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Posts posted by musicradiolive

  1. How can i make it so content is only shown if the user has a set level.I have table called tblUsers. In there is a field called UType.Theres: Admin & Staff.I only want the content to be shown if the logged in user is Admin.

    <%IF UTYPE IS ADMIN THEN THIS CONTENT WILL SHOW.....%>  <tr bgcolor="#000000" class="topmenu">	<td height="30"><a href="#">Home</a></td>	<td height="30"><a href="#">Features</a></td>	<td height="30"><a href="#">Services</a></td>	<td height="30"><a href="#">Reviews</a></td>	<td height="30"><a href="#">Articles</a></td>	<td height="30"><a href="#">Contact Us</a></td>	<td height="30"><a href="#">Links</a></td>  </tr><% CLOSE THE ADMIN SECTIN HERE AND CARRY ON SHOWING THE REST OF THE PAGE CONTENT.... %>

    Thanks in advance for help.

  2. Hi.I've currently got a script that allows my users to upload files on to the server, and also to view hat files already exist on the server in a specific folder. Can i adapt this to make it able to delete files from that folder?

    <%Function ShowImageForType(strName)	Dim strTemp	strTemp = strName		If strTemp <> "dir" Then		strTemp = LCase(Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStrRev(strTemp, ".", -1, 1)))	End If			Select Case strTemp		Case "asp"			strTemp = "asp"		Case "dir"			strTemp = "dir"		Case "htm", "html"			strTemp = "htm"		Case "gif", "jpg"			strTemp = "img"		Case "txt"			strTemp = "txt"		Case Else			strTemp = "misc"	End Select	strTemp = "<IMG SRC=""./images/dir_" & strTemp & ".gif"" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>"	ShowImageForType = strTempEnd Function%><%Dim strPath Dim objFSO Dim objFolderDim objItemstrPath = "/uploads/"Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(strPath))%>Contents of <B>www.musicradiolive.com<%= strPath %></B><BR><BR><TABLE BORDER="5" BORDERCOLOR="green" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="2">	<TR BGCOLOR="#006600">		<TD><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>File Name:</B></FONT></TD>		<TD><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>File Size (bytes):</B></FONT></TD>		<TD><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>Date Created:</B></FONT></TD>		<TD><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>File Type:</B></FONT></TD>	</TR><%For Each objItem In objFolder.SubFolders	If InStr(1, objItem, "_vti", 1) = 0 Then	%>	<TR BGCOLOR="#CCFFCC">		<TD ALIGN="left" ><%'= ShowImageForType("dir") %><A HREF="<%= strPath & objItem.Name %>"><%= objItem.Name %></A></TD>		<TD ALIGN="right"><%= objItem.Size %></TD>		<TD ALIGN="left" ><%= objItem.DateCreated %></TD>		<TD ALIGN="left" ><%= objItem.Type %></TD>	</TR>	<%	End IfNext 'objItemFor Each objItem In objFolder.Files	%>	<TR BGCOLOR="#CCFFCC">		<TD ALIGN="left" ><%'= ShowImageForType(objItem.Name) %><A HREF="<%= strPath & objItem.Name %>"><%= objItem.Name %></A></TD>		<TD ALIGN="right"><%= objItem.Size %></TD>		<TD ALIGN="left" ><%= objItem.DateCreated %></TD>		<TD ALIGN="left" ><%= objItem.Type %></TD>	</TR>	<%Next 'objItemSet objItem = NothingSet objFolder = NothingSet objFSO = Nothing%></TABLE>

    Thanks very muchJon

  3. I've got a content management system setup for my site, but i'm having problems how to work out how to create alternate colours in a table.The page displays a list of pages that exist in the database. But how do i make each one have a different background colour, so it's easier to read?Here is what i am using at the moment to display the pages:

     <table width="100%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="pagelistings">							<tr>							  <td><span class="style12">Page Title </span></td>							  <td><span class="style12">Last Editied On </span></td>							  <td> </td>							</tr>							<tr>							  <td colspan="4"><span class="style6"></span></td>								  <%		strSQL = "Select * FROM tblContent ORDER BY Name"		rs.Open strSQL, strCon				do while not rs.eof	%>							</tr>							<tr>							  <td><span class="style6">							  <% =removeHTML(rs("Name")) %>							  </span></td>							  <td><span class="style6">							  <% =rs("LastEdit") %>							  </span></td>							  <td><div align="center" class="style6"><a href="page_edit.asp?Title=<% =server.URLEncode(removeHTML(rs("Name"))) %>" class="leftnavbg">Edit </a></div></td>							</tr>								<%		rs.movenext		loop	%>						  </table>

    Any help is appreciated.ThanksJon

  4. Hi all,Just a question, i am wondering whether this is possible...I found this page, so whether i can use some of the way show i dont know. http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/faq/...iate/faq3.shtmlCould i make a script to show something for a certain week of the year, and certain day and certain time.So for example, say for example, could i do this:REQUEST NOWIF WEEK = 1 THENIF DAY = 1 {{{WHICH IS START OF WEEK, MONDAY OR SUNDAY ????????}}}IF TIME >0000 & <0700 then <img src=midnight_7am.jpg>IF TIME >0700 & <1000 then <img src=7am_10am.jpg>IF TIME >1000 & < 1300 then <img src=10am_1pm.jpg> {{{ETC ETC}}}IF DAY = 2IF TIME >0000 & <0700 then <img src=midnight_7am.jpg>IF TIME >0700 & <1000 then <img src=7am_10am.jpg>IF TIME >1000 & < 1300 then <img src=10am_1pm.jpg> {{{ETC ETC}}}IF WEEK = 2 THENIF DAY = 1 {{{WHICH IS START OF WEEK, MONDAY OR SUNDAY ????????}}}IF TIME >0000 & <0700 then <img src=midnight_7am.jpg>IF TIME >0700 & <1000 then <img src=7am_10am.jpg>IF TIME >1000 & < 1300 then <img src=10am_1pm.jpg> {{{ETC ETC}}}IF DAY = 2IF TIME >0000 & <0700 then <img src=midnight_7am.jpg>IF TIME >0700 & <1000 then <img src=7am_10am.jpg>IF TIME >1000 & < 1300 then <img src=10am_1pm.jpg> {{{ETC ETC}}}IF WEEK = 3 THENIF DAY = 1 {{{WHICH IS START OF WEEK, MONDAY OR SUNDAY ????????}}}IF TIME >0000 & <0700 then <img src=midnight_7am.jpg>IF TIME >0700 & <1000 then <img src=7am_10am.jpg>IF TIME >1000 & < 1300 then <img src=10am_1pm.jpg> {{{ETC ETC}}}IF DAY = 2IF TIME >0000 & <0700 then <img src=midnight_7am.jpg>IF TIME >0700 & <1000 then <img src=7am_10am.jpg>IF TIME >1000 & < 1300 then <img src=10am_1pm.jpg> {{{ETC ETC}}}If anyone can point me in the right direction, be appreciated. Thanks!Jon

  5. Years ago when i could only just write HTML (there was a few years ago now) i was asked to help out by a friend of mine who owned a web design company, they were making a new website.He knew i had an interest in building websites, and his company was a microsoft partner, they specialised in ASP technologies.After helping out on the new site i learnt alot about asp and i went on to learn asp and now thats all i use, i dont know php, but the functions it can do seem pretty good, but i feel that anything php can do asp can also do.I dont know whether i would have gone to learn php if it hadn't been for my friends company specialising in asp.I admit i have looked at php a few times, but cant say i have really taken much of an interest in it as i now happily use asp.

  6. Hi All,Hope everyone is well.I have recently looked at someting called Consolo CMS. It seems very easy for the end user to use, but to setup i am having problems.Web link: CONSOLO CMSI have my own template page that i want to use, but cant work out how to put it into the site, so if anyone can help it would be appreciated.My page looks like this::

    <html><head><title>Website</title>	<body bgcolor="#666666" marginleft="0" marginright="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"></head><body><table align="center" width="640" height="160" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">	<tr>		<td width="200"><img src="menu_left1.jpg" border="0" height="100%" width="100%">		<td width="440"><img src="main_right1.jpg" border="0" height="100%" width="100%">	</tr></table><table align="center" width="640" height="420" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="table1">	<tr>		<td valign="top" bgcolor="#545454" width="198">		<table valign="top" height="160" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">		<tr>		<td align="center" bgcolor="#333333">		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#333333"><img src="side_div.jpg" align="left"><a href="index.asp" 				class="menulink"><b>Home</b></a>		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#000000" height="1">		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#333333"><img src="side_div.jpg" align="left"><a href="backstage.asp" 				class="menulink"><b>Backstage</b></a>		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#000000" height="1">		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#333333"><img src="side_div.jpg" align="left"><a href="photos.asp" 				class="menulink"><b>Photos</b></a>		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#000000" height="1">		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#333333"><img src="side_div.jpg" align="left"><a href="tickets.asp" 				class="menulink"><b>Ticket Info </b></a>		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#000000" height="1">		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#333333"><img src="side_div.jpg" align="left"><a href="cast.asp" 				class="menulink"><b>Cast Info </b></a>		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#000000" height="1">		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#333333"><img src="side_div.jpg" align="left"><a href="contact.asp" 				class="menulink"><b>Contact Us </b></a>		</tr>		<tr>		<td align="left" bgcolor="#000000" height="1">		</tr>		</table><br><table align="center" height="320" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" border="0">	<tr>			<td valign="top" bgcolor="#545454">			<div class="about"><b>In Assocation With </b></div>			<p><img src="172668.jpg" width="113" height="116"><br>				</p>			<div class="menulink3" align="right"><a href="http://www.musicradiolive.com/musicradiolive.asp" target="_blank" class="menulink3">>>> Learn More</a></div>	</tr></table><table valign="center" height="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">	<tr>		<td valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">	</tr></table>		<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="440">		<table align="center" height="160" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="table2">		<tr>		<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">		<img src="menu_middle.jpg" align="left">		<div align="left" class="style3">		  <p><u>Show Dates: </u><br>   				<strong>Saturday November 25th 2006</strong><br>			3pm (Doors Open 2:30pm)<br>			7:30pm (Doors Open 7pm)			<br>			<br>			<strong>Sunday November 26th 2006</strong> <br>		  3pm (Doors Open 2:30pm)</p>		  </div>	</tr>		</table><!-------------------------------------- THIS IS THE PART I WANT TO BE EDITABLE ---------------------><!---- start edit ----><table align="center" height="336" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="30" class="table3">	<tr>		<td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">				<div class="style6"><b>Letter From Webmaster<br>		  04 October 2006 ¦ 18:03</b></div>		<p class="style2"><font color="#122258">MY CONTENT HERE</p>		<div align="right"><a href="#" class="menulink2">Read full post ....</a></div>		</tr></table>	</tr></table><!---- end edit ----><table align="center" height="80" width="640" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">	<tr>		<td align="center" bgcolor="#666666" width="199">		<td valign="bottom"><img src="bottom_div.jpg" height="100%" width="100%">	</tr></table></body></html>

    Thanks in advance everyone!

  7. Hi.I am passing some information over using a QueryString.But i want the next page to lookup the information for that record depending on the QueryString.Its a request system.The first page the users sees they search the database to find what they want. When they find it they click it.The link is setup as

    <a href="request.asp?which=<%= rstSearch.Fields("track_id").Value %>">Request</a>

    The database has got a code for each track stored in it. I've called it track_id (its a random number and its unique)On the request page i then want this:

    <form method="post" action="request_process.asp"><input type="hidden" name="track_id" value="<%=Request.QueryString("track")%>">  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	<tr>	  <td><span class="style7">Requested Track </span></td>	  <td> </td>	  <td><label for="label"></label>	  <input type="text" name="requested_track" value="<%= I WANT THE track_artist SHOWN HERE %> -<%= I WANT THE track_title SHOWN HERE %>">" onFocus="this.blur()"></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td><span class="style7">Your Name </span></td>	  <td> </td>	  <td><label for="label2"></label>	  <input type="text" name="your_name">></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td><span class="style7">E-Mail Address </span></td>	  <td> </td>	  <td><label for="label3"></label>	  <input type="text" name="email_address"></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td><span class="style7">Telephone Number </span></td>	  <td> </td>	  <td><label for="label4"></label>	  <input type="text" name="tel_number"></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td><p class="style7">Message To Go With Request<br />  		  <br />		  <br />		  <br />			<br />  		  <br />		  <br />	  </p>	  </td>	  <td> </td>	  <td><label for="label5"></label>		<label for="textarea"></label>	  <textarea name="textarea" rows="5" id="textarea"></textarea></td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td colspan="3"><div align="center">		<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="-----> Send Request! <-----" id="Submit" />	  </div></td>	</tr>  </table></form>

    Obviously i want the artist & title to be shown, but i want it to lookup the track_id number to see who the artist and title is.They are called track_id & track_title & track_artist in the databaseI assume i will need to use an SQl string to lookit up, how do i make it do a where depending on the querystring??Thanks in advance.- Jon

  8. If anybody is ever interested in ASP hosting, get on over to www.123connect.co.ukI am setting up and internet radio station and these guys have bent over backwards to help.Drop them an email and ask for Jeff, tell them Music Radio Live sent you over, they'll give you a good deal :)

  9. Domains used to be kinda free with a few companies.I found freenetname and NDO (Net Direct Online)They gave you a free domain name but to update the domain name you had to be connected to their 56k 0845 Dial Up number.They didn't seem to check the domain either, cos i cheated them a few times.I connected once and uploded a REDIRECTING page to elsewhere :)Unfortunately, neither of them are doing the deal anymore :)

  10. Well, i done a whois lookup,the site comes under 1 & 1 Internet Inc.I check out their site, it looks like you get subdomains.http://order.1and1.com/xml/order/Instant;j...amp;__lf=StaticYou get a control panel as part of your hosting.Having a quick look through the description of their control panel, it probably comes under the Domain Management section.I am used to setting up things like sub domains on servers, so if you want any help please PM me and i will assist you.- Jon

  11. i've downloaded the webmail source code, and i have tried to install it into my website, but everytime i load up the default page it keeps redirecting to the diags page, even though it dont exist on the server anymore.one thing i did notice, it says mail control isn't registered, but i dont own the server so i can install anything on it, any suggestions?

  12. Is this correct? I'm not sure whether i got my head around it right or not.

    Record 1<br>Title <input type="text" name="title1"><br>Name <input type="text" name="name1"><br>Address <input type="text" name="address1"><br><br><br>Record 2<br>Title <input type="text" name="title2"><br>Name <input type="text" name="name2"><br>Address <input type="text" name="address3"><br><br><br>Record 3<br>Title <input type="text" name="title3"><br>Name <input type="text" name="name3"><br>Address <input type="text" name="address3"><br>

    Code for write the records to the MDB file:

    <%Dim adoCon Dim rsAddInformation Dim strSQL Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("data.mdb")Set rsAddInformation = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")strSQL = "SELECT mine.title, mine.name, mine.address FROM mine;"rsAddInformation.CursorType = 2rsAddInformation.LockType = 3rsAddInformation.Open strSQL, adoConDim this_field1(100)Dim this_field2(100)Dim this_field3(100)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<TRHIS IS THE BIT I DIDN'T QUITE KNOW HOW TO ADJUST THE MOST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for i=1 to Request.Form("this_field1").Count()this_field1(i)=Request.Form("this_field1")(i)this_field2(i)=Request.Form("this_field2")(i)this_field3(i)=Request.Form("this_field3")(i)rsAddInformation.AddNewrsAddInformation.Fields("this_field1") = this_field1(i)rsAddInformation.Fields("this_field2") = this_field2(i)rsAddInformation.Fields("this_field3") = this_field3(i)rsAddInformation.UpdatenextrsAddInformation.CloseadoCon.Close%>

  13. Hi All.I know how to insert data into a database using a form, but how do i go about adding MULTIPLE records?So basiclaly code will be:

    Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field1"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field2"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field3"><br>

    Blah blah blahBUT,Can i have so it does:

    Information 1<br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field1"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field2"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field3"><br><br><br>Information 2<br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field1(SECOND RECORD)"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field2(SECOND RECORD)"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field3(SECOND RECORD)"><br><br><br>Information 3<br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field1(THIRD RECORD)"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field2(THIRD RECORD)"><br>Enter This <input type="text" name="this_field3(THIRD RECORD)"><br>

    The process page which will save the data currently looks like this:

    <%Dim adoCon Dim rsAddInformation Dim strSQL Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("my_database.mdb")Set rsAddInformation = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")strSQL = "SELECT tblmine.this_field1, tblmine.this_field2, tblmine.this_field3 FROM tblmine;"rsAddInformation.CursorType = 2rsAddInformation.LockType = 3rsAddInformation.Open strSQL, adoConrsAddInformation.AddNewrsAddInformation.Fields("this_field1") = Request.Form("this_field1")rsAddInformation.Fields("this_field2") = Request.Form("this_field2")rsAddInformation.Fields("this_field3") = Request.Form("this_field3")rsAddInformation.Update[ CODE TO SHOW ADDED INFORMATION WILL GO HERE]%>

    Thanks In Advance :)

  14. Site Name: Music Radio LiveSite Description: Internet radio station based in Norwich. Working as a non profit organisation the station trains young people aged 12 and 30 into various aspects of radio.Site Owner/Developer: Jon Watson (Managing Director Of Music Radio Live)Site Address: http://www.musicradiolive.comExtra Comments: The station is always looking for more staff, all contact details are on the website.

  15. Can you show us a script?If you are querying using a QueryString then refreshing wont help.If you are using sessions or some other way, somebody around here might be able to work out a way of doing it.Cn you post the script page and your query page (processing page) and peple will take a look for you.

  16. ONe idea is maybe if you have got your own website, what does it support? You could always setup your own blog system (download a script off the net)If it's ASP then i could help.I might be able to provide some ASP hosting for a blog as well if you definately cant get any. I noticed you have got a domain name, what does the domain server support?If it doesn't support ASP and you would be interested in setting up an ASP blog then i'll help, as long as you dont mind me placing an advert at the top of the page?

  17. I've been writing a system that required me to update fields in a database.I have got mine working now after getting lots of help on here and playing around with the code.Take a look at mine and see if you can find anything that helps.First, the page with the form to make the updates with:

    <%Dim adoConDim rsUpdateDim strSQL Dim lngRecordNo lngRecordNo = CLng(Request.QueryString("ID"))Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("show1.mdb") Set rsUpdate = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT tblSeats.* FROM tblSeats WHERE ID=" & lngRecordNorsUpdate.Open strSQL, adoCon%> <html><head><title>Make Booking</title><style type="text/css"><!--.style8 {font-size: 9px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }--></style><% randomizerandom_number=int(rnd*9)+1%><%RandomizeFor counter = 1 to 5random_number = Int(26 * Rnd + 97)random_letter = Chr(random_number)password = password & random_letterNext%></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black"><!-- Begin form code --><form name="form" method="post" action="show1_makebooking_process.asp"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">  <tr>	<td><span class="style8">Seat</span></td>	<td width="10" rowspan="7"> </td>	<td><select name="seat">	  <option><% = rsUpdate("Seat") %></option>	</select>	</td>  </tr>  <tr>	<td><span class="style8">Forename</span></td>	<td><input type="text" name="cust_forename" value="<% = rsUpdate("cust_forename") %>"></td>  </tr>  <tr>	<td><span class="style8">Surname</span></td>	<td><input type="text" name="cust_surname" value="<% = rsUpdate("cust_surname") %>"></td>  </tr>  <tr>	<td><p class="style8">Address</p>	  <p class="style8"> </p></td>	<td><textarea name="cust_address"><% = rsUpdate("cust_address") %></textarea></td>  </tr>  <tr>	<td><span class="style8">Postcode</span></td>	<td><input type="text" name="cust_postcode" value="<% = rsUpdate("cust_postcode") %>"></td>  </tr>  <tr>	<td><span class="style8">Tel Number </span></td>	<td><input name="cust_area_code" type="text" size="5" value="<% = rsUpdate("cust_area_code") %>">	  <input name="cust_tel_number" type="text" size="18" value="<% = rsUpdate("cust_tel_number") %>"></td>  </tr>  <tr>	<input type="hidden" name="status" value="Booked">	<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<% = rsUpdate("ID") %>"><input type="hidden" name="cust_book_id" value="<%= random_number %><%= password %>"><input type="hidden" name="booked_date" value="<%response.write(date())%>">	<td colspan="3"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="MAKE BOOKING"></td>	</tr></table></form><!-- End form code --></body></html><%rsUpdate.CloseSet rsUpdate = NothingSet adoCon = Nothing%>

    Secondly, the processing page (where the form is sent to)

    <%Dim adoCon  Dim rsUpdateEntry  Dim strSQL   Dim lngRecordNo  lngRecordNo = CLng(Request.Form("ID"))Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("show1.mdb")  Set rsUpdateEntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")strSQL = "SELECT tblSeats.* FROM tblSeats WHERE ID=" & lngRecordNo rsUpdateEntry.CursorType = 2rsUpdateEntry.LockType = 3rsUpdateEntry.Open strSQL, adoConrsUpdateEntry.Fields("Status") = Request.Form("Status")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Cust_Forename") = Request.Form("Cust_Forename")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Cust_Surname") = Request.Form("Cust_Surname")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Cust_Book_ID") = Request.Form("Cust_Book_ID")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Cust_Address") = Request.Form("Cust_Address")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Cust_Postcode") = Request.Form("Cust_Postcode")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Cust_Area_Code") = Request.Form("Cust_Area_Code")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Cust_Tel_Number") = Request.Form("Cust_Tel_number")rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Booked_Date") = Request.Form("Booked_Date")rsUpdateEntry.UpdatersUpdateEntry.CloseSet rsUpdateEntry = NothingSet adoCon = Nothing'I HAVE ADDED THIS LINE FOR YOU, IF YOU WANT TO REDIRECT THE USER TO ANOTHER PAGE THEN USE THIS, BUT I AM SHOWING THEIR BOOKING CONFIRMATION INSTEAD'Response.Redirect "your-page-here.asp"%> <html><head><title>Booking Confirmation</title></head><body><font face="verdana" color="#666666">Thank you</font><br><br><font face="verdana" color="#000000">The booking has been made. Please record your reference number.<br><br>Your Unique Reference Number Is: <b><% = Request.Form("Cust_Book_ID") %></b><br><br><br><a href="/default.asp">Click Here To Return To The Show Selector</a></font></body></html>

    I hope that helps you :)

  18. Is the blog one you host on your own site or use a service?If its a service then it might be in their settings, but if it's one that is hosted on your site we will need to see the coding for it.There might be a setting in there somewhere.

  19. Urmm, has anyone around here ever attempted this?Although it's not important for the script i am writing, it would be a cool feature to have.I have a page that will display a table according to whats in the database, and want to be able to provide a printer friendly page, to do that i would like to send it over to word (cos it looks more posh lol)Anyone got any ideas how to do that? Be interesting to know how to do.

  20. In regards to hosting, i run a radio station called Music Radio LiveWe are a non profit organisation, and our entire team are volunteers.Everything we have got is via sponsorship, one of our sponsors is 123 Connect.Check them out at www.123connect.co.ukAsk for Jeff and tell him Music Radio Live referred you, he'll look after you, Excellent company, good value and very helpful.

  21. Well, before we can answer the question, you need to know what server you got.They couldn't make it simple and have one way of doing it.Find out whether you have Cdonts, JMail etc and let us know.We can then help you put the script together :)

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