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Everything posted by scott100

  1. Yes it's possible, like Boen Robot says you can use xml, xml allows you to create your own tags, then to display them you can use css.xml code starts with:<?xml version=“1.0”?> Ahh here we go, an example http://www.w3schools.com/xml/cd_catalog_with_css.xmlTo see the xml view sourceTo see the css: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/cd_catalog.css
  2. You can't make it disapear, it's a browser feature when you use the <select> tag.You can create similar menu's using other techniques: http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/tryit.asp?f...trydhtml_menu10
  3. You have forgot this line, change the m to uppercasevar t= d.getmonth(); function showdate(){var d=new Date();var t= d.getMonth();document.write(t);}
  4. Comment out the <![CDATA[]]> - javascript will ignore it but the parser wont.<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[//]]></script>Sorted?
  5. scott100

    url icon

    I think it's 16x16 Generator: http://www.favicon.co.uk/
  6. This can be found on the site: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_doctype.aspTransitional is probably the most popular
  7. So you want a textarea to contain text with more than one colour at a time?I don't think you can, you are limited to only one colour AFAIK
  8. Z-index doesn't matter a jot when trying to "layer" html over a .swf (well as long as it's not set to -1), you must set flash to transparent.-------------------------<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version= 6,0,0,0" height="500px" width="500px"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://www.mix-fx.com/animations.swf"> <PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent></OBJECT> <div style="background-color:red;position:absolute;width:100px;height:100px;left:250px;top:200px;">The Box</div>-------------------------As you will see from this example the box "sits" on top of the flash animation
  9. Yeah, plus run your code through the validator - that's what it's there for!http://validator.w3.org/
  10. Textarea does not have an attribute "value" input does...examples of both textarea and input<textarea onclick="this.innerHTML='';this.style.color='red'">Default Text</textarea> <input value="Default Text" onclick="this.value='';this.style.color='red'" /> Is that what you wanted?
  11. Maybe, in your first post you had the javascript in the <body> tag, now you have it in the <head> tagMake that change and see if it works
  12. No probs If you define the bodyID variable outside all functions then each should be able to access it.// Full Circle Navigation: JavaScript Documentvar bodyID = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].id;//Pre-Cache the imagesNote:If you specify var bodyID in a function then no other function can access it, if you just use bodyID then the variable can be access by all functions.
  13. Yeah you have the right idea, if you give each body an id similar to the image then you can find out what page the user is on and if the image should rollover.So say were on the news page, you would give the body tag an id simar to the id for the news img (i had to add b to make the id's unique):<body id="nav_newsb"><li><img src="images/nav_news.gif" alt="Link to the Shipyards In The News Page" id="nav_news"then in your javascript-----------if (type == "on") {var bodyID= document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].id; //get id of body tag if (bodyID==imgID+"b"){};else{document.getElementById(imgID).src = imageOn[imgID].src;}// checks body id against the image id (not forgetting to add the "b" to end) rollover if match is falsereturn true; }-----------I hope this makes sense b can be anything you like - just as long as id's are uniqueI tried it and it did work, there may well be another better way...
  14. I'm not sure if this can be done cross browser or not Javascript here: http://javascript.internet.com/page-detail...epage-link.html
  15. Make these 2 changes and your document will validate as strict.The attribute "language" has been deprecated from strict validation, use "type" instead. All javascript must be enclosed within <![CDATA[]]> - This tells the parser to ingore all code within it. <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[//Put all javascript content here]]></script>That's it :)oh yeah, you need to use © for a copyright symbol and get rid of the dots after the address lines.
  16. scott100


    lol funny Skemcin, this should be the w3schools official anti-spam mascot pic
  17. Yeah that's right, var plays a big part.If you take jesh's example for instance, it will write out the text because var is not declaired, but if it was then nothing would be written.It's important that you know this, if you have a massive script and 2 functions have the same variable name within them and are not declaired with a var then this could mess up you results.
  18. I don't think this is in the standards yet (maybe CSS3 will cover it) I have seen this done before but it's a Microsoft only technology so use it at your own pearl. http://www.ssi-developer.net/css/vertical-text.shtml
  19. The problem wasn't with the execution, the problem was that the form still submitted if validation failed. see You can already see it for yourself, javascript is client side so it's not hard to find:http://www.gecofabrications.co.uk/form_check.js Who? W3C andl most of us i'd imagine
  20. I recommend you learn css http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?fil...ss_border-style
  21. Don't mean to sound harsh but wallyson do you know what your talking about ? Do you know xhtml ? That says it all... check() is validating the form input among other things That's just bad advice, why do that Essentially the best way (IMO) to validate a form is using onsubmit.<head><script>function check(elmt){var outcome=true;if (elmt.one.value=="")outcome=false; //if form empty do not submitreturn outcome;}</script></head><body><form action="process.php" method="post" onsubmit="return check(this)"><input type="text" id="one" /><input type="submit" /></form></body>
  22. Yes, use these in the body tag:<body link="red" vlink="red" alink="red"> A description can be found under "Optional Attributes" http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_body.aspCSS has replaced this method though...
  23. You should be using title for that little pop up message, that includes images.Alt is used as an alternative text to be displayed when the image fails to load, for some reason Internet Explorer also uses the alt text as a pop up message, no other browser does this. If you specify both the alt and title as an image attribute the the title takes priority in the pop up message It is there, you just have to look for it.See this page: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_select.aspIf you scroll halfway down you will see a list of Standard Attributes for this tag, these areid, class, title, style, dir, lang, xml:lang, accesskey, tabindex Similar information is available on all tags
  24. I always use pxhttp://www.basictips.com/which-font-size-px-pt-em.shtml
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