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    html, css, php, mysql

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  1. Yes but I what the include to be in a variable.
  2. Sorry about that, This is what I what to do: $nav = '<?php include "file.php"; ?>'; But I don't know how to make it work.
  3. Hi I have another question about variables, I what to have a php code in the variable, so that I can do a php include, and some other php code. How would I do this?Thanks for all your help!
  4. Thanks that worked! and I have the $site because I make the hole site on my computer so I need to be able to be able to move it to the domain easily.
  5. Hi all, I have a problem with some code I am trying to make a simple include file That I can have on all of my pages, but I can't get the $site to work so I can tell it where the site is. So how would I get this to work? $site = 'http://site.com/';$nav = '<div id="div"><a href="#"><img src="<?php echo"$site"; ?>img/pic1.png" alt="pic1" /></a><a href="#"><img src="<?php echo"$site"; ?>img/pic2.png" alt="pic2" /></a></div>'; Thanks!
  6. I Am still have this problem they will not work with pics
  7. Thats some good code but it didn't work the code thinks there nothing there, try it here the code I got now <html><head><title>title</title><style type="text/css">body{padding: 20px;background-color: #FFF;font: 100.01% "Trebuchet MS",Verdana,Arial,sans-serif}p{padding-bottom:1em}h2{padding-top: 0.3em}div#nifty{margin: 0 10%;background: #9BD1FA}b.rtop, b.rbottom{display:block;background: #FFF}b.rtop b, b.rbottom b{display:block;height: 1px; overflow: hidden; background: #9BD1FA}b.r1{margin: 0 5px}b.r2{margin: 0 3px}b.r3{margin: 0 2px}b.rtop b.r4, b.rbottom b.r4{margin: 0 1px;height: 2px}</style></head><body><div id="nifty"><b class="rtop"><b class="r1"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r4"></b></b><img src="pic.gif" align="right"><b class="rbottom"><b class="r4"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r1"></b></b></div></body></html>
  8. Hi, I am have a bit of a problem with some css, I am trying to get rounded corners, On this div, but I have no text, on the div, The corners will not show up with out texted, and if I just add <br>'s It get like 8 px to big, can some one help me, It need to be hight=165px, I am sry that I can'tput the code online, My sever is down...Thanks, -SkaeroPS here is the code I have: <html><head><title>title</title><style>.top{background: url(pic.png) repeat-x;width:80%;overflow:auto;padding:0px;border:0px;height: 165px;text-align: left;margin:0 auto;}.p {padding:5px}.c3 {background: url(pic.gif) 0 100% no-repeat;background-position: bottom left;position: fixed;bottom: 165px}.c4 {background: url(pic.gif) 100% 100% no-repeat;background-position: bottom right;position: fixed;bottom: 165px}</style><body><div class="top"><div class="c3"><div class="c4"><img src="pic.gif" align="right"></div> </div></div></body></html>
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