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Everything posted by Cronthenoob

  1. I think you'll need some PHP to do that. Possibly javascript. Here is a PHP solution: <form name="form" method="get" action="www.whatever.com/whatever/whatever.php?reduel=<?=$_GET['name']?>"><input type="name"><input type="submit" value="submit"></form>
  2. Cronthenoob


    Ok, I found the problem!find the <td> that is like this: <td width="9" height="2"></td> and make it look like this: <td></td>
  3. Cronthenoob


    just add <center> tags around the entire thing!
  4. Cronthenoob


    That's strange, I tested it in Firefox and IE and it looked fine to me :)I don't know what else might work.
  5. I find that I like the "head first" series books the best.The tutorials are great and they are pretty interesting reads. I could probably just read through the book and not fall asleep, lol. Lots of pictures and descriptions, they make it very easy to learn.
  6. Anytime Good luck with your future projects!
  7. Ok, on your frameset page do this: <html><frameset rows="25%,75%" border="1"><frame src="frame_a.htm"><frameset cols="15%,85%" border="1"><frame src="frame_b.htm" name="links"><frame src="frame_c.htm" name="content"></frameset></frameset><head><title>Hoofdpagina</title></head><body></body></html> Then on page B, the link should be: <p><a href="home.htm" target="content"><img src="http://i10.tinypic.com/2u5cllz.jpg" border="0" /></a></p> That will change the web page in the content frame from "frame_c.htm" to "home.htm"
  8. You shouldn't have to add anything extra to the pages. What does your frameset page look like?Could you copy and paste that pages html please You don't need .htm on the target. You just need the name of the frame from your frameset page.
  9. target="frame_c"Nottarget="home.htm"also, your href should be href="home.htm"and also don't forget to close your img tag!<img src="image" border="0" />
  10. Cronthenoob


    try adding <br /> just after your </table>.
  11. Here is a pretty good reference for what _I_think you are trying to accomplish.http://cssplay.co.uk/boxes/outside.htmledit: Well, maybe not, lol.
  12. http://www.securityfocus.com/brief/307 I thought this was pretty interesting. They still havn't fixed it as far as I know either.People are using this as a way to install keyloggers on machines, then using their usernames and passwords. A lot of people that play World of Warcraft are clicking on seemingly harmless links in the official forums, then logging into their accounts with all of their items and money gone. I'm sure video game passwords aren't the only things that are being stolen.
  13. You might be trying to use IE when you test? I've never gotten one to show up in IE.
  14. So the problem is, you have one link you want to be a different color than the rest of the links on your page?I think that is what you are asking.
  15. Cronthenoob


  16. Maybe you can modify this and make it do what you want!http://slayeroffice.com/code/gradient/
  17. No, thats just the forum we are using to discuss the project this forum community is working on.
  18. http://www.strictlycss.com/articles/articl...layout-you-need I don't think tables can float, but you can use divs.
  19. well you need to start and stop PHP. You just copy and paste it at the beginning of any .php page. <?PHP$hostname="server";$username="username";$password="password";$dbname="database";$usertable="yourtablename";mysql_connect($hostname,$username, $password) OR DIE ("Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.");mysql_select_db($dbname);?>
  20. in phpMyAdmin there should be a tab that says "export" You can just use the export, save it as a text document. Then when you want to rebuild the database, use import, or just copy and paste.
  21. Cronthenoob

    Server setup

    http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread25473.html You might want to try what the 3rd poster posted. I don't know anything about apche.
  22. Cronthenoob

    Server setup

    http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.php Not sure how helpfull it is. But I don't remember how I installed it on my computer. :)As for MySQL, i beleive you just download and run the installer program. Then you can install phpMyAdmin.
  23. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/staticmenu.htm Try out this tutorial on dynamic drive.
  24. First you have to connect to the database. $hostname="server";$username="username";$password="password";$dbname="database";$usertable="yourtablename";mysql_connect($hostname,$username, $password) OR DIE ("Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.");mysql_select_db($dbname); Then you have to query the database $query = "SELECT * FROM $usertable"; $results = mysql_query($query); $e=mysql_fetch_array($results);
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