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  1. Hi Guys!I used MySQL Administrator for Backup Shedule MySQL. When I use MySQL Administrator restore mydatabase : The MySQL Server returned this Error:MySQL Error Nr.2013-Lost connection to MySQL server during queryPlease help me!
  2. Okie! thank you very much !
  3. Hi Guys!I making a PHP for register. I have a 2 table . Table Province include ProvinceID,ProvinceName. Table Distrist include : ProvinceID,DistristID,DistristName. In my page have a two combo box : Province and Distrist. I want when User click into combo box province then in combobox distrist will list all values distrist of Province. Please help me
  4. Hi guys!I have a form for user register, Include 4 checkbox. I want insert 4 textbox into a filed in my Table (only). Please help me!
  5. Please tell me about a bulk email program free! !Thank
  6. I make a page ASP send Email to 1000000 Email .I use CDO.MEssage but process of that pages very low! (To time out. not send full 1000000) . Please help me. I need use CDONTS ? help me
  7. Example: I have a table Class include fileds : Name,Class . I want insert 1000 row same
  8. I want Insert multi values same same into a table .Please help me
  9. Hi Guys!I make a page ASP for sendmail use CDO.Message (Send about 500.000 Email). Now , I have a file .JPG size about 500KB. I Public this file .JPG into a Webserver. When I send mail for 500.000 Email. I want send a HTML email (Purpose, email send for customer size very small.) When Customer open their email will view that file .JPG on Webserver. This is my code:<% Dim MyMail,HTML%><!--#INCLUDE FILE="connect.asp"--><% server.ScriptTimeout=server.ScriptTimeout * 10000000 response.write(Server.ScriptTimeout) sSQL = "select * from Customer order by JID desc" Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.source=sSQL set rs.Activeconnection = conn rs.Open,,1,3,1 do while not rs.eof Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message") myMail.Subject="Hello!" MyMail.From= "Jonh <webmaster@bbc.com>" MyMail.To =rs("Email") myMail.CreateMHTMLBody " " 'Please help me %><% MyMail.Subject = " hello!" MyMail.Send response.Write(rs("Email")&" OK "&"<p>") rs.movenext Loop Set Mymail=nothing rs.close set rs=nothing conn.close set conn=nothingserver.ScriptTimeout=server.ScriptTimeout / 10000000%>
  10. Hi Guys!I need a mail server (same as Exchange 2003, MDEAMON,...) free running in win2003 server ! Please help me
  11. Hi Guys!I have problem : I have table Lottery include fields: ID,Name,Ticket1,Ticket2,Ticket3 ( With a user have max three ticket). I make a program use for Lottery (with Ticket1,ticket2,ticket3). I user random() function.I Want break up my table folow :I will add 2 field in to my table have name : Ticket and NewID and NewID field is Autocrement. With a user have three ticket .Example : ID Name Ticket1 Ticket2 Ticket3 23 John 001 003 112will Break up: NewID ID Name Ticket 1 23 John 001 2 23 John 003 3 23 John 112And finish : I will dial number in NewID use random() functionPlease help me
  12. Hi Guys!I hve two table the same, include :ID,Name,Class . I want merger data two table to a single table. Please help me
  13. Hi Guys!I have two table. TB1 have ID,Name,Birthday full data. TB2 have ID,Name,Class have done data but Birthday is null. I want corect my DB. I want insert all data from Birhtday on TB1 into Birthday on TB2. Please help me
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