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  1. function getCities(obj){ var oXmlHttp = createXMLHttp(); oXmlHttp.open("GET", "GetCities.aspx?StateInitials=" +obj.value, true); oXmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if(oXmlHttp.readyState == 4) { if(oXmlHttp.status == 200) { displayMsg(oXmlHttp.responseText); }else { displayMsg("An error occurred:" + oXmlHttp.statusText); } }} oXmlHttp.send(""); } the page is not opening oXmlHttp.open("GET", "GetCities.aspx?StateInitials=" +obj.value, true);and there is no error in my javascript.. what could be the problem?
  2. how can i used the web cache in dropdown box..i have 2 dropdownbox, dropdown1 w/ 5 list item. (autopostback=true)<asp:listitem>1<asp:listitem>2</asp:listitem>etc.in dropdown2, value will be depending on the item that will be selected on dropdwn1.sample;if i select in dropdown1 the "1", it will query all records with no. "1" then it will be post in dropdown2..and vice versa when i select the "2", my problem is when i select again the "1", it will query again the records in the dbase, and it really takes a long time to load the page again...how can i use the cache to past the of records with "1" in the cache, and then use it again when i need..it will a lot easier to load the page cause the data is already in the memory rather than getting it from database again and againthnx
  3. here's my code://page name: mypage.aspxif(!IsPostBack){ //my select query===// if(d.GetCompanyNameLookup(ref dsCompanyName, ref strErrorDescription)) { cboAltCompany.DataSource = dsCompanyName.Tables[0]; thiscboAltCompany.DataTextField="INSTITUTE"; cboAltCompany.DataBind(); } //end//}//code when i submit//private void ImageButton2_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e) { if(objResume.AddEducation(lngResumeId, strDegree, strInstitute)) { Response.Redirect("mypage.aspx"); } }//my problem is when the page redirect, even if i used the ispostback, it also takes too long to load againor even if i had another dropdown with autopostback value="true" it is still reading my query that is why it takes time to load the page//is ASP.NET Caching capable for storing multiple records like all the value in the dropdown
  4. sign_seventh

    fetch record

    hi , i have 6 dropdown in my page, each dropdown consist of big data, i have a problem when the page is reloading cause it takes to much time to load the page again, is there a way which i get all the data in the first load of the page (and pass it to a function or anything).. then when the page reload again the page will not load too long ( i will use the data which i pass in he function). is that possible?
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