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Everything posted by kenny9239

  1. Hi guysI am trying to create a zip file under PHP by using code like this////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<?php$zip = new ZipArchive();$filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/test"."/test112.zip";if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==TRUE) { exit("cannot open <$filename>\n");}$zip->addFromString("test1.txt" . time(), "#1 This is a test string added as testfilephp3.txt.\n");$zip->addFromString("test2.txt" . time(), "#2 This is a test string added as testfilephp4.txt.\n");$zip->addFile('c:/test3.doc','new.doc');$zip->addFile('c:/test4.jpg','new1.jpg');$zip->addFile('c:/test5.txt','new2.txt');echo "numfiles: " . $zip->numFiles . "\n";echo "status:" . $zip->status . "\n";$zip->close();?> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// After the zip file was created, I extracted it.(there is a failure message during the extraction), when i open the extracted file, i found the test3.doc and new1.jpg are not there, but all the .txt files are there.How can i add the non .txt files into my zip file in PHP?
  2. Hi, allI need to do a help function for an existing web appication written in php5. I was told to have a drop down list to choose help files and a submit button on the help page.After clicking the submit button, the applicaion will check whether the help file(chm format) is in client computer's specific directory. if the file is in client's computer the chm file will be activated. if the help file is not in client's computer, the web applicaion will ask user to downlaod the help file.My question is 1) how to activate the chm file? I dont know what tool (like javascript or php) that allow me to call a windows applciaion like Chm or words. 2) Im using WAMP envirnment. If I want to make the download works. Do I have to have a FTP server? Since WAMP doesnt come wiv FTP server, I wll have to get a FTP server up and running on my windows operation system. I will be grateful if I have any comment regarding to my issure.Thanks
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