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Posts posted by cpugeek

  1. I'm trying to create a dropdown menu effect here http://cbd-alpha.com/ideal/But I'm stuck with how to get the menu items under the "about" menu item to stack vertically like a standard dropdown. Here's the CSS:

    #mainNav {	margin: 82px 0 0 160px;}#mainNav ul {list-style-type: none;padding-top: 8px;}#mainNav li {	float: left;	padding-left: 21px;}#mainNav li:first-child {	padding-left: 80px;	background: none;}#mainNav a {	text-decoration: none;	padding: 0px 10px;	font: normal 14px "ITCAvantGarde", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;	color: #FFF;}#mainNav ul ul {	display: none;}#mainNav ul ul li {	padding-left: 0 !important;	z-index: 999 !important;}#mainNav ul ul ul {	}#mainNav ul ul a {	}#mainNav li:hover > a,#mainNav ul ul :hover > a {	color: #afc2d1;}#mainNav ul ul a:hover {	}#mainNav ul li:hover > ul {	display: block;}

    And here's the css of a similar menu:

    	#mainNav {		margin: 0 auto;		position: relative;		width: 1000px;		z-index: 101;	}	#mainNav ul {		border-left: 1px solid #CCCCCC;		border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;		float: left;		height: 37px;		list-style: none outside none;		margin: 0 auto;		padding-left: 0;		position: relative;		z-index: 100;	}	#mainNav li {		border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF;		border-right: 1px solid #CCCCCC;		float: left;		position: relative;	}	#mainNav a {		color: #8D8C8C;		display: block;		font: 18px/38px "GothamBoldRegular",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;		height: 37px;		padding: 0 11px;		text-decoration: none;		text-transform: uppercase;	}	#mainNav ul ul {		border: medium none;		display: none;		float: left;		left: 0;		position: absolute;		top: 38px;		width: 260px;		z-index: 99;	}	#mainNav ul ul li {		background: url("images/nav_bg_hover.png") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;		border: medium none !important;		float: none;		padding: 0 !important;	}	#mainNav ul ul ul {		left: 100%;		top: 0;	}	#mainNav ul ul a {		background-image: none !important;		border-bottom: 1px dotted #FFFFFF;		color: #FFFFFF;		font-weight: normal;		height: auto;		line-height: normal;		overflow: hidden;		padding: 10px !important;		position: relative;		text-transform: capitalize;		width: 240px;		z-index: 99;	}	#mainNav li:hover {		color: #6A99C8;	}	#mainNav li:hover {		background: url("images/nav_a_hover.jpg") repeat-x scroll center bottom transparent;	}	#mainNav li:hover li {		color: #FFFFFF;	}	#mainNav ul ul li:hover a {		background: url("images/nav_bg_hover.png") repeat scroll 0 0 #56A1D5 !important;	}	#mainNav ul li:hover > ul {		display: block;	}

    How do I stack them vertically?

  2. Hello, it's been a while since I've posted in this forum, but I'm doing what I can to get a pre-existing jQuery plugin to work, and I'm currently pulling out all of my hair. The plugin itself works, I'm just unsure how to implement it. After including it, what html would I use to create the slider? A live version of the script can be viewed here: http://wptitans.com/majestics/

    // JavaScript DocumentjQuery(function($){ $.fn.featureslider = function(options){ /* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Plugin Options ======================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */var defaults = {				time:4000,	   width:600,	   height:400,	   effect:'none',	   autoplay:false,	   listControls:true,	   callback:function(){   }	  	  	 };  var options = $.extend(defaults, options);/* ================================================================================================ *//* ==================================== Variables & Precaching ==================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */ return this.each(function()  {  var root = $(this).addClass('mainslider');   var parent = root.parent();  var li = root.find("li");	 var images = li.find("img");  var pos,random_no,timer,image_timer,counter,arr,wait,index,block,w,h,src,parent,im,override=false,in_animation = false,controls,canvas,html5_flag=false,imageData,canvas,context,root_parent;	 var current = li.eq(1).toggleClass('active'),prev = li.first().addClass("reset");  var bool = true,first_bool = true;  root.css({   width: options.width,   height: options.height   });  li.first().find("div.description").css("display","block");  li.first().fadeIn('slow');    current.hide();   if(options.listControls==true)	 appendControls();  /* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Switcher Module ======================================= *//* ================================================================================================ */    function switcher()   {	 if(current.prev().length>0)	   prev = current.prev();	 else	   prev = li.last();		 prev.removeClass("reset");	 current.toggleClass("active reset");		 if(current.next().length>0)		 // setting the next slide	   current = current.next();	 else	   current = li.first();		current.hide();	current.addClass("active");	options.callback();  	 } /* ================================================================================================ *//* ================================= Effects Switching & Ending =================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */ function endeffect(image){		if(options.listControls==true)	  {	  controls.removeClass("control_active");	  controls.eq(current.index()).addClass("control_active");	  }    clearInterval(timer);  setTimeout(function(){			  in_animation = false;	  if(override==false) // Return if manually triggered	  image_timer = setTimeout(function() {  current.find("div.description").fadeOut('fast');	switcher(); effects();  },(options.time-800));	 },1000);		};function effects(){   if(li.is(":animated"))return;    if(bool==true)  {   li.first().find("div.description").hide();   bool=false;	first_bool = false;  }    switch(0)   {     case 0:	current.find("div.description").fadeIn('normal');   current.fadeIn("slow",function(){  	endeffect($(this));		});break;    }}/* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Control Options ======================================= *//* ================================================================================================ */    function appendControls()  {  var str = "<ul class='controls'>";  for(var i=0;i<li.length;i++)  str = str + "<li>"+(i+1)+"</li>";  str = str+"</ul>";    root.after(str);     controls = parent.find(".controls li");  controls.first().addClass("control_active");  controls.parent().css("left",  980/2 + 20 +  controls.parent().width()/2  )   controls.bind({  click:function(){ setImage($(this).index());  },  mouseover:function(){ $(this).toggleClass("control_hover"); },  mouseout:function(){ $(this).toggleClass("control_hover"); }	});     }/* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Image Settings ======================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */ 	  function setImage(index){ 	  if(first_bool==true)	 {	if(in_animation==true||current.index()-1==index)  return;  }  else   if(in_animation==true||current.index()==index)  return;   li.removeClass("reset active");  current.find("div.description").hide();  clearTimeout(image_timer); // Manual Override...   if(first_bool==true)  li.first().addClass("reset");   current.addClass("reset");  prev = current;  current = li.eq(index).addClass("active");   override = true;  effects(); }      if(options.autoplay==true)	image_timer = setTimeout(function() {   effects();  },options.time);  // Starting the Slideshow    }); };  });

  3. Does anyone know much about the php Smarty Template Engine.like how it works, the syntax, & the basic structure?are there any better solutions? how do you use smarty.& how do i test if the php Smarty Template Engine is installed.any and all help is appreciated.

  4. Also you can find one on th about:Tabs in the new IE v.7 But if you don't want to have to leave here is the source (unedited) :

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html>	<head>		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ErrorPageTemplate.css" />		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>		<title>Welcome to Tabbed Browsing</title>		<script src="errorPageStrings.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript">		</script>		<script src="httpErrorPagesScripts.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript">		</script>	</head>	<body onLoad="java script:setTabInfo('tabInfoBlockID');" class="tabInfo">		<table width="730" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">			<tr>				<td id="tabIconAlign" width="60" align="left" valign="top" rowspan="2">					<img src="tab_icon.png" id="tabIcon" alt="Tab icon">				</td>				<td id="mainTitleAlign" valign="middle" align="left" width="*">					<h1 id="mainTitle">You've opened a new tab</h1>				</td>			</tr>			<tr>				<td id="ErrorCodeAlign" class="errorCodeAndDivider" align="right"> 					<div class="divider"></div>				</td>			</tr>		  <tr>			<td>			   			</td>			<td>			  <p><h2 id="withTabs1">With tabs you can:</h2>			  <ul>				<li id="withTabs2">Use one Internet Explorer window to view all your webpages.</li>				<li id="withTabs3">Open links in a background tab while viewing the page you're on.</li>				<li id="withTabs4">Save and open multiple webpages at once by using favorites and home page tabs.</li>			  </ul>			  </p>			  <p><h2 id="getStarted1">To get started:</h2>			  <ul>				<li id="getStarted2">Press the CTRL key while clicking links (or use the middle mouse button).</li>				<li id="getStarted3">Click any tab with the middle mouse button to close it.</li>				<li id="getStarted4">Press ALT+ENTER from the address bar or search box to open the result in a new tab.</li>			  </ul>			  </p>			</td>		  </tr>		  <tr>			  <td>				   			  </td>			  <td>				  <p>					  <table>						<tr>							<td valign="top">								<img src="help.gif" id="helpIcon" border="0" alt="Help Icon" class="actionIcon">							</td>							<td valign="top">								<a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=62982"><ID id="learnMoreAboutTabs">Learn more about tabs</ID></a>							</td>						</tr>					  </table>				  </p>			  </td>		  </tr>		  <!-- tab info -->		  <tr>			<td id="tabInfoBlockAlign" align="right" valign="top">				 			</td>			<td id="tabInfoAlign" align="left" valign="middle">				<h4>					<table>					  <tr>						  <td valign="top">								  <a href="#" onclick="java script:expandCollapse('tabInfoBlockID', false); setTabInfo('tabInfoBlockID'); return false;">								  <span id="tabImageContainer"></span>								  <noscript>									  <img src="down.png" id="tabInfoBlockIDImage" border="0" class="actionIcon" alt="Show more tab shortcuts">								  </noscript>							  </a>						  </td>						  <td valign="top">							  <span id="tabInfoContainer"></span>							  <noscript><ID id="hideTabHotkeys">Show more tab shortcuts</ID></noscript>						  </td>					  </tr>					</table>				</h4>					<div id="tabInfoBlockID" class="infoBlock" style="display: none">					<p>					  <b><ID id="tabHotKey1">Keyboard shortcuts</b>					  <table width="100%">						  <tr>							  <td width="45%" valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo1">Open links in a new tab in the background</ID>							  </td>							  <td width="55%" valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo1a">CTRL+click</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo2">Open links in a new tab in the foreground</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo2a">CTRL+SHIFT+click</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo3">Open a new tab in the foreground</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo3a">CTRL+T</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo4">Open a new tab from the Address bar</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo4a">ALT+ENTER</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo5">Open a new tab from the search box</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo5a">ALT+ENTER</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo6">Open Quick Tabs (thumbnail view)</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo6a">CTRL+Q</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo7">Switch between tabs</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo7a">CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo8">Switch to a specific tab number</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo8a">CTRL+<i>n</i> (<i>n</i> can be 1-8)</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo9">Switch to the last tab</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo9a">CTRL+9</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo10">Close current tab</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo10a">CTRL+W</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo11">Close all tabs</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo11a">ALT+F4</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo12">Close other tabs</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo12a">CTRL+ALT+F4</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>					   </table>					</p>					<p>					  <b><ID id="tabHotKey2">Mouse shortcuts</b>					  <table width="100%">						  <tr>							  <td width="45%" valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo13">Open a link in a background tab</ID>							  </td>							  <td width="55%" valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo13a">Click the middle mouse button on a link</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo14">Open a new tab</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo14a">Double-click the empty space to the right of the last tab</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo15">Close a tab</ID>							  </td>							  <td valign="top">								  <ID id="hotkeyInfo15a">Click the middle mouse button on the tab</ID>							  </td>						  </tr>					  </table>					</p>				</div>			</td>		  </tr>		  <tr>			  <td>				  			  </td>			  <td>				 <div class="divider"></div>			  </tr>		  </tr>		  <tr>			  <td>				   			  </td>			  <td>				  <p>					<table width="100%">						<tr>							<form name="skipTabFrom" onSubmit="java script:skipTabCheck(document.skipTabFrom);" action="java script:window.location.replace('about:blank')">							  <td>								<input type="checkbox" name="skipTabCheckbox" id="dontShowPage">								<label for="dontShowPage" id="dontShowPageText">Don't show this page again</label>							  </td>							  <td align="right">								  <button id="closeButtonStyle" type="submit" style="width: 6.5em;"><ID id="closeButtonText">Close</ID></button>							  </td>							</form>						</tr>					</table>				  </p>			  </td>		  </tr>		</table>	</body></html>

  5. Hi.I am making THIS website.For the gallery i was hoping for some like online program in php or something.Instead of making a page for each photo.OR. Does anyone know how to create one?Any Suggestions for the Gallery, are appreciated.So thanks in Advance.

  6. i have a server hosted by 1&1; and it has 5 domains associated w/ the one server. anyways i wanted to customize the 404 for each website but it didnt work. because the server has the 404 already set and redirected to the 404 from 1&1. so i was wondering if there is a way to redirect the .htaccess to the 404 for each site.is it possible?

  7. ok. so i'll get to the point; i'm designing a website for personal use. on the website i would like to have a navigation bar much like the structure of the one on this page: http://www.mcqassociates.com/about/default.phpthe link to the CSS is:http://www.mcqassociates.com/styles/menuExpandable3.cssthe link to the JS is:http://www.mcqassociates.com/includes/menuExpandable3.jsI've tryed a good amount of times and can't seem to get the exact same result as on the 1st page.If anyone can help me with getting this coded the same. then thanks.

  8. if any of you play games such as ages of empires online then you know that the script allows you to play the game on the server; my question is how? because i am thinking of creating a website that does the exact thing that allows up to atleast 10 players play online over an internet connection on the hosted server. note: sorta like the interface for MapleStory except it has to be compatible w/ the cd it launches from.1. *if there are any ?'s please ask.*2. *Any and all help appreciated*

  9. Actually, to make sure it's compatible with all browsers you could use something like this:

    <embed src="http://www.url/music.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"><noembed><bgsound src="http://www.url/music.mp3" loop="infinite"></noembed>

    Just depending on the browser some only use one of these tag's and so they use one or the other[note: <embed> is more common].

  10. Does anyone know how to edit this to play another song after the first one finishes?

    <embed src="http://www.music.com/url" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"><noembed><bgsound src="http://www.music.com/url" loop="infinite"></noembed>

  11. when i use textareas some times i want to edit the look of it and i can't do it. like no tags work in it, and when i try Css it screws up...any help, is appreciated

  12. Ok, I made a search and I was wondering is it possible to have a value filled in on the search but on.click it disappears so there is no value until you unclick?paraphrase: I want a value in a form and on.click I want it to disapear so the user can type ,but if no value is entered in on unclick then the value reverts to original-any help appreciated :)

  13. I have a problem I am making a website for a new customer and they requested a table that's able to auto resize so no matter what resolution the screen is on it's the same here is the code of the doc.

    <!-- Copyright © Pwi.inc --><head><title>PWI inc. Tel.(316)-942-2811 Fax (316)-942-6209</title><style type="text/css">a:link {color: #000000}a:visited {color: #000000}a:hover {color: #000000}a:active {color: #000000}</style><style type="text/css"><!--body {position: relative; background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0; padding: 0;}div#links {position: relative: 50px; left: 0; width: 100px; height: 100px; font: 10px bold 1em sans-serif; z-index: 10;}div#links a {display: block; text-align: center; font: bold 1em sans-serif;    padding: 5px 5px; margin: 0 0 1px; border-width: 0;    text-decoration: none; color: #FFC; background:#0000ff;   border-right: 5px;}div#links a:hover {color: #411; background: #AAA;   border-right: 0px double white;}div#links a img {height: 0; width: 0; border-width: 0;}div#links a:hover img {position: absolute; top:5px; left: 5px; height: 100px; width: 100px;}div#content {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 25px; right: 25px;   color: #BAA; background: #22232F;    font: 13px Verdana, sans-serif; padding: 10px;    border: solid 5px #444;}div#content p {margin: 0 1em 1em;}div#content h3 {margin-bottom: 0.25em;}h1 {margin: -9px -9px 0.5em; padding: 15px 0 5px; text-align: right; background: #333; color: #667; letter-spacing: 0.5em; text-transform: lowercase; font: bold 25px sans-serif; height: 28px; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap;}dt {font-weight: bold;}dd {margin-bottom: 0.66em;}div#content a:link {color: white;}div#content a:visited {color: #BBC;}div#content a:link:hover {color: #FF0;}div#content a:visited:hover {color: #CC0;}code, pre {color: #EDC; font: 110% monospace;}--></style></head><body bgcolor="FFFFFF"><table border="1" align="left" bordercolor="#000000" width="10%"><font color="#000000" size="4" face="system"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><td><div id="links"><a href="D:\main.htm" title="Cost Effective Large and Small Production Quantities Available!" TARGET="main">HOME<img src="D:\pwi new logo 100 WB.jpg"></a><a href="D:\OME Aircraft Lighting System.html" title="Electronic Ballists &Lighting Systems" TARGET="main">CCFL LIGHTING SYSTEMS<img src="D:\lights 129x101.jpg"></a><a href="http://www.pwi-e.com/cath.html" title="Stock Cold CathodeFluorescent Lamps" TARGET="main">STOCK LAMPS<img src="D:\lights2 166x100.jpg"></a><a href="http://www.pwi-e.com/cath.html" title="Custom DesignFluorescent LampsCustom SizesShapes and Colors " TARGET="main">CUSTOM LAMP Manufacturing<img src="D:\GLASS 133x100.JPG"></a><a href="http://www.pwi-e.com/coil.html" title="CustomCoil WindingTransformersInductorsResistors " TARGET="main">COIL WINDING<img src="D:\coil2 160x103.jpg"></a><a href="http://www.pwi-e.com/coil.html" title="Stock Magnetometers.Custom DesignMagnetometerCoils & Cores" TARGET="main">Magnetometers<img src="D:\Magnetomer 113x100.jpg"></a><a href="http://www.pwi-e.com/eng.html" title="Development &Consulting Services" TARGET="main">ENGINEERING<img src="D:\ENG1 140x105.JPG"></a><a href="D:\contract manufacturing.htm" title="Cost EffectiveDesign & Manufacturing" TARGET="main">CONTRACT Manufacturing<img src="D:\Automation1 135x101.jpg"></a><a href="http://www.pwi-e.com" title="New Products & Whats In Development" TARGET="main">NEW PRODUCTS<img src="D:\manu2 153x101.jpg"></a><a href="D:\about us 2.htm" title="Serving YouSince 1963" TARGET="main">ABOUT US<img src="D:\HOME 260x134.jpg"></a><div> <marquee bgcolor="#000000" scrollamount="2" direction="up" loop="true"> <center><img src="D:\pwi new logo 50 WB.jpg"></a><br><br><font color="#FFFFFF" size="1" face="system">Univolt © <font color= yellow>ELECTRONIC BALLIST<font color="#FFFFFF"<br><br><br>Input 10V to 120V  AC/DC With One Unit<br><br><img src="D:\pwi new logo 50 WB.jpg"></a><font color= yellow><br>Input<br>TEN to 120V AC/DC<font color="#FFFFFF"<br>ELECTRONIC BALLIST<font color= yellow ><br>ONE UNIT<br>THE<font color="#FFFFFF"><br>UNIVOLT ©</font> </center> </marquee></div></table></body>

    I have done everything to fix this but its not totally working-Any help appreciated

  14. I am learning PHP ,and I am making a file uploader ,and I only want the following files allowed:

    • .jpeg .jpe .gif .tiff .tif .png

    The reason for the uploader is for a photo website gallerynote: the file should be restricted to 2 megabytes *any help appreciated :)

  15. I know I should know how to make an uploader by now, but I don't even though I know some server languages and css html xml and others I still dont know how to upload a picture to a server using a script since I am developing a website for pictures Here is the site any help is appreciated if possible... thanks

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