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  1. I submit this select list through a form, If the chosen number exist then I print an error but the selected value resets. Can I somehow make it remember the selected value?var myDate = new Date();var year = myDate.getFullYear();for(var i = 4; i < 16; i++){document.write('<option value="'+i+'">'+i+'</option>');}When I use Input I use this and it works fine but now I am a bit confused. <?php if (isset($_POST['name'])) echo 'value="'.$_POST['name'].'"';?>
  2. I submit this select list through a form, If the chosen number exist then I print an error but the selected value resets. Can I somehow make it remember the selected value? var myDate = new Date();var year = myDate.getFullYear();for(var i = 4; i < 16; i++){document.write('<option value="'+i+'">'+i+'</option>');} When I use Input I use this and it works fine but now I am a bit confused. <?php if (isset($_POST['name'])) echo 'value="'.$_POST['name'].'"';?>
  3. At the moment i succeded the rotation images background. And the fadeIn-fadeOut at the content of the body... But i need to fadeIn-FadeOut the background images not the content of body.. I am spaced out.. <script language="JavaScript"> var john=['0.jpg','1.jpg','2.jpg'];for (var img,pic=0;pic<john.length;pic++){img=john[pic];john[pic]=new Image();john[pic].src=img;}var bac=0;function ImageRotate(){bac=++bac%john.length;document.getElementById('name').style.backgroundImage='url('+john[bac].src+')';setTimeout(function(){ImageRotate();},5000);$('body').fadeOut("slow");$('body').fadeIn("slow");}</script></head><body id="name" onLoad="ImageRotate();">
  4. I dont know how to fade in through this.. I just need to simple fade in the next coming image. <script language="JavaScript"> var john=['0.jpg','1.jpg','2.jpg'];for (var img,pic=0;pic<john.length;pic++){img=john[pic];john[pic]=new Image();john[pic].src=img;}var bac=0,to=null;function ImageRotate(){bac=++bac%john.length;document.getElementById('name').style.backgroundImage='url('+john[bac].src+')';to=setTimeout(function(){ ImageRotate(); },2000);}</script></head><body id="name" onLoad="ImageRotate();"></body></html>
  5. garevn

    dynamic copyright

    I did an if-else statement tnx though!
  6. garevn

    dynamic copyright

    I am using this code and the result is "© Copyright 2013 - 2013". I want if possible if the current year is the same with the copyright year to display only one. for example the display will be "© Copyright 2013". <?php$time = time () ;$year= date("Y",$time);echo "© Copyright 2013 - " . $year;?>
  7. First of all i wanna thank u justsomeguy because the last years since my first post u are always here and u are trying to help me in whatever problems i have. Referring to the post i tried a lot of things like trying several "position"-"display" options but nothing worked. suddenly i deleted tabindex and worked!!<div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">to<div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion">I have no idea why that was the problem. Even when i changed the value to "1" didnt work.
  8. When i click to open a Spry Accordion content using IE, for some milliseconds the whole accordion div is like flash/blinks at the top of the page and then resets to his normal position.I read to add display:none; or display:table; but it doesnt work.Anyone has any idea how to fix that?
  9. This is my current code, but i want a mouseover and mouseout behaviour to a text with no "read more" "read less" "images" ets.For exampleLine one....Line two....when mouseover in the table/div with the text, display:Line one....Line two....Line three...Line four...when mouseout display back two lines <script type="text/javascript">function showMoreOrLess(thisObj,bonusContent){ var caption = thisObj.innerHTML; //alert(caption); if ( caption == "Read more" ) { document.getElementById(bonusContent).style.display = "inline"; thisObj.innerHTML = "Read less"; } else { document.getElementById(bonusContent).style.display = "none"; thisObj.innerHTML = "Read more"; }}</script></head><body><div id="restOfArticle" style="display:none">blah blah</div><a onmouseover="showMoreOrLess(this,'restOfArticle');">Read more</a></body>
  10. I want somehow to expand and collapse a text to a spesific area.For example lets say i have a text of 5 rows and i want to show only 2 like: 1row2row...read moreif u press "read more" then:1row2row3row4row5row...read less Is there a way to do that?
  11. ok it seems like the easyest way, but how i update the table after the log in... i tried to update and log in with the same form but its not possible...!
  12. Lets say i have 10 users in my database.I want to display 2 dynamic tables, one with the names from online users and one with the names from offline one..Any suggestion i am a bit confused
  13. garevn

    hard drive folder

    yes i have pics. An other guy helped me and i tried this <?php$f = glob("c:/Program Files (x86)/*.*");foreach ($f as $file)echo "$file \n";?> It works fine but i was thinking about results in items i may click on them, Is there any chance?
  14. garevn

    hard drive folder

    i tried both codes but the browser load and load all time and nothing happen.. <?php//Open images directory$dir = opendir("pics");//List files in images directorywhile (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { echo "filename: " . $file . "<br />"; }closedir($dir);?>
  15. garevn

    hard drive folder

    Hello i want to display in my local site a hard drive path like"C:\Program Files (x86)"Is there any chance?
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