really2 appreciate and thanks again if you want to answer my OFFQ because this important for me)
  23. I had tried using mysql_error() on connection too as what thescientist said, but the result is : "0 :" please see : <?php$host ="localhost";$user = "root";$pass = "12345678";$database = "gong";$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);mysql_select_db($database,$connect);echo mysql_errno($connect). ":" . mysql_error($connect). "n";?> I had tried to change setting from mysql to mysqli but it didn't work here my code : <?php $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $pass = "12345678"; $dtb = "gong"; $connect = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass); $db = mysqli_select_db($dtb,$connect); if($db) { echo "successful connect"; }else{ echo "there is failure"; } ?> the result is : there is failure Q1 : Is there some mistake configuration on my php.ini? (on attach file on php.txt please rename it on .ini) Q2 : if I change mysql to mysqli, is data that I imported from mysql (data.sql for example) can be exported to database that using mysqli? please help thanks php.txt
  24. hello, I had tried to use mysql_error() like this : <?php$host ="localhost";$user = "root";$pass = "12345678";$database = "gong";$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);mysql_select_db($database,$connect);echo mysql_errno($connect). ":" . mysql_error($connect). "n";?> and also : <?php$u_user = $_POST["u_user"];$u_pass = $_POST["u_pass"];$u_name= $_POST["u_name"];$u_address =$_POST["u_address"];$u_address2 =$_POST["u_address2"];$u_phone = $_POST["u_phone"];$u_cell = $_POST["u_cell"];$u_email = $_POST["u_email"];$u_country = $_POST["u_country"];$u_city = $_POST["u_city"];$u_post = $_POST["u_post"];$u_security = $_POST["u_security"];$secure = $_POST['secure'];$u_join = date('D d M Y');$u_save = mysql_query("insert into member (m_user,m_pass,m_name,m_email,m_phone,m_cell,m_address,m_address2,m_country,m_city,m_join,m_security,m_secure,m_post) values ('$u_user','$u_pass','$u_name','$u_email','$u_phone','$u_cell','$u_address','$u_address2','$u_country','$u_city','$u_join','$u_security','$secure','$u_post')"); echo mysql_errno($u_save). ":" . mysql_error($u_save). "n";?> but it's didn't result anything, it only show 0 : Q : Is there mistake on placed this code? : I astonished, why only "insert into" syntax that got trouble, another syntax is alright............ please help thanks _________________________________________________________________________________________________ thanks before for your off answer, OQ : I heard from my friend if linux can be modified, but it must using C or C++ is that true?
  25. mysql error log did you mean? I found this on : log_error 140307 21:50:30 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.140307 21:50:30 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 44.0M140307 21:50:30 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer poolInnoDB: The first specified data file .ibdata1 did not exist:InnoDB: a new database to be created!140307 21:50:30 InnoDB: Setting file .ibdata1 size to 10 MBInnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...140307 21:50:31 InnoDB: Log file .ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be createdInnoDB: Setting log file .ib_logfile0 size to 22 MBInnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...140307 21:50:33 InnoDB: Log file .ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be createdInnoDB: Setting log file .ib_logfile1 size to 22 MBInnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer not found: creating newInnoDB: Doublewrite buffer createdInnoDB: Creating foreign key constraint system tablesInnoDB: Foreign key constraint system tables created140307 21:50:35 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 0140307 21:50:35 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events140307 21:50:35 [Note] C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.1binmysqld: ready for connections.Version: '5.1.73-community' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL) note : this error log I got from function : show variables like '%log%'; when I open mysql please help me thanks _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ off : Can I know what OS that you are use currently? I ask this because since I use windows 8, I always found a problem during installation web software like this, it's different while I use windows XP. Again, thanks if you answer this off question
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