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Posts posted by zeehond

  1. I would like to request a simple table coding in CSS code for blogger and find a way out how to solve the large gap when creating a table. It seems there's no way i can solve the huge empty gap that brings the table way down to the bottom and the gap keep increases for every <td></td>. I need your expertise or anyone else who know how to do it simple way  :) . Thank you

    <td> </td>. :)
  2. It's better to use floating elements Put your images in a div<div class="imageBlock"><img src="bla1.gif"><img src="bla2.gif"><img src="bla3.gif"><img src="bla4.gif"><img src="bla5.gif"><img src="bla6.gif"></div>then in your CSS:

    div.imageBlock { width:550px; } div.imageBlock img { display:block; float:left;  margin:0 10px 10px 0; width:200px; height:200px; }

    now u can add several images in the div without changing it's "personal" classnames :)I'll hope this is what u wanted :)

  3. for IE, whatever element you're using, make the same element in your css sheet, like..
    .main { height:100%; }.main { height:expression(document.body.clientHeight + "px"); }

    the second one will only be parsed by windows MSIE, although it will make your CSS not w3 standard. any other non-msie browser will just read the first one. MSIE will see the second and use that value instead.Also, I could never get "height=100%" to work in firefox without any additional text after it. Are you a warlock?

    The problem is that firefox not knows that de Body and HTML tag are 100% height.So put this ur CSShtml,body {height:100%;}Also is this usefull/* mozilla hax \*/html>body div.mainDiv{ height:auto;}/* mozilla hax */try it, if it's still not working let us know :)
  4. Suppose I have the following:
    <style type="text/css">#parent{  width: 750px;  margin: auto;}#child{  float: right;  width: 250px;}</style><div id="parent">  ...  <div id="child">    ...  </div></div>

    In IE, the parent div extends down to fully encompass the child div, even if the child's content is longer than the parent's.  But in more standards-compliant browsers, the parent div ends when its non-child content ends, and if the child is longer it extends down out of the parent.Is there any way in CSS to specify the behavior being seen in IE?  That is, to have the parent div always fully encompass the child div within its padding, even though it's floated?-cyber0nehttp://www.cyber0ne.com

    I hope this is what u needput overflow:hidden; in the div that need to stretchotherwise u can put a <br style="clear:right" /> AFTER the floating DIV
    <style type="text/css">#parent{ width: 750px; margin: auto; overflow:hidden; background-color:#F00;}#child{ float: right; width: 250px; background-color:#0F0;}</style><div id="parent"> ...Parent <div id="child">   ...Child </div><!-- <br style="clear:right" /> THIS br u can use if your not want 2 use the overflow:hidden; in the parent div --></div>


  5. Greetings, I'm new here, and am learning CSS design, but I'm having a slight bit of a problem and as I try diffrent things, I'm getting more lost. I have my own site with a dev page for testing my design here http://www.g0nk.com/blog/dev.html and the stylesheet is http://www.g0nk.com/blog/g0nk.cssWhat I am trying to do, is make the footer box stay to the bottom, under the main content area.. At first I aboslute positioned it to the bottom, but once the main content grew enough to get to the bottom, it would not push the footer down, only leave it in it's position and display under the footer..I'm kinda at a loss now and not sure how to fix this.. any help would be appreciated.. Thanks!g0nk

    Put a div in ur body and place all u want in it ( imagfes, text etc )give this div a Padding-bottom:25px;:)if your footer is 100px high then padding-bottom:100px;now ur content wil not dissappear behind your footer
  6. I have had the problem before myself and never found a solutions.  This was the most enlighting article I found at the time.  I hope I am not violating a rule by posting another page here but it does go into this subject in depth.http://www.quirksmode.org/css/100percheight.htmlJed

    <html><style type="text/css"><!-- html, body { height:100%; }body { margin:0; padding:0; }div.mainDiv { position:relative; min-height:100%; height:100%; width:400px; background-color:#F00; }/* mozilla hax \*/html>body div.mainDiv{ height:auto;}/* mozilla hax */--></style><body> <div class="mainDiv"> content Text </div> </body></html> :)
  7. Hi,I have a website that will have a min-height of 100%, and stretch if the text is more than that. In IE, however, it doesn't allow min-height (as many CSS developers know). I tried using this hack:
    min-height: 100%;height: auto;_height: 100%;

    But it doesn't work in IE, although using _height: ***px does. I don't want an absolute value though, as I'd like it to stretch like it does in good ol' firefox.Any ideas?Thanks a lot,Matt

    try my code belowcopy/paste en give a smile  :o <html><style type="text/css"><!--   html, body {  height:100%; }body {  margin:0;  padding:0; }div.mainDiv {  position:relative;  min-height:100%;  height:100%;  width:400px;  background-color:#F00;  }/* mozilla hax \*/html>body div.mainDiv{   height:auto;}/* mozilla hax */--></style><body>	<div class="mainDiv">  content Text	</div>	</body></html>

    I hope this fixes ur problem :)

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